Sex Education Debate
Compulsory sex education for pupils from seven under Lib Dem plans; rise in school rape allegations; and police agree to use new stop and search protocols, all in the news today.
All children in England's state schools should get lessons about sex and relationships from the age of seven, the Liberal Democrats have said. Under the Lib Dem plans, which will be included in the party's manifesto for next year's general election, schools would be required to offer lessons on sex and relationships in Key Stage 2 - which includes children aged seven to 11. The party also plans to make all state-run secondary schools offer the lessons, which form part of the wider area known as personal, social and health education (PSHE), the BBC reports.
This world is obsessed with Sex and Sexuality. Leave children to be children and let them enjoy it. Faith and Religion are very important together with Education. The two can work side by side. Please let children retain their innocence as long as they are able. I was shocked and horrified when I heard from the Coalition for Marriage about the behaviour of Ofsted with regard to the questioning of young pupils about marriage. If this is 'Modern Britain' we had all better be on our guard! They seem to show little of the tolerance they would urge on us. I am disgusted at this type of questioning put to children of such young ages. In my opinion it is not necessary, let children be children. They have to grow up quickly as it is, let them have some time when sex doesn't have to rear it's ugly head at them. It shouldn't happen, certainly not at school. It is just another occasion of Ofsted interfering in faith schools.
What’s the point of the legal age being 16 when you are being taught at school that it’s ok as long as you practice safe sex. Nothing about love, respect, serious relationships or more importantly abstinence! Oh and something needs to be done about BOYS, too! Girls can’t be the only ones responsible for resisting pressure you know. More sex education in schools = more teenage pregnancies= more abortions. One of the problems is that now in schools we are taught safe sex at an early age, and not abstinence. The message was basically that sex at a young age is fine as long as it’s practiced safely. It should be taught that at such a young age, neither protected or unprotected sex is ok. The message is simply not clear enough.
The government swiped aside hundred of years of the meaning of marriage in one fell swoop without public consent. It was the single most undemocratic thing I have witnessed. At least Scotland got a referendum. The meaning of marriage, a definition that predates the Union by a very long time, got nothing. Cameron did it as a crown-pleaser, and we are left with the politically-correct mess to live with. Now he's sending OFSTED Stasi around to menace those who differ in their personal opinion about the meaning of marriage. The irony on the notion of tolerance is rich indeed, and I do not accept that because I have what might be termed a 'traditional' view of marriage (or, in government-speak, 'outmoded', old-fashioned', or 'intolerant') that I treat others who differ from my view with less respect. I do not, and I expect my views to be treated with a similar level of respect. Just because something is law certainly does not make it right.I thought Ofsted were meant to be inspecting education standards, not promoting their own agenda. Yet another reason to scale it back to Local Authority inspections.
Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in western Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country because it allows young girls to get married. It is also gross hypocrisy for the police to prosecute paedophiles when the government is overseeing boy scouts being given condoms from the age 11 and girls of the same age being told it is OK to have sex if they use ‘protection’. Boys and girls at age 11 are not allowed to marry but they can have sex and produce children. Every parent is worried about his child being indoctrinated into the idea that gay and sexual promiscuity is “normal” modes of behaviour. At the same time, all parents have the right to control their children and it is their Duty to control them.
It would seem that Ofsted are themselves intolerant and discriminatory. These questions are personal and intrusive. These idiots should be more concerned about the academic achievement and the well being of the children. Schools should instruct their pupils that if they are uncomfortable with the questioning they should tell the inspector to mind his/her own business. Children are told to say no if inappropriately touched so they should be able to say no to inappropriate questions. What is happening is that the Government wishes to deal with the 'Trojan Horse' schools but fears being labelled 'anti-Muslim.' Using Ofsted to 'get at' Jewish and other religious schools that have not bought into the idea of SSM will enable the Government to 'clamp down' on all religious schools. In this way it hopes to avoid the charge of Muslim bashing when it finally makes some further ineffectual move against Muslim extremists running schools. Faith and education are compatible. Removing faith of any sort from education would be a logical impossibility. “Multiculturalism isn’t about conforming to one standard, but celebrating differences of perspectives, and so long as they are founded on tolerance and mutual respect, should be valued and protected.
Jonathan Rabson, director of NAJOS, added: “This confrontational approach by inspectors is a worrying trend never been seen before in the UK Jewish community. We fear it suggests a shift in policy towards faith schools. It follows a growing suspicion that faith schools are being targeted after news broke this summer of Operation Trojan Horse, an organised attempt by Islamists to covertly co-opt schools in England. In a letter to both Ofsted and Nicky Morgan, Secretary of State for Education, educators argued that Jewish schools were being “disproportionally targeted” and that “Jewish values and ethos are being questioned by inspectors in a climate of hostility designed to unsettle the pupils at member schools”.
For those who insist on compulsory sex education in schools, I disagree with this approach. The place for sex education is the family, not even in schools, not least at a time when gay mis-sexuality is presented as an option. In our sex-obsessed culture, fornication, promiscuity, adultery and homosexual perversion (including so-called SSM) are the scandals of the day. Popular entertainment and social media need to be purged of gross impurity. How can we complain about the sexual abuse of children yet not be opposed to the wider picture? It is time to return to modesty, personal restraint and sex in marriage only.
Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.
Muslim schools teach Muslim children that sex outside marriage is a sin. Homosexuality is also a sin. sex before marriage and homosexuality are western values and Muslims are not supposed to adopt them.
