Government sanctioned child-sacrifice by women, Roe vs. Wade, is subversive to the traditional humane and Christian culture of the America People. This perverse legislation was instigated and popularized in America by defeated Marxist refugees, originating from Nazi Germany and Marxist Russia, notorious for their subversive contempt for Christianity, the nuclear family, patriotism, and the Constitution.
Along with the growing political shift towards the Christian pro-life movement, Obama is supporting Born Alive Infant Protection Act legislation, while continuing to pragmatically accept Roe vs. Wade. Not until the time that united Catholic, Protestant, and Mormon church leaders lead crusading battles against the condemned heretical supporters of pre-meditated murder by abortion, can Roe vs. Wade finally be politically overturned by the supreme will of Christian America.
In the wonderfully escalating Cultural War, the leading Neo-Con and Neo-Lib abortionists shall ultimately be destroyed by whatever Constitutional means necessary, for their notorious roles in causing the sacrificial killing of over 40 million American children.
Government sanctioned child-sacrifice by women, Roe vs. Wade, is subversive to the traditional humane and Christian culture of the America People. This perverse legislation was instigated and popularized in America by defeated Marxist refugees, originating from Nazi Germany and Marxist Russia, notorious for their subversive contempt for Christianity, the nuclear family, patriotism, and the Constitution.
Along with the growing political shift towards the Christian pro-life movement, Obama is supporting Born Alive Infant Protection Act legislation, while continuing to pragmatically accept Roe vs. Wade. Not until the time that united Catholic, Protestant, and Mormon church leaders lead crusading battles against the condemned heretical supporters of pre-meditated murder by abortion, can Roe vs. Wade finally be politically overturned by the supreme will of Christian America.
In the wonderfully escalating Cultural War, the leading Neo-Con and Neo-Lib abortionists shall ultimately be destroyed by whatever Constitutional means necessary, for their notorious roles in causing the sacrificial killing of over 40 million American children.