Obama's Enemies List


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Obama's Enemies List

This column has already told the story of Frank VanderSloot, an Idaho businessman who last year contributed to a group supporting Mitt Romney. An Obama campaign website in April sent a message to those who'd donate to the president's opponent. It called out Mr. VanderSloot and seven other private donors by name and occupation and slurred them as having "less-than-reputable" records.
Mr. VanderSloot has since been learning what it means to be on a presidential enemies list. Just 12 days after the attack, the Idahoan found an investigator digging to unearth his divorce records. This bloodhound—a recent employee of Senate Democrats—worked for a for-hire opposition research firm.

Coincidence, or is this individual being persecuted for political gain?

Maybe, just maybe, it's time to rethink the power of the president to detain individuals indefinitely without trial.
That's exactly why the Democrats just tried to pass the "Disclose Act". They want the names of political donors (to the Republicans) because the bill also exempted certain special interest groups.

"McConnell said that the Disclose Act is billed as reform but is instead an “attempt to identify and punish political enemies, or at the very least, intimidate others from participating in the process — an effort that's already underway.”

McConnell wrote: “The Obama administration has tried to single out its critics through federal agencies such as the IRS and the Federal Communications Commission, and even through a proposed executive order aimed at denying government contracts to opponents. The president has used selective disclosure not as a tool of good government, in other words, but as a political weapon.”

It failed to get the votes in congress.