Well-Known Member
Lets start this folks,,, If you were campaigning for office what are you gonna do? Ill Start..
1) Repeal “Obamacare”
2) Schools and all events related to will once again incorporate prayer each morning. Lord knows we need it. Since the dems and libs removed prayer and everything Godly from our schools, violence has tripled.
3) No more so called “time outs”. The feared paddle will resume as punishment. If a child is constantly in trouble and/or is expelled, he/she will be sent to boot camp and the parents will take classes on their obligations to raise a child with morals, respect and a sense of being.
4) Deport anyone un-American regardless of race/ethnicity or gender and secure our borders…to include Muslims. They hate America and always will. No changing that so why wait for another attack on innocent US citizens…Illegals and liberals will be deported as well. Before their departure, ttattoo an American flag with the words, "In God we trust," on the forehead of every liberal & atheist. Lazy bums who can work but refuse to do so will also be deported. Millions of $$$ will be saved from welfare and food stamps alone.
5) Abolish the FDA,Department of Homeland security and the surgical general office.
6) Prisons will no longer be "comfy." Prisoners will do hard labor and hard time. they will also learn a trade and contribute to society (if the prisoner is released) Ever visited a prison lately? The majority of inmates will tell you they would rather be incarcerated than to work for $10/hr. Anyone see a problem here? Hello?? No more 30 years on death row. If you are convicted, you will be put to death within weeks. No more millions of wasted tax payer money for your sorry butt to exist. Executions will be available on National TV at the parents discretion. I will show and enforce extreme measures of deterrence and we will return to the days when it was safe to leave your front door open for fresh air....
7) Cut Taxes on Income,Gas,Transportation,Alcohol,Tabbaco and Communications.
8)Remove all "organized crime" unions from our labor force. Economists consistently find that unions decrease the number of jobs available in the economy. The vast majority of manufacturing jobs lost over the past three decades have been among union members--non-union manufacturing employment has risen. Research also shows that widespread unionization delays recovery from economic downturns.
9) The legal age to vote will be 21 since the majority of our youth vote with the liberal mentality... "rock star status", charm, color, "coolness" etc rather than who would best lead our country into prosperity. Did we not learn a valuable lesson with Obama? During his campaign, journalist would ask the younger adults.."So why are you voting for Obama?"..."What has he done in the Senate?"...The typical response: "He's cool,....he's black (BTW, he's half black, sorry!), ummmm, he's cool....He can charm the devil!...Let's see...he's black...he's cool....get my point? And If you want to vote? You must have an High School education, Be currently employed or in active military service in order to vote. In other words if youre on welare,SSI and dont have an High School education you cant vote. The other exception is if youre disabled or handicaped youre extempt from these rules. America doesnt need stupid voters,, If youre state is stupid you can move. But i cant leave America like the Mexicans can leave their country. No other world tolerates illegal immingration crap unlike America does.
10) Medicaid. The first thing I’d do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations. Then, we’ll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine and document all tattoos and piercings. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, smoke or get tats and piercings, then get a job.
11) Government housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your “home” will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place.
1) Repeal “Obamacare”
2) Schools and all events related to will once again incorporate prayer each morning. Lord knows we need it. Since the dems and libs removed prayer and everything Godly from our schools, violence has tripled.
3) No more so called “time outs”. The feared paddle will resume as punishment. If a child is constantly in trouble and/or is expelled, he/she will be sent to boot camp and the parents will take classes on their obligations to raise a child with morals, respect and a sense of being.
4) Deport anyone un-American regardless of race/ethnicity or gender and secure our borders…to include Muslims. They hate America and always will. No changing that so why wait for another attack on innocent US citizens…Illegals and liberals will be deported as well. Before their departure, ttattoo an American flag with the words, "In God we trust," on the forehead of every liberal & atheist. Lazy bums who can work but refuse to do so will also be deported. Millions of $$$ will be saved from welfare and food stamps alone.
5) Abolish the FDA,Department of Homeland security and the surgical general office.
6) Prisons will no longer be "comfy." Prisoners will do hard labor and hard time. they will also learn a trade and contribute to society (if the prisoner is released) Ever visited a prison lately? The majority of inmates will tell you they would rather be incarcerated than to work for $10/hr. Anyone see a problem here? Hello?? No more 30 years on death row. If you are convicted, you will be put to death within weeks. No more millions of wasted tax payer money for your sorry butt to exist. Executions will be available on National TV at the parents discretion. I will show and enforce extreme measures of deterrence and we will return to the days when it was safe to leave your front door open for fresh air....
7) Cut Taxes on Income,Gas,Transportation,Alcohol,Tabbaco and Communications.
8)Remove all "organized crime" unions from our labor force. Economists consistently find that unions decrease the number of jobs available in the economy. The vast majority of manufacturing jobs lost over the past three decades have been among union members--non-union manufacturing employment has risen. Research also shows that widespread unionization delays recovery from economic downturns.
9) The legal age to vote will be 21 since the majority of our youth vote with the liberal mentality... "rock star status", charm, color, "coolness" etc rather than who would best lead our country into prosperity. Did we not learn a valuable lesson with Obama? During his campaign, journalist would ask the younger adults.."So why are you voting for Obama?"..."What has he done in the Senate?"...The typical response: "He's cool,....he's black (BTW, he's half black, sorry!), ummmm, he's cool....He can charm the devil!...Let's see...he's black...he's cool....get my point? And If you want to vote? You must have an High School education, Be currently employed or in active military service in order to vote. In other words if youre on welare,SSI and dont have an High School education you cant vote. The other exception is if youre disabled or handicaped youre extempt from these rules. America doesnt need stupid voters,, If youre state is stupid you can move. But i cant leave America like the Mexicans can leave their country. No other world tolerates illegal immingration crap unlike America does.
10) Medicaid. The first thing I’d do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations. Then, we’ll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine and document all tattoos and piercings. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, smoke or get tats and piercings, then get a job.
11) Government housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your “home” will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place.