Pre Election Fake News About Jobs

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2022
Well I see that Pre Election Fake News about Jobs really goy the little democrat fake news lemmings in this forum by the balls. How pathetic.

First, let us look at the headline from October 5, 2018

NPR on October 5, 2018
U.S. Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.7 Percent, Lowest In Nearly 50 Years

Trump gave us the lowest unemployment in 50 years. That is a stone cold fact.

What destroyed those jobs? The Marxist Democrats and their fascist Covid lockdowns and mandates and shutdowns and the rest. That is a stone cold fact.

And now, finally, thanks to the undefeatable American spirit, the jobs that Trump created have clawed their way back after Democrats destroyed them with their facist mandates.

This is what Democrats call "Job Creation." They lie. Its as simple as that.
There is not one single Biden policy that has aided job creation. It is all the hard work of good solid Americans.
Biden has created inflation, shortages, high gas prices, wars, surrenders, groomers, and more, but he has not created one job.

Presidents create the conditions for business and job growth, by tax policies and regulation. Good presidents like Trump have good tax policies and low regulations that are good for job creation, bad presidents like Biden have bad tax policies and over regulation that stifle job growth. Economics 101.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

In September 2018 the U.S. jobless rate dropped to 3.7 percent — the lowest since 1969. The jobless rate had fallen from from August's 3.9 percent.

Trump did that, not Obama.

If you set out to lose 50 pounds, the first few pounds are easy, the last few are the hardest. Obama enjoyed the "credit" for a little job creation, even though his ignorant stupid Marxist polices were anti-job creation, the American spirit forged ahead despite Obama and created some jobs while he was president.

But Trump put into place business friendly and job friendly policies, and that how the hard work was accomplished or bringing us to that 50 year unemployment low.

Those are the facts.

But then came Covid and Democrat fascist job destruction.

Covid hurt, and the Democrats took advantage of that - right out of the Marxist playbook - and created fear, needless shutdowns and lockdowns, destroying the economy and jobs.

Today, the jobs that Democrats destroyed on purpose are creeping back, no thanks to Biden.

The extremist Left calls that "job creation". Sorry Groomers, Americans are not buying it.


Layoffs mount as job market gets murky​

A growing number of businesses are laying off workers en masse as they brace for a potential recession triggered by high inflation and rising interest rates.