Sarah Palin: I owe America an apology


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
or, at least, she says she does.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said she owes America a "global apology" for the 2008 GOP presidential ticket's loss to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

but will it be forthcoming?

I have to admit: The McCain Palin campaign was pretty lame as they allowed a freshman senator with no real leadership experience to win the presidency of the USA, but then, if Palin owes us an apology, so do McCain, and Bush, and Cheney, and all of the players in the drama that was the election of '08.
I think that was the apology. But what was she apologizing for? Being stupid and dragging down McCain? A self depreciation is what it seemed like to me. Very odd for her to do that with all her hubris. She doesn't owe all of America a global apology, she only needs to apologize to republicans, especially McCain.
Drug McCain down ? He was already down, she gave his campaign ant life it ever had.
I have to agree with you on both points. McCain was OK until he started trying to please the tea party. He dragged himself down. Palin did give the campaign a lot of life, in the same way as clown would give life to a birthday party. She was an undereducated buffoon to most, and really cost McCain any chance he otherwise might have had.
It never did have a lot, did it? It was no surprise when Obama won the first time around, despite his lack of experience.

But, Romney should have won in '12.
Yes Romney should have won. He did stay on message for quite a while and crushed BO in the "debates".
Mccain had an aweful game plan from the start and never got in it.
People told me that if I voted for Romney the middle class would suffer and the one percenters would increase their wealth.

People told me if I voted for Romney we would have troops on the ground in Iraq again.

People told me if I voted for Romney our country would be divided like never before.

People told me if I voted for Romney jobs would go overseas.

People told me if I voted for Romney unemployment would go above 8%.

They were right, I voted for Romney and all those things happened.
He had no parents?

Was he conjured up by drawing a pentagram on the floor?
Baby daddy was nowhere to be found.
Whoever else was banging his babymumma didnt hang around either.
Nor dud the babymumma for that matter. Too busy looking for someone to zoom.
Just leaves granny holding the bag.