Shaking Hands


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2007
Shaking Hands

Muslim schoolboys who refused to shake hands with their female teacher will face a steep fine. This is the latest turn in a controversial matter that started last April in a Swiss school, when two Muslim boys refused to shake hands with their (female) teacher, because that would go against the Koran’s teachings. The boys argued that Islam forbids men to have physical contact with a woman outside of the family unit. But this explanation did not convince the authorities in the canton of Basel, who interpreted the boys’ actions as a severe form of contempt and discrimination against women. They will face a fine of up to 5,000 Swiss francs (€4,500) if they violate what is a traditional gesture of politeness in the Swiss classroom.Had it been Japanese boys who did not want to shake their Swiss teacher's hand, I doubt anyone ever would have heard about it, to say nothing of it culminating in a new fine for not shaking one's teacher's hand. It is because they were Muslim boys that it became an issue, which means that it is precisely an example of xenophobia and anti-Muslim hostility. These are minors, for goodness sake. Individual children may be comfortable with one teacher and not another. Teachers are supposed to be trained not to take that personally. It is appalling that this ever became an issue. The parents should sue the school in the ECJ. I certainly agree that if Swiss teachers cannot be culturally sensitive enough to allow basic bodily boundary issues (which can vary dramatically by culture) to be respected and non-confrontational in a school setting, then there should be other publicly funded schooling options for Muslim children. Not all parents can afford parochial schools, which can be expensive. For a female teacher to demand from male students (children or teens) that they shake her hand against their will is an act of domination. It is beyond inappropriate in any school, anywhere.

For sure Muslim students there have no problem about shaking hands with "men" teachers. They just don't want to violate the Islamic regulations regarding the limits between men and women.
So please keep it away from respect and non respect, and find another way to measure respect. I am not so familiar with the Swiss culture at school, but probably good Muslims - who are following prophet Muhammad who ordered not to touch stranger women - will present very good example for respect others, even they have different religions. In which Bible is it prescribed that the only way of showing respect to female teachers is to shake hands with them? Keep your religion of bestial modernity with yourselves. Let us follow our traditional religion. This is a case of modernity gone berserk. Europeans must respect the Islamic code of inter-gender relations. We Muslims are forbidden from intimacy or physical contacts with "ghair al-mahram". So this forcible shaking of hands of non-mahram females is offensive to Islamic morality and culture. Switzerland is authoritarian and rigid. They seem not to understand how deeply this is ingrained in one's psyche--the avoidance of men and women touching if they are not related, even haram.

Switzerland is not a bubble of innocent provincial people. They are well connected to the global discussion on the "Muslim problem." There is no way that the discussion inside Switzerland about what to do with two adolescent Muslim boys who want to avoid touching females, was not always already part of this global discussion. And even if we grant the near impossibility that it was so isolated, the fact remains that it is a global issue, and part of a larger set of global issues in an on going global discussion. And in that global context and discussion, this is what I see. The same people who are vocally advocating the privileging of local custom over individual liberty in cases concerning Muslim minorities in non-Muslim societies, are also vocal in advocating the opposite for Muslim societies themselves - the disruption of local customs and values in the name of individual liberty.

Human rights are protected for minority communities in a country. The customs of the majority do not get special protection. Why? Because they are the customs of the majority, which already tend to be dominant if not dominating. It is precisely because of the tendency of majority cultural norms to be dominating that international human rights laws protect minority communities from them. I see human rights violations along two lines here: (1) the handshaking ritual is clearly a form of ritualized (silent) nationalist oath, enacted in a daily way at school, something that religious people do not have to engage in as they are able to show support for the nation otherwise and it is usually read as a violation of their religious right to hold God above everything, even the state; and (2) the right to the physical integrity of one's personal body cannot be violated by the state or the majority community without significant cause, e.g., a violent act, which might allow a state to put a citizen in prison. Children being forced to have physical contact with an adult against their will and the customs of their community, or even just in general -- even in a handshaking ritual -- can have emotionally damaging effects on children That the handshaking is expressed and explained as a nationalist ritual is significant. There is no such thing as an insignificant ritual of forced physical obedience.

