Let us all poop in the bushes instead of in the water. The sea, our primary food source, will thank

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Let us all poop in the bushes instead of in the water. The sea, our primary food source, will thank us.

All human waste should be used to make arable land instead of killing our primary food and cooling source. The sea.

Funny as it may sound, the wold has been producing arable land from animal waste forever. We lose that benefit by pumping our human waste into the sea.

A sea that will cost us trillions and impoverish many in the next 25 years, as it rises and forces us to spend trillions on infrastructure.

Add in the trillions that the wars that famines create and you have a depression style of life. All in the next 25 odd years. Happy days?

And all of this happens as the world population increases to its estimated plateau of 10 billion people, who will need to burn even more fossil fuels and add even more to global weather carnage.

I think we all suffer from a case of collective insanity.

A good reversal of that would be a collective protecting of our primary food source and create more arable land to feed the hordes of bodies that we will have to sustain. Human food needs fertilizing and human waste makes a great fertilizer after it becomes arable land.

Let us all poop in the bushes instead of in the water. I mean pump our sewage onto land of course.

This links leads to a longer one that all should view.

While there are many causes of Global warming we can only tackle what w can.
We can get rid of coal but we can\t get rid of cows.
While there are many causes of Global warming we can only tackle what w can.
We can get rid of coal but we can\t get rid of cows.

We are driving many species to extinction.

To say we cannot choose drive a specific animal to extinction would be wrong. Then again, I did not mention extinction but would advocate one hell of a culling as they are killing our fresh water supply and polluting the air more than human transportation does.

You wouldn't shit us , would you?
If I'm worried about crashing, I cant enjoy the ride.
Doesn't the Secondteenth ammendment guarantee us the right to shit where ever we want?

A little shit never hurt anyone, after all aren't we all full of it?

Have a happy crap.

Yeh Yah
Let us all poop in the bushes instead of in the water. The sea, our primary food source, will thank us.

All human waste should be used to make arable land instead of killing our primary food and cooling source. The sea.

Funny as it may sound, the wold has been producing arable land from animal waste forever. We lose that benefit by pumping our human waste into the sea.

A sea that will cost us trillions and impoverish many in the next 25 years, as it rises and forces us to spend trillions on infrastructure.

Add in the trillions that the wars that famines create and you have a depression style of life. All in the next 25 odd years. Happy days?

And all of this happens as the world population increases to its estimated plateau of 10 billion people, who will need to burn even more fossil fuels and add even more to global weather carnage.

I think we all suffer from a case of collective insanity.

A good reversal of that would be a collective protecting of our primary food source and create more arable land to feed the hordes of bodies that we will have to sustain. Human food needs fertilizing and human waste makes a great fertilizer after it becomes arable land.

Let us all poop in the bushes instead of in the water. I mean pump our sewage onto land of course.

This links leads to a longer one that all should view.


Nothing in Nature Is Where It Belongs Unless Man Put It There

We've barely scratched the surface of the Earth's resources. We are far from overpopulated; if Alaska had the population density of New Jersey, it would have 700 million people. Science is the answer, as it always has been. The loud doomsayers are Zero-Growth academic gurus, who are B students jealous of A students. Expecting those sterile eunuchs to tell you how to think is like expecting sportswriters to teach you how to become an athlete.
You wouldn't shit us , would you?
If I'm worried about crashing, I cant enjoy the ride.
Doesn't the Secondteenth ammendment guarantee us the right to shit where ever we want?

A little shit never hurt anyone, after all aren't we all full of it?

Have a happy crap.

Yeh Yah
TV Is a Millionaire Showing You Pictures of His Kids

If the tiny New Age clique didn't have influence far beyond its numbers, people would realize that its whole agenda is as silly as saying that a ten-year-old should be allowed to vote and drive a car. Time to laugh at them as the spoiled nutcases they are; they are nothing without their Daddies' Money. Drum that into them--they know it's true--and make them drop out and live in the woods until they suffer the fate of that ridiculous Timmy Treadwell.
You wouldn't shit us , would you?
If I'm worried about crashing, I cant enjoy the ride.
Doesn't the Secondteenth ammendment guarantee us the right to shit where ever we want?

