Removing Trump Is Not Enough; He Must Be Prosecuted


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. .....While Trump was spouting this conspiracist nonsense, Wisconsin was completing its recount—and confirming that Biden had indeed beaten Trump in that state, and by a slightly larger margin than the initial count showed. This came a couple days after Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court shut down the Trump team’s efforts to overturn the election result in that state as well. Instead of pulling back, however, Trump’s team is now pledging to take the Pennsylvania case to the US Supreme Court, even as it continues to challenge the legality of thousands of votes cast in Wisconsin.

Trump’s Fox News charade wasn’t really surprising. Nor was the decision to continue with the lawsuits and other efforts to undermine election results in six key swing states. But these weekend actions have shown, in full Technicolor derangement, just how far Trump is willing to go to blow up the principle of government of, by, and for the people that he has already so badly damaged these past four years. And, because of that, they show just how vital it is that Trump, in all his malignancy, be prosecuted when he leaves office.

Given how the post-election period has developed, it’s not enough to remove this man from power. His authoritarian presence on the political stage, the cancer that he represents on the American body politic, must be obliterated, leaving absolutely no possibility of a second act. For he has in this past month declared total war on American democracy. And in this struggle, there can be no middle ground.

....Trump is not only not admitting any culpability, but his rampage against the legal, political, and cultural pillars of American democracy is actually intensifying as his term in office draws to a close.

Without even a nod to truth, there certainly can be no reconciliation. Trump’s disgraceful, dangerous behavior, from his self-dealing while in government to his last-ditch efforts to subvert the popular will, is cratering trust in American democracy. For this, he must be made to face a legal reckoning. (End excerpts)


2. If the incoming government cannot decide whether to pardon or prosecute the outgoing "con artist" president, it could leave the decision to Corn and Cob, the two lucky National Thanksgiving Turkeys. Since they cannot talk, one way to find out whether they feel beholden to their saviour is to let either one pick one of two hickory nuts. If the turkey picks a hickory nut marked with a "cross" on the husk, it would bring an end to the self-declared Messiah's tenure on earth. If it picks the other marked with a "tick" on the husk, the “Honourable Thanksgiving Turkey" will retire to his new home on the campus of Iowa State University and live there happily ever after with his two new "roommates". :)
1. You been lied to.

2. You believe the lies you been fed because you have been fooled. They tricked your mind so that you love their lies more than you love the principles that made America great.