Michael McCaul claims China contemplating sending 100 drones into Russia


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. ....Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, the Republican lawmaker who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told ABC News on Sunday that U.S. intelligence pointed to the possible transfer of Chinese unmanned aerial vehicles to Russia. This was the first public corroboration of a recent German magazine report that said the same.

"We have intelligence that's been reported that they are contemplating sending 100 drones into Russia. We also know they're buying all their energy from them, economically supporting them," McCaul told Martha Raddatz on the This Week program.

The congressman said he wasn't able to discuss "other lethal weapons" China was considering sending to Russia. However, McCaul added that the potential development was "very disturbing."....

Source Link: https://www.newsweek.com/china-russia-ukraine-war-lethal-weapons-drones-1783934

2. ...."We are watching closely," Jake Sullivan told ABC "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz. "We know they haven't taken it off the table. And we are sending a clear message, as are our European allies, that this would be a real mistake because those weapons would be used to bombard cities and kill civilians, and China should want no part of that."

Sullivan said it was difficult to say whether China is "backing on, backing off" of the decision but that "what I can say is so far, we have not seen them do it."

Chinese officials have defended their relationship with Russia as "built on the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third countries."....

Source Link: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/chi...a-ukraine-real-mistake-jake/story?id=97466417

3. Do Mr McCaul, all other US propagandists and their lackeys honestly believe that 100 Chinese drones (and ammunition) can change the battle situation in Ukraine? Do Russia, the US and its NATO allies really believe that 100 Chinese drones (and ammunition) can defeat Ukraine? Do the US and Russia really believe that the Chinese weapons are the most powerful in the world? If so, the US would never dare to provoke China by sending warships and military planes through the Taiwan Strait to the South China Sea. It so, China would have declared war on the US long ago.

US disinformation is crude and bizarre as it treats the rest of mankind as idiots or 3-year-olds. Such disinformation campaigns were launched during its genocidal wars against the Red Indians before stealing the whole country from them. They were also launched against other US enemies (now its so-called allies) such as Spain, Britain, Germany, Japan and the Philippines.

US propagandists and lackeys should make their fairy tale more convincing by claiming that China is going to put all its military forces, nuclear bombs and other weapons at Russia's disposal. If that is not convincing enough, they should also claim that the Chinese leader is mulling to emulate Mao Zedong during the Korean War by sending his child to die fighting in Ukraine. 🥶

4. White House's national security adviser Jake Sullivan told ABC "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz: "We know they haven't taken it off the table..."

Mr Sullivan should check his eyesight. What he has seen but not yet taken off the table may be Peking roasted duck (北京烤鸭), Kung Pao chicken (宫保鸡丁), sweet and sour pork (糖醋里脊), Ma Po tofu (麻婆豆腐 "Pockmarked Granny beancurd") and other Chinese delicacies. Bon appétit! 🥢

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