New version of forum software

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Staff member
Dec 9, 2006
Austria, in the heart of Europe
Today I upgraded to the newest version of our forum software. Some new features:

Private messages
  • sorting and filtering
  • message history
  • quick reply
  • reporting a pm to a moderator

Social groups
  • Social group discussions (just like threads in forums you are able to start several discussions in a social group)
  • Social group icons
  • Social group transfers (if you no longer want to be the owner of a social group you are able to transfer it to someone else)

  • Pictures can now be moved from one album to another.
  • Album covers are regenerated when moving images if the cover is moved, or the destination album has no cover.
  • The default albums view now displays recently updated public albums.

  • Blog Customization - you can customize your blog in the same manner as your profile
  • Group Blogs - you may allow other users to post to your blog.
  • Sidebar Blocks - you may create custom blocks to display in the sidebar. These blocks can be rearranged by drag and drop.
  • Custom Pages - you can create custom pages to be displayed in the blog
  • Tags - tag support has been included.
  • Private Entries - you may set specific entries to be private while leaving your blog open.

Other changes
  • Profile privacy (limit blocks to a subset of users)
  • Quick edit for newer types of content (visitor messages and picture comments)
  • Lightbox navigation

Absolutely fantastic!

The blog stuff is super, being able to have an icon for your social group is excellent but the best part of it is the multiple threads thing in your social group... Outstanding!

Thank you so much! :)
A very nice forum. Thank you, Walter.

I notice that each post has a little scales in the lower left corner, that lets you add or subtract "reputation" from the post's author. Great! Does it work? And, where is that reputation displayed?
A very nice forum. Thank you, Walter.

I notice that each post has a little scales in the lower left corner, that lets you add or subtract "reputation" from the post's author. Great! Does it work? And, where is that reputation displayed?

Hi Acorn,

The "rep" button does work and if you gain a reputation "point" it is viewed in the users profile page along with a link to the post you awarded.
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