There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
Compulsory sex education for pupils from seven under Lib Dem plans; rise in school rape allegations; and police agree to use new stop and search protocols, all in the news today.
All children in England's state schools should get lessons about sex and relationships from the age of seven, the Liberal Democrats have said. Under the Lib Dem plans, which will be included in the party's manifesto for next year's general election, schools would be required to offer lessons on sex and relationships in Key Stage 2 - which includes children aged seven to 11. The party also plans to make all state-run secondary schools offer the lessons, which form part of the wider area known as personal, social and health education (PSHE), the BBC reports.
This world is obsessed with Sex and Sexuality. Leave children to be children and let them enjoy it. Faith and Religion are very important together with Education. The two can work side by side. Please let children retain their innocence as long as they are able. I was shocked and horrified when I heard from the Coalition for Marriage about the behaviour of Ofsted with regard to the questioning of young pupils about marriage. If this is 'Modern Britain' we had all better be on our guard! They seem to show little of the tolerance they would urge on us. I am disgusted at this type of questioning put to children of such young ages. In my opinion it is not necessary, let children be children. They have to grow up quickly as it is, let them have some time when sex doesn't have to rear it's ugly head at them. It shouldn't happen, certainly not at school. It is just another occasion of Ofsted interfering in faith schools.
What’s the point of the legal age being 16 when you are being taught at school that it’s ok as long as you practice safe sex. Nothing about love, respect, serious relationships or more importantly abstinence! Oh and something needs to be done about BOYS, too! Girls can’t be the only ones responsible for resisting pressure you know. More sex education in schools = more teenage pregnancies= more abortions. One of the problems is that now in schools we are taught safe sex at an early age, and not abstinence. The message was basically that sex at a young age is fine as long as it’s practiced safely. It should be taught that at such a young age, neither protected or unprotected sex is ok. The message is simply not clear enough.
The government swiped aside hundred of years of the meaning of marriage in one fell swoop without public consent. It was the single most undemocratic thing I have witnessed. At least Scotland got a referendum. The meaning of marriage, a definition that predates the Union by a very long time, got nothing. Cameron did it as a crown-pleaser, and we are left with the politically-correct mess to live with. Now he's sending OFSTED Stasi around to menace those who differ in their personal opinion about the meaning of marriage. The irony on the notion of tolerance is rich indeed, and I do not accept that because I have what might be termed a 'traditional' view of marriage (or, in government-speak, 'outmoded', old-fashioned', or 'intolerant') that I treat others who differ from my view with less respect. I do not, and I expect my views to be treated with a similar level of respect. Just because something is law certainly does not make it right.I thought Ofsted were meant to be inspecting education standards, not promoting their own agenda. Yet another reason to scale it back to Local Authority inspections.
Teenage pregnancy rate in Great Britain is the highest in western Europe. It is a civilised country and Yemen is a backward country because it allows young girls to get married. It is also gross hypocrisy for the police to prosecute paedophiles when the government is overseeing boy scouts being given condoms from the age 11 and girls of the same age being told it is OK to have sex if they use ‘protection’. Boys and girls at age 11 are not allowed to marry but they can have sex and produce children. Every parent is worried about his child being indoctrinated into the idea that gay and sexual promiscuity is “normal” modes of behaviour. At the same time, all parents have the right to control their children and it is their Duty to control them.
It would seem that Ofsted are themselves intolerant and discriminatory. These questions are personal and intrusive. These idiots should be more concerned about the academic achievement and the well being of the children. Schools should instruct their pupils that if they are uncomfortable with the questioning they should tell the inspector to mind his/her own business. Children are told to say no if inappropriately touched so they should be able to say no to inappropriate questions. What is happening is that the Government wishes to deal with the 'Trojan Horse' schools but fears being labelled 'anti-Muslim.' Using Ofsted to 'get at' Jewish and other religious schools that have not bought into the idea of SSM will enable the Government to 'clamp down' on all religious schools. In this way it hopes to avoid the charge of Muslim bashing when it finally makes some further ineffectual move against Muslim extremists running schools. Faith and education are compatible. Removing faith of any sort from education would be a logical impossibility. “Multiculturalism isn’t about conforming to one standard, but celebrating differences of perspectives, and so long as they are founded on tolerance and mutual respect, should be valued and protected.
Jonathan Rabson, director of NAJOS, added: “This confrontational approach by inspectors is a worrying trend never been seen before in the UK Jewish community. We fear it suggests a shift in policy towards faith schools. It follows a growing suspicion that faith schools are being targeted after news broke this summer of Operation Trojan Horse, an organised attempt by Islamists to covertly co-opt schools in England. In a letter to both Ofsted and Nicky Morgan, Secretary of State for Education, educators argued that Jewish schools were being “disproportionally targeted” and that “Jewish values and ethos are being questioned by inspectors in a climate of hostility designed to unsettle the pupils at member schools”.
For those who insist on compulsory sex education in schools, I disagree with this approach. The place for sex education is the family, not even in schools, not least at a time when gay mis-sexuality is presented as an option. In our sex-obsessed culture, fornication, promiscuity, adultery and homosexual perversion (including so-called SSM) are the scandals of the day. Popular entertainment and social media need to be purged of gross impurity. How can we complain about the sexual abuse of children yet not be opposed to the wider picture? It is time to return to modesty, personal restraint and sex in marriage only.
Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.
Muslim schools teach Muslim children that sex outside marriage is a sin. Homosexuality is also a sin. sex before marriage and homosexuality are western values and Muslims are not supposed to adopt them.
There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.