Abortion - I'll give you that one but I don't see that as being a very important policy position. McCain knows there is too much resistance to overturning RvsW and Obama is not going to expand abortion rights for the same reason.
Iraq - Where are they so different? Obama says he wants a responsible withdraw from Iraq. AKA a draw down, not complete elimination of troops, so as not to have the country fail. Despite the claims by Pop & Top, McCain has been suggesting much the same thing - reduce the violence and get our casualties down so that whatever troops we do station there are safer.
By the accounts I have seen, both men have advocated for around 50k troops to remain in Iraq - not a significant difference in policy there... both have lied about the others position to make it appear they are worlds apart on that policy when they are not.
Bush Tax cuts worked... they brought in MORE money to the Government and thats why McCain changed his mind, the facts changed. Now both Men support Cap and Trade policies which are a HUGE tax on consumers of energy. Neither one is very good in on Tax policy... If you want to take a closer look at their respective tax policy suggestions with me, I think you will agree they both leave plenty to be desired.
Energy - They both are advocates of Efficiency and conservation as being important. Both are advocates of Alternatives. Both are advocates of Bio-Fuels and Both are offering tax breaks and other incentives to help achieve those efforts. Both men also propose command market solutions to these problems rather than truly free market solutions.
Court picks... You're right about that. Obama would find the most rabid left wing judges he could find while McCain would surely pick people the hard right would object to.
Federal College money is a scam. Why doesn't anyone complain about the price gouging that goes on there? Rates increase by more than double the rate of inflation yet nobody is calling for a windfall profits tax on colleges... instead the answer is to throw more money at the problem and hope it corrects itself.
Healthcare... lets talk about this one if you like. Bring the specifics, if you can find any, relating to Obama's plan and I'll do the same for McCain - also if I can find any.
Both McCain and Obama would:
- Increase the debt
- Increase Taxes
- Increase Government regulations
- Increase the size of Government
- Limit individual freedoms
- Limit spending in some areas while letting it balloon in others
- Reduce our standard of living
- Threaten new wars (Iran and Pakistan)
- Be politically polarizing figures and would fail to "unite" the country