A little shit never hurt anyone, after all aren't we all full of it?

No, but you seem to be.

Nothing in Nature Is Where It Belongs Unless Man Put It There

We've barely scratched the surface of the Earth's resources. We are far from overpopulated; if Alaska had the population density of New Jersey, it would have 700 million people. Science is the answer, as it always has been. The loud doomsayers are Zero-Growth academic gurus, who are B students jealous of A students. Expecting those sterile eunuchs to tell you how to think is like expecting sportswriters to teach you how to become an athlete.

If you followed that link, you would not so foolishly.

Do try to inform yourself.

Do try to inform yourself.
We have the best weatherman in the country here in the DFW area. His ability to forecast the weather 5 days into the future sucks.
So some Berkeley brainfart can predict the weather for years into the future with accuracy?
Since plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, wouldn't the gas inside a greenhouse be mostly oxygen? So why are they calling Co2 greenhouse gas?

If you have one foot into tomorrow and one foot into yesterday you're in a perfect position to shit all over today.

Scientific studies claim that smoking cigarettes will kill you. I have smoked for 67 years, so why in the hell have I not become dead?
Hell I don't even take any medication at all, not even aspirin. Am I special or what? My guess is that alcohol kills more people in a day than smoking
does in a year, yet the alcohol industry is given a pass when it comes to advertising. No adds saying you need to quit drinking. Only DRINK RESPONSIBLY?
Yes sir that's what we need, RESPONSIBLE DRUNKS driving our highways. That my friend is science at it's finest.

So enjoy today, it's a gift. That is why it is called the present.
By the way, what do you gain from spreading this scientific shit? My opinion is that if you delve too deep into shit like this, you'll end up cross threading your nuts.

Here's how smart the fracking scientists are, we travel 34 million miles, spend billions trying to find life on Mars and there's more life in one drop of water here on Earth
than on that whole damn planet.

Have a blessed day! YEH YAH
Scientific studies claim that smoking cigarettes will kill you. I have smoked for 67 years, so why in the hell have I not become dead?
Hell I don't even take any medication at all, not even aspirin. Am I special or what? My guess is that alcohol kills more people in a day than smoking
Lighten Up About Lighting Up

The born-rich are sissies afraid of the Marlboro Man. They used their enormous unearned power to promote the anti-tobacco agenda for such personal reasons. I had my first clue about that back in 1964. In the same year, the novel The Honey Badger mentioned this unusual new fad among the younger generation of the rich.

An oncologist is a Mama's Boy who doesn't earn a living until he is 30 because he's afraid to grow up. Don't expect a cure from nerd eunuchs. And if they're not smart enough to cure cancer, why are we led to believe that they're smart enough to know what causes it. The data show only that smoking locates cancer, which people are genetically programmed to get somewhere anyway.
View that documentary and wonder why the U.N. did not deny any of it's claims.
I would still like to know how you would benefit if we agreed with this worrywart bullshit? I have my suspicions, but I'd rather hear it from you.

If you would be so kind, then I will voice my thoughts on the matter.

To parrot the "Duke" "Life's hard, harder if you're stupid"

Keep an eye on those threads.
I would still like to know how you would benefit if we agreed with this worrywart bullshit? I have my suspicions, but I'd rather hear it from you.

If you would be so kind, then I will voice my thoughts on the matter.

I am presently basically immune from global climate change as that only bodes well for Canada thanks to our geographic location. It will cost me some cash in higher taxes to save our infrastructure but that is acceptable and not a hardship.

I will likely be dead before the benefits to my children and grand children from my meager efforts in this issue.

You trying to make me a profiteer from any changes is foolish.