The question, what if these religious students refuse to attend history or biology, is a very important question. I understand that public schools must have a curriculum that every student needs to attend. Once a student enters into school, he accepts to take those courses. In this case, he has to learn a history that he might eventually not agree. Yet, the existence and continuity of this individual disagreement would show that this history class could not indeed enter into his individual domain. (Anyways, isn't it the reason that we can argue for freedom of speech). When it comes to biology or for example a training for physiotherapy that might require to touch a person, the touching in these cases is for a scientific and practical purpose, not for a social behaviour with a certain ethics. If the religious person is not comfortable, perhaps he has to quit learning science in a public school.

I guess what I am trying to say is that freedom, individual agency, and inclusiveness in European democracies are indeed not perfect but limited and should be discussed further and in more detail.

I'm so glad I have a wide view of life and the world. These things, surely, are not the important things of life, but giving a smile to someone, looking after the old and infirm and doing at least one good thing a day for the benefit of others around us surely are more important things. I don't like ritual in any way and that goes for religious ritual. Jesus just went out into the world and his main message was: "Love one another as I love you" and if everyone got up in the morning and showed love to others - well, our world would be a happier place. So, I hope you all have a happy day and I send you all my love - and shake hands if you wish, but a smile says more.
I'm not sure what kind of teacher would demand a handshake from a student in any case. I never have. Both males and females aren't allowed to have physical contact with members of the opposite sex who aren't immediate family members. It's a matter of modesty. These boys quite possibly believe it's disrespectful to shake a woman's hand - I wouldn't feel offended in that situation.

Muslim community in all western countries need Masajid, state funded Muslim schools , Halal meat and Muslim cemeteries. West must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. Don't these hypocrites idiots know what their ancestors did to Native American Indians they slaughtered 150 millions of Native American Indians! and also do they know that Great Britain invaded 80% countries around the world? They should call them terrorist first and as well call their ancestors terrorist! British did the same to Native American Indians and sadly they still treat Native American Indians badly! So Americans Indians know how you Muslims feel! They stolen Indian land and killed 150 millions of Indians the British did! They were forced to go to the white man's school and learn the language, culture and faith of the white man. Inspite of that, they are still the under dogs of the American society.
It is easy to say" Go back to where you came from", but do not forget that British Muslims are actually born and educated here. They are in the unenviable position of trying to combine two different worlds. That is no easy. We do not want to change you lot but we would like to see our children getting balanced Islamic education along with National Curriculum. We would like our children to learn and be well versed in standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. At the same time we would like our children to learn and be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural roots and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/she does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brit. Bilingualism is an asset but British schooling regards it as a problem.
Chancellor Angela Merkel told Germans they should see the arrival of thousand of migrants as "an opportunity" and warned of divisions in German society. In her traditional New Year's address to be broadcasted on Thursday (31 December), Merkel, once again, defended Germany's "Wilkommenskultur" - the culture of welcome, which has informed her policy since the start of the migrant crisis last summer.
She called on Germans to be "self-confident and free, humanitarian and open to the world" because "past immigration have always benefited to countries.”
“I am convinced that, handled properly, today’s great task presented by the influx and the integration of so many people is an opportunity for tomorrow,” she said.
In 2015, Germany registered 1.1 million migrants and refugees, Emilia Muelle, the social affairs minister of the state of Bavaria, said Wednesday. This is five times more than the previous year.
Islamic extremism and Washington’s extremism is not really that different in their goals of domination. I am more concerned about being shot by a cop in my own house than being shot or blown up by a Muslim also.
The West has never been at ease with Islam since the Crusades. It is unfortunate that huge oil supplies lie under the Arabian Deserts. It is the West that stirred the trouble that led to 9/11. That attack was a desperate act of by men prepared to lose their life. We need to get to grips on who is the terrorist? On 24 November 1963, Lyndon Johnson said, “the battle against communism… must be joined… with strength and determination. Some three million lives were lost in the consequential battles. The US had to pull out due to Public Opinion. Communism lived on. So who was the terrorist?
Terrorism and sexual grooming is nothing to do with Masajid, Imams and Muslim schools. Those Muslim youths who have been involved in terrorism and sexual grooming are the product of western education system which makes a man stupid, selfish and corrupt. They find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage, literature and poetry. They suffer from identity crises and I blame British schooling.
None of 7/7 bombers and British Muslim youths who are in Syria and Iraq are the product of Muslim schools. They are the product of British schooling which is the home of institutional racism with chicken racist native teachers. It is absurd to believe that Muslim schools, Imams and Masajid teach Muslim children anti-Semitic, homophobic and anti-western views. It is dangerously deceptive and misleading to address text books and discuss them out of their historical, cultural and linguistic context. It is not wrong to teach children that Jews are committing the same cruelty in Palestine what German did to them before or during Second World War. It is not wrong to teach children that anti-social behaviour, drinking, drugs, homosexuality, sex before marriage, teenage pregnancies and abortions are western values and Islam is against all such sins. This does not mean that Muslim schools teach children to hate westerners, Jews and homosexuals.
Sounds like religious discrimination to me. I can understand that they don't want to touch because of physical contact. There is no reason to fine someone because they don't want to shake someone else hand. That's kind of ridiculous, I would never pressure someone to do that, and it's no a crime anyway.

