Liberal arrested by Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh home

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Yes a young liberal killer with a knife and gun was arrested near the justices home after making threats to kill the justice. He was from california.
Maybe they will start enforcing the law instead of liberals encouraging nut bars
chunky the smuck Schumer sad democrats would make him pay for voting to overturn the decision roe v wade.
This is how democrats do things , they encourage violene just like they did with the blm riots and much more
Yes a young liberal killer with a knife and gun was arrested near the justices home after making threats to kill the justice. He was from california.
Maybe they will start enforcing the law instead of liberals encouraging nut bars
I haven't seen any evidence he was a liberal. Perhaps you can prove that.
Prove it or please shutt up. I know you can't because you have no evidence if it. You fabricated

it because it was cal.
Im sure hes a hard core republican or a Mormon or a Catholic being from california and upset over roe v wade being reversed only makes sense right. Most of the protesters in front of the justices home must be its logical.
Im sure hes a hard core republican or a Mormon or a Catholic being from california and upset over roe v wade being reversed only makes sense right. Most of the protesters in front of the justices home must be its logical.
Again, you haven't shown evidence. I must chuckle at you suggestingbit must be because its logical. Not good enough for me.
If you can't prove, say nothing.
naturally you dont want the truth to get out boris I can see why
What reason do I have to not want it to get out? I have asked you to prove it yet you think I want it kept secretive. That makes no sense.
Again, your big mouth has taken you to places you'd rather not be. I told you about posting unsubstantiated stories and this is another example.

Its taking you a while to pick it up. Keep going. You will.
What reason do I have to not want it to get out? I have asked you to prove it yet you think I want it kept secretive. That makes no sense.
Again, your big mouth has taken you to places you'd rather not be. I told you about posting unsubstantiated stories and this is another example.

Its taking you a while to pick it up. Keep going. You will.
Boris you lug nut its all over the news lol o yes I forget it takes awhile to get to that shat hole you live in outside Iran
you have an amusing history of making up "facts" and then cowardly refusing to prove them. lol
Cut to the chase Einstein. Tell us exactly what the truth is. I'll bet you can't.
Of course I can Boris but can you thats the question . I doubt you would know the truth . But read the link if you know how to Boris the blind .

I like how democrats tried to say it didnt happen lol sound like some of your lies Boris