Karzai gets bags of cash from Iran


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Afghan Leader Admits His Office Gets Cash from Iran

KABUL, Afghanistan — President Hamid Karzai acknowledged on Monday that he regularly receives bags of cash from the Iranian government in payments amounting to millions of dollars, as evidence mounted of a worsening rift between his government and its American and NATO supporters.

“They do give us bags of money — yes, yes, it is done,” Mr. Karzai said, responding to questions

Asked what he does in return for the Iranian money, Mr. Karzai said: “They have asked for good relations in return and for lots of other things in return.”

Mr. Karzai says others give him cash payments as well. “The United States is doing the same thing. They are providing cash to some of our offices,” he said. report in The New York Times on Sunday that Iran sends regular cash payments to his chief of staff, Umar Daudzai. “We are grateful to the Iranians for this.”

Both Iran and the US are giving Karzai and his government "bags of money"?

He says that Iran wants good relations and "lots of other things" in return?

What do you make of all that?