Romney says what the audience wants to hear about illegal immigration


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Romney would veto immigration "dream" act

LEMARS, Iowa (Reuters) - Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney said on Saturday he would veto a proposal granting U.S. citizenship to undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children, a pledge that won hearty applause from Iowa conservatives he hopes

Romney also said he would secure the U.S.-Mexico border with a fence and enough Border Patrol agents to guard it.
The remarks drew vigorous applause in Le Mars and at a later appearance in Sioux City. Romney said he would eliminate the "magnet" that draws illegal immigrants by cracking down on employers who hire them.

Ah, the applause, the agreement! Ah, the potential votes! Ah, the BS that will never happen, regardless of who is elected!

and this from the most viable candidate of any of them.

Wouldn't it be great if the candidates would take definitive positions on the issues of the day, and if they could actually get elected by doing so?

The only candidate who says what he really believes is Ron Paul, and his chances of election approach zero.
Its hard to really know what CAN happen especially regarding immigration. Clearly the public's will is REQUIRED to make it happen and that CAN be steered via leadership from the Bully Pulpit. So the question comes down to how effective a leader/communicator is ole Mitt. He's demonstrated both on smaller stages so I don't see it as out of the question. Tall order for sure though.