Well maybe out there because I don't know the laws.
You chose England, their customs need to become yours

I agree, because when you move to another country you must accept those customs and already there have been too many concessions made. Some schools aren't allowed to have nativity plays or call it Christmas any more in case it offends other pupils.

The ECJ is a place where people go and whine about their rights when they don't get their own way. If you want your children to be educated in a native school they need to learn the ways of land. It's not about physical contact, but about a greeting and respect.

I think the parents need to be educated; either adapt to your new country or go and live in another Muslim country, do not force or expect other countries to adapt to yours. My parents are immigrants and they adapted to England, and I know countless of others that have in the past. Only recently since people start screaming Human Rights have they tried to force others to do what they want.
I agree, because when you move to another country you must accept those customs and already there have been too many concessions made. Some schools aren't allowed to have nativity plays or call it Christmas any more in case it offends other pupils.

The ECJ is a place where people go and whine about their rights when they don't get their own way. If you want your children to be educated in a native school they need to learn the ways of land. It's not about physical contact, but about a greeting and respect.

I think the parents need to be educated; either adapt to your new country or go and live in another Muslim country, do not force or expect other countries to adapt to yours. My parents are immigrants and they adapted to England, and I know countless of others that have in the past. Only recently since people start screaming Human Rights have they tried to force others to do what they want.

A couple of Pakistanis have adopted the British values of grooming young children. They are the product of the British schooling with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. I have been doing Jihad in the field of education for the last 40 years so that each and every Muslim child should be in a state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. I would like to see Muslim children developing Cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities so that they could keep themselves away from western barbarity of anti-social behaviour, binge drinking, drug addiction, teen age pregnancies and abortion and lot of other evils but people like you do not want to see Muslim children in Muslim schools in the name of integration. Now you have seen the result in the form of sexual grooming of young children which is a common occurrence in your culture.

The DFE document says pupils should be taught “how democracy and the law work in Britain, in contrast to other forms of government in other countries”, and advises teachers to “consider the role of extracurricular activity, including any run directly by pupils, in promoting fundamental British values”. Does that also include discussing at length why MPs fiddle their expenses, why certain people give large donations to a political party and then later appear on the honours list, why lobby firms have better access to ministers? Why CEOs are rewarded when they announce job cuts and rewarded when they themselves are kicked out after making a mess of things? Does it also include the use of kidnap and torture as instruments of state policy? Secret trials? Police, politicians and press conspiring against the public interest? I could go on, and doubtless other posters will help add to this list of British values. Yes, this is a good thing, particularly the bit about telling faith schools that we don't give a fuck if our secular laws are in conflict with their religious ones. Faith schools teach the national curriculum so the pupils get citizenship education already - lots of British values in there.

