Mind vs Matter: Ignorance reigns!


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
Mind versus Matter: Ignorance reigns!
With all the scientific progress and all the discoveries humanity has made, in all domains and all fields, we are still as ignorant as ever.

Man has been to moon, is discovering the stars and planets, galaxies and the universe but we are still at point zero. We cannot possibly penetrate through the mystery of matter. The wall of Max Planck remains as solid as ever. Scientists, especially astrophysicists, stop at the wall of matter. The wall of matter is impenetrable and does yield its enigmatic secret. Therefore, humans, including scientists that is, do not figure out matter.

What is matter? What is it composed from? Where does it come from, its origin? Why should there be matter in the first place? Why should matter consit our universe? All shapes and forms; all colors and structures? No one knows, unless you do, and can make us a revelation!

What we observe and sense as matter, presented in shapes and forms, colors and structures, is but mysterious atoms, with different structures and density, different characteristics and features all make what is discernable. This word is known as the sensible, what we sense with our senses. But what is it? No one can answer?

Did matter come by itself to form the forms and shapes of your universe? Or is there someone, or something that has brought into being? We observe that matter, or at its basic element, atoms have life and have thousands of qualities, each one of them. They had to be put together in order to produce what forms and shapes we can discern.

How come atoms are there? What are atoms? How did they have the structure and qualities they have?

How come they came together to be what we see? Who put them there?

Infinitely small little things, reduced to protons, neutrons and electrons and neufrons. All come together to for an atom's body, which we can calculate its existence only but not see. These, and if we believe in String theory, are reduced further to their little particles like quarks and super quarks, that are assumed to be three hundred thousands smaller that protons and neutrons. These in turn are reduced further to strings. Strings, whether straight or in a boucle, are assumed to be three million times smaller than quarks.

Where are we going in this investigation? Is there a bottom for it or it goes on indefinitely? Into the infinitely assumed small. Where did strings come from? Why should there be strings to begin with? How did strings come together to form quarks and atoms. Who put them there?

Philosophers are just as ignorant as scientists, they know nothing, they only conjecture.

The atom structure is therefore an exact and precise thing that reveals above all order and will. It reveals power and control over them to be what they are. It reveals a plan of work, a program of being. It reveals an infinite knowledge and knowing exactly what to make.

Atoms reveal also a oneness of conceptualization, and oneness of executions, revealing oneness of intention and idea of control and structure. All atoms have the same similar qualities and characteristics as principles.

If a programmer is behind, and at the origin, of all atoms, their modulated forms and shapes, their products, the universe, and life, us small creatures as we are, then how come we do not see the programmer but what the programmer has done?
Confronted with ultimate knowledge man faces his own ignorance and the limits of his own mind. He cannot go beyong to attain ultimate knowledge namely the explanation for the presence, origin and finality of the universe including his own enigma. And so he is cornered, like a mouse, recoiling on his own connvictions whether to believe, or disbelieve, in a creator-cause!!