Michele Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Michele Bachmann wins Iowa Republican test
By John Whitesides | Reuters – 1 hr 15 mins ago...

AMES, Iowa (Reuters) - Michele Bachmann narrowly won the Iowa straw poll of Republicans on Saturday in the first big test of the 2012 presidential campaign, as Texas Governor Rick Perry formally launched a White House bid that could reshape the race.

Bachmann, a representative from Minnesota, edged out Ron Paul, another representative, and rolled over the rest of the Republican field to capture the nonbinding Iowa mock election, a traditional early gauge of organizational strength in the state that holds the first 2012 nominating contest.

Bachmann won 4,823 votes to Paul's 4,671. Tim Pawlenty, who had focused on a strong showing in the straw poll to rescue his struggling campaign, finished a distant third with 2,293 votes in a bruising setback.

In South Carolina, Perry formally jumped into the race with a blistering attack on President Barack Obama.

"We cannot afford four more years of this rudderless leadership," Perry told a conference of conservatives, promising to reduce taxes, regulations and government intrusion in people's lives.


the coverage of the Iowa straw poll was so strange! I don't know why Paul barely got mentioned for being such a close second. I also don't understand how bacchmann is the front runner she is so polarizing.

It seems that Bachmann "invited" 6000 of her most faithfull supporters. ..and paid for their tickets, so, what surprises me is that she didn't get AT LEAST 6000 votes!

The View | Bachmann gets a commanding 80% of the 6000 votes (oops ...
theview.abc.go.com/.../bachmann-gets-commanding-80-6000-votes... - Cached2 posts - 1 author - Last post: yesterday
Numerous sources are reporting that Michele Bachmann actually bought 6000 tickets to ... of fair goers or her supporters; people wanting tickets were ... and vote in the straw poll before they could receive the "free"

And yes, I agree with you, Ron Paul was snubbed by all medias, when he actually is the only honest person in that crowd! I don't agree with many of his ideas, but at least he has the courage of his convictions and he doesn't compromise his integrity on anything.
It seems that Bachmann "invited" 6000 of her most faithfull supporters. ..and paid for their tickets, so, what surprises me is that she didn't get AT LEAST 6000 votes!
Unbelievable! But anyway I think she did pretty good. She got 80% of the votes she bought.
Unbelievable! But anyway I think she did pretty good. She got 80% of the votes she bought.

What is really sad is that Ron Paul has had so little coverage, and yet, without that "buy out" by Bachman, he would have won!

Oh well, I hope Bachman wins because she only appeals to a very small, but very vocal minority. . . no way the Independents will vote for her!
Ron Perry is crushing Bachman. Each new entry to the Republican leadership race comes roaring in, flames shooting right out of their butts, and they light up the skies for a few months, then they recede to the ranks of wannabees who neverwuzzes.

Lets see.... Palin, Jindhal, Peterson, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Hayley Barbour, Mitch Daniels, Kasich, Brewer Huckabee, Giuliani, Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint ...

The list goes on and on and on.
Each new entry to the Republican leadership race comes roaring in, flames shooting right out of their butts, and they light up the skies for a few months,
I'm still trying to grapple with that -- the skies being lit up with flaming butts. You get an A+ for metaphorical imagery.