Muslim schools teach Muslim children that sex outside marriage is a sin. Homosexuality is also a sin. Sex before marriage and homosexuality are western values and Muslims are not supposed to adopt them.

British values, which are said to include respect for legally protected characteristics such as homosexuality, religion, gender change, disability, race and marital status. what a warping of British values, the British values I was taught are respect for the institution of marriage, freedom of religious pursuit, freedom of speech, respect for the monarch. respect for others.

Until we change our attitude towards victims of sexual abuse we will continue to have these scandals. This isn't just an issue in Rotherham or the UK for that matter. Globally, we have seen repeated failures of authorities who did not believe the victims of sex crimes. Unfortunately, various groups - including atheists and Christians - have used the misogyny of Islam to justify perpetuating their own misogyny. Apparently Western misogyny doesn't need to be addressed because Muslim misogyny is worse. Misogyny is not unique to Islam or the Middle East. It wasn't until the 20th century that Christians began to abhor family violence. The current Australian PM is on record as saying his daughter's greatest gift to give is their virginity.

British culture. Watch BBC News about Rolf Harris and his evil deeds for the last 50 years. Muslims feel ashamed of British culture and it values.
Sounds like religious discrimination to me. I can understand that they don't want to touch because of physical contact. There is no reason to fine someone because they don't want to shake someone else hand. That's kind of ridiculous, I would never pressure someone to do that, and it's no a crime anyway.

Well maybe out there because I don't know the laws.

I'm so glad I have a wide view of life and the world. These things, surely, are not the important things of life, but giving a smile to someone, looking after the old and infirm and doing at least one good thing a day for the benefit of others around us surely are more important things. I don't like ritual in any way and that goes for religious ritual. Jesus just went out into the world and his main message was: "Love one another as I love you" and if everyone got up in the morning and showed love to others - well, our world would be a happier place. So, I hope you all have a happy day and I send you all my love - and shake hands if you wish, but a smile says more.

I'm not sure what kind of teacher would demand a handshake from a student in any case. I never have. Both males and females aren't allowed to have physical contact with members of the opposite sex who aren't immediate family members. It's a matter of modesty. These boys quite possibly believe it's disrespectful to shake a woman's hand - I wouldn't feel offended in that situation.

I'm very uncomfortable with this ruling and would be very uncomfortable if any of my colleagues tried to oblige a student to shake hands against his/her will. When that culture infringes of a child's basic human rights, yes. Respecting is one thing, forcing someone to do something against their religion is wrong. Children should not be used to gain cheap political points. The handshake is almost certainly more a mindless gesture than a conscious show of respect these days anyway. Like the 'have a nice day' at the door of the Disney Store.
If they were my students and polite and respectful in class I wouldn't have a problem with the lack of handshake. I don't think a handshake necessarily demonstrates respect and I certainly don't assume that a lack of it is a sign of lack of respect.I taught RS and a boy who has reached puberty is not allowed to shake the hand of a woman unless he is related to her. If you want, I can show you the evidence.

There are lots of ways students can show disrespect to their teachers in the classroom. That they are respectful in class is far more important to me than a handshake. I certainly wouldn't want to shake hands with all of my students, knowing how difficult it is to get some people to wash their hands after they go to the loo. Yuk.

Supposing you had a student in your class who was wilfully disrespectful, who was sullen and uncooperative in class and who challenged your authority on a daily basis, but who was willing to go through the motions of shaking your hand at the start/end of the day. Would you shake his/her hand? Would you be happy to do so? Isn't it better to have a student who actually does respect your authority in the classroom but who declines the handshake? It all seems a fuss about nothing to me. And similar for the kids, imagine you were at the back of the queue and your teacher had already shaken hands with 34 other little nose-pickers & bum-scratchers. I also don't like the idea that 'Swiss teachers have the right to demand a handshake'. I don't like the idea that any kind of touching that me or my kids were uncomfortable with would be demanded of us. It's crossing a bodily autonomy boundary that I'm just not comfortable with. I mean, I spend a lot of time telling my kids that no one has the right to tell them what to do with their body and they have the right to say no to anything they're uncomfortable with.

