First no it has not been proven...its should learn the difference. Second what hell do you expect Obama to do? Why don't you shut up or put up a plan...What you want the US to go to war with Russia because it shot down someone else s plane and was backing up the wrong side in a civil war that we are not a part of? But yes the guy who got OBL , helped put Gaddafi in the ground against republican wishes, who was going to his Syrian WMD sites until weak ass republicans cried that they had to authorize it, then did not. The guy who has been taking out targets in Yemen and Pakistan while rand paul cries about it along with your tea bag friends....Your the spineless party....Put up a plan or just shut up and go sit in the back and stop pretending you know anything. Let me guess this is the part where you copy paste someone elses poor idea and pretend you thought of it now because you can't think.
First of all, it HAS been proven that it was shot down by a Russian BUK missile ... ask Obama. He confirmed it. Please, try to keep up.
Yes, let's do that ... let's discuss Obama's performance.
This is the guy who pressed the 'reset' button with Russia - how well is that working?
This is the guy who mocked Romney when he said that Russia is the greatest geopolitical risk today. Which one is turning out to be right?
This is the guy who removed missile defense systems from eastern Europe, signalling our willingness to abandon our allies in the region.
This is the guy who has removed troops from Eastern Europe, again signalling our willingness to abandon them.
This is the guy who offended our NATO allies by refusing to take action against Libya, Syria, and Russia.
This is the guy that took a relatively stable situation in Iraq, gutted it, and left our allies to die.
This is the guy who was unable to broker a SOFA agreement, even though both parties wanted it, and torpedoed it, at the last moment, by changing his position.
This is the guy who ignored his military advisers, and authorized only a token increase for the surge in Afghanistan.
This is the guy who committed soldiers to Afghanistan, and then with real progress made and completion in sight, summarily pulled them out because of cheap political concerns in the States.
This is the guy who went after Ghaddafi only when his NATO counterparts threatened mutiny if he didn't take action.
This is the guy who has taken absolutely no action - none, nil, nada - despite the violent suppression of the Iraqi and Syrian people by the new Islamic caliphate.
This is the guy who famously takes all the credit for OBL, but yet, let the Pakistani doctor who provided the information that made it possible, in the hands of the enemy.
This is the guy who drew the infamous 'red line in the sand' against Assad, and when Assad ignored him, was unable to muster national or international support (but yet, claims he is willing to 'go it alone' - just him and his pen and phone).
This is the guy who refused to take action, despite numerous requests, to support resistance to the Russian invasion of Belarus.
This is the guy who allowed Russia to annex Crimea and did nothing (bank sanctions - are you serious???).
This is the guy who has allowed the invasion of Texas, and has refused to take action to close the borders.
This is the guy who sued Arizona when they decided the federal government wasn't going to do anything, so they exercised their states' rights.
Now, as for today's 'situation' - there are lots of things Obama can do - but won't.
First, we have to define what we're talking about. It is naive and ludicrous to call the actions in Ukraine a 'civil war'. Clearly, Russia is providing materiel, weapons, logistic and intelligence support, and personnel to the so-called 'Russian separatists'.
So, what can we do about it? Pick one -
1) We can provide support to the duly elected government of Ukraine - they have asked us for weapons and intelligence support. We have refused.
2) We can signal our displeasure with Russian actions by reversing the idiotic position of not deploying missile defense systems in Poland, etc.
3) We can place US troops in Eastern European countries - in response to invitations from Poland, Germany, Belarus, and Ukraine.
4) We can actually sanction Russia - not its billionaires who couldn't care less, but the Russian banking system and the government itself.
5) We can announce an increased effort to exploit our own oil resources with an absolute goal of increasing exports of oil to Europe, thus damaging Russia's stranglehold.
Now ... you asked for a plan .... there you are. And, what would YOU suggest as alternatives? Oh, I know ... nothing.