Neo-Con McCain’s foreign policy adviser, Neo-Marxist Scheunemann, is notorious throughout the World for his insidious role in successfully provoking the un-Constitutional Neo-Con Bush War against Iraq, and now unsuccessfully provoking wars against Iran and Russia. The ruinous Iraq War sacrificed over a trillion dollars, and the priceless lives of more than 4,000 young patriotic volunteers, for the sole benefit of the universally condemned Judeofascist land robbers. The trustful Reagan Conservative and Kennedy Liberal patriots, angered over having been cunningly fooled once, are not fooled twice.
When Obama recently discovered that Scheunemann had been paid nearly $300,000 to provoke war against Russia in support of Georgia’s internecine attack, he immediately exposed the transparent conflict of interest that motivated McCain’s insane bellicose treason against the American People, "John McCain’s top foreign policy adviser lobbied for, and has a vested interest in, the Republic of Georgia and McCain has mirrored the position advocated by the government.”
When Obama recently discovered that Scheunemann had been paid nearly $300,000 to provoke war against Russia in support of Georgia’s internecine attack, he immediately exposed the transparent conflict of interest that motivated McCain’s insane bellicose treason against the American People, "John McCain’s top foreign policy adviser lobbied for, and has a vested interest in, the Republic of Georgia and McCain has mirrored the position advocated by the government.”