NKorea Threats Could Strengthen US-China Bond


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
North Korea's latest outburst of nuclear and military threats has given the U.S. a rare opportunity to build bridges with China — a potential silver lining to the simmering crisis that could revitalize the Obama administration's flagging policy pivot to Asia.

The architect of the administration's Asia policy described a subtle change in Chinese thinking as a result of Pyongyang's recent nuclear tests, rocket launches and abandonment of the armistice that ended the 1950-53 war with South Korea.

Pyongyang has taken similar actions in the past, prompting Washington to step up military readiness in the region to soothe allies South Korea and Japan. But in an unusual rebuke this week, Beijing called North Korea's moves "regrettable" — amounting to a slap from Pyongyang's strongest economic and diplomatic supporter.


WOW is Obama pulling string just like Reagan did with the Soviets?
Obama is pulling strings ? more like the other way around..

Unless you believe its possible to lead from behind.

China tells kerry to shut up or no more rolling over us debt.
China is looking to become a strong ally of the U.S. That's why its so important to elect a republican in 2016. Cause we can capitalize on China becoming friends and then we both can gang up on the Russians.
China is looking to become a strong ally of the U.S. That's why its so important to elect a republican in 2016. Cause we can capitalize on China becoming friends and then we both can gang up on the Russians.

china is showing its dominance and we weakly comply.
There is no way ChiComs want to be our friend. They could control the little dictator in NK if they wanted to. You forget why there was a Korean war, but China hasn't. No way they want us there or a united Korea.
you seem to be under some odd idea that we as the buyer have no power since they are the seller...as someone in sales...that is never the case.

oh, so we impose tariffs and consumer prices skyrocket doing what to the economy and political careers ?
your perspective is predicated upon the consumer being able to walk down the street and buying an alternative. subtracting the alternative is a totally different matter.
There is no way ChiComs want to be our friend. They could control the little dictator in NK if they wanted to. You forget why there was a Korean war, but China hasn't. No way they want us there or a united Korea.

what they have done is tell us to stfu as they are reminding Lil Kim what his daddy and grand daddy knew. do as you're told or... well you dont even want to consider the or.
oh, so we impose tariffs and consumer prices skyrocket doing what to the economy and political careers ?
your perspective is predicated upon the consumer being able to walk down the street and buying an alternative. subtracting the alternative is a totally different matter.

The US is the biggest market in the world...so yes China wants to keep it that way...They have no desire to go after us, as it serves no ones best interest. If you can't see that, then I don't know what planet you live on. Its one of the few good things about free trade...it makes both Dependant on each other..thus less likely to do shit to piss the other one off.
The US is the biggest market in the world...so yes China wants to keep it that way...They have no desire to go after us, as it serves no ones best interest. If you can't see that, then I don't know what planet you live on. Its one of the few good things about free trade...it makes both Dependant on each other..thus less likely to do shit to piss the other one off.

all well and good until we piss them off.
of course we shun the idea of challenging them but who can say if we wont screw up. with no hrc on the tiller anything is possible