Politics is driven by Islam, Christianity and Jewdaism


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
World politics is now decided through the influence of religion, of belief and disbelief as the underlying motor of attitude, conduct conflict, peace and wars.
Islam is a foremost driving power in world politics. There is no more any other religion in the world that instigates action and political attitude than Islam( 1,4 billions in the world today). Not to undermind other belief-systems, for Jewdaism was cmenting factor of uniting the Jews after the diaspora and throughout the ages, about 14 millions of adepts, together, creating the state of Israel and Christianity was and still is a driving force for 1.6 billions of fidels. Negate the influence of religion and you deny the dominant influence of culture, of civilization and of poilitics. What makes humans tick? It is either belief or disbelief in God. this metaphysical orientation of world politics lies at the heart of the humand conflict and harmony. It is at the heart of every individual person.
The world is divided between those who believe in God and those who disbelieve in this very God. The history of mankind is but one of belief and disbelief and world politics is dictated by this very split. It marks the distinction among humans and hence among scoeities and states. In other words God remains at the centre of the universe. He has never left it for Man, nor for any parasites on humanity like Marx or Smith or Dewey, and their lackeys and stooges like Stalin, Mao, Castro or Roosvelt, Trueman and the Bush dynasty. World humanity is divided up between believers and disbelievers. The world then is sub-divided between those who claim true belief regarding others as false believers. Muslims, Christians and Jews, as monotheistics claim each the truth for itself and holds the others as false and sham religions.
If there is ever a clash of powers, flasley lablled as clash of civilizations for the underlying foundations of humanity and civilization is religion with its belief system on the one hand and securalism on the other, it is a conflict of belief against other belief and of belief against disbelief and vice-e-versa.
Some donkeys on two legs define islam in temrs of moderate, fundamentalist, militant, fanatic and terrorist. But in reality there is one and only Islam. For the ignorants Islam is responsible for the terror and backwardness, for midevalism and stone age epoch. This is utterly false, for if some mafia criminals like Ben Ladden and al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda, Taliban and other confirmed murderers hiding under the claok of religion pretend to religous beliefs for their crimes then they are to blame and not Islam. Christianity is never to blame for the clashes between Protestants and Catholics in North Ireland, Jewdaism is not to blame for the exchange of terror between Palestinians and Israelis, both resposnible for their own terrors. The driving force in the Israeilo-Arab conflict is Islam-versus Judaism. The stance of the USA is dominated by Christianty assisting Jewdaism against islam.
Islam as is depocted in the Qur'an and the Sunna of Muhammad is totally against any aggression and killing. Only in a self-defensive position with strict conditions are Muslims allowed to defend themselves against the armed attacks of others. Islam, as well as Christianity and Jewdaism strictly calls for the application of the Ten Commandments, for justice, for equity and love.
But for those who are rejectors of Islam anything is good enough to flasify its true nature and true spirit. IgnoraWe ought not to be ignorant of these facts.