republicans are pro- life...well, not really


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022
As always, lying republican hypocrites claim to be "pro life" but really they are "pro fetus". Death penalty? no problem, they "deserved" it (even if they were incorrectly convicted to start with). Innocent civilians killed by drone strikes? no problem, they are "collateral damage".

Since the anti-abortion laws went into effect in red states, can anyone list extra resources made available to help mothers who would have chosen abortion instead? anyone? feel free to. I doubt there is much, if any.
They get off on making other people suffer in any way they can. Facts, truth, empathy, actually helping others are seen as weakness by these right-wing nutz. And Nutz they are. Their nebulous grip on reality will be their undoing. Their perceived utopia is an unworkable fantasy that is destroying this country and they are too dumb to realize it.
As always, lying republican hypocrites claim to be "pro life" but really they are "pro fetus". Death penalty? no problem, they "deserved" it (even if they were incorrectly convicted to start with). Innocent civilians killed by drone strikes? no problem, they are "collateral damage".

Since the anti-abortion laws went into effect in red states, can anyone list extra resources made available to help mothers who would have chosen abortion instead? anyone? feel free to. I doubt there is much, if any.
In fact, the godbothering republicans are pro birth not pro life.
They feel they have some god given right to place their bibles into the womb then suggest they are doing gods work. But its the hypocrisy that gets me.

That scared young girl has to endure an unwanted pregnancy which usually leaves her not working. Here's the good bit. As she strolls down the street with her but, these filthy old hypocrite jesus junkies stand on corners with their bibles and placards, throwing disgusting jeers at her for not working. Its true. I've seen it.
The hypocrisy doesn't end there.

As we know contraception is banned but those godbotherers all rock up to church with contraceptives rattling like a tin can, pray to some God who they think will send them forgiveness.
Its ok for them to have some slap and tickle but not some innocent pubity ridden girl.

But it doesn't end there. It is common that there favourite daughter is NEVER told about sex etc because they are too embarrassed. And she wouldn't get up to mischief at her age, would she? Well, they do. She comes home and explains to mum theres a bun in the oven. The household go into shock. Both parents go to great lengths to hide her, even send her interstate to give birth sometimes.
This is where the real hypocrisy starts. Discreet enquiries commence about local abortion clinics who operate after dark.

We know how this all ends. The parents continue their weekly church services as if nothing has happened. The mother even dares to go on a religious crusade on the corner again belching the evils of sex and contraceptives.

Dont laugh because its done everyday in America. I'll bet someone reading this will know some family that have done it.
If god had contimually watched over the young girl, it would never have happened. So I'm reliably told.
"Godbotherers" -- such an underappreciated (and perfect) phrase. The hard-right weirdos are obsessed with what's in everybody's pants and only care about "the precious babies" until they're out of the chute. Then those babies are either cannon fodder or target practice for the gun humpers. The voice of progressives in every town in America