Shaking someone's hand is a form of friendly greeting. Not a ritual. If you're forced to do it against your will then there's nothing friendly about it. It is a majority custom in the UK to celebrate Christmas.

And yet I number amongst my close acquaintances a couple of Christians who don't do so (because of their faith) and a couple of non-believers who also don't. Should they be forced to wish people a "Merry Christmas"? Should they be fined if they don't?
You confuse a school as a place where you attend under their rules. If you don't abide by them then there are repercussions. Saying Merry Christmas is not comparable, the point was schools have been pushed not to use the terms in case of offending Muslims. It is only Muslims as Jewish people ( I know many who have no problems with Christmas) don't take offense at all as they just celebrate what they prefer.

The argument you attempt to justify has little credibility, and paragraphs of evidence doesn't mean you are right. The simple solution is to home school or send the children to a Muslim school.

When I am in a foreign land I abide by their rules, I go into temples without shoes and cover up my arms and legs. That's just respect, should I go around saying I'm British and I don't have to because that isn't in my culture?

You need to understand if that's your culture, then those traditions are fine in your country, but don't expect other countries to adapt to yours. You have no right to expect that.

As for not shaking hands, these children when they grow up, if they have a female boss or are at an interview and refuse to shake hands, that won't bode well for them in the future if they choose to work with western people. I used to work in recruitment and if someone refused to shake my hand, it would be unlikely I would want to hire them as they would not be adaptable in the workplace. Decorum in the western world expects a shake of the hand in business, and people who refuse won't get far. In respect of Japanese customs and bowing, that is the norm, but some will shake hands in the western culture. I have worked for two Japanese companies and met the bosses from Japan and shook their hands as they adapt to the western ways when they are here.
You confuse a school as a place where you attend under their rules. If you don't abide by them then there are repercussions. Saying Merry Christmas is not comparable, the point was schools have been pushed not to use the terms in case of offending Muslims. It is only Muslims as Jewish people ( I know many who have no problems with Christmas) don't take offense at all as they just celebrate what they prefer.

The argument you attempt to justify has little credibility, and paragraphs of evidence doesn't mean you are right. The simple solution is to home school or send the children to a Muslim school.

When I am in a foreign land I abide by their rules, I go into temples without shoes and cover up my arms and legs. That's just respect, should I go around saying I'm British and I don't have to because that isn't in my culture?

You need to understand if that's your culture, then those traditions are fine in your country, but don't expect other countries to adapt to yours. You have no right to expect that.

As for not shaking hands, these children when they grow up, if they have a female boss or are at an interview and refuse to shake hands, that won't bode well for them in the future if they choose to work with western people. I used to work in recruitment and if someone refused to shake my hand, it would be unlikely I would want to hire them as they would not be adaptable in the workplace. Decorum in the western world expects a shake of the hand in business, and people who refuse won't get far. In respect of Japanese customs and bowing, that is the norm, but some will shake hands in the western culture. I have worked for two Japanese companies and met the bosses from Japan and shook their hands as they adapt to the western ways when they are here.

A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. The whole world belongs to him.

Racism has always existed in England. In good old days when you applied for a job, the company will tell you this job is for 'our own' boys. Laws do not allow that so people do not show their 'true' feelings. On TV, you see black, white and brown talking like friends which gives the impression we live is an ideal world. But when off the air people go their own ways. But there are lot of good souls in the country so it is not all black and white. We only need a greater effort to accept each others. Racism and religious intolerance have always existed in every culture around the world. Where have you been in the world that is less racist than England? I am not sure. I have not seen the world. I remember a black Foreign Secretary in Carter administration (I forget his name) once said that racism was invented in England. Carter fired him for saying that. I agree it means nothing, but may be. Sounds about right - England would be the first to invent racism; whilst all the other countries simply got on with persecuting and being prejudicial against foreigners and minorities without worrying about what it was called. Racism will always exist as long as there are associations which seek to eliminate it. The amount of jobs "racism" sustains demands that "racism" must be encouraged to survive. I'm starting to believe now there is a "racism industry" which is self perpetuating and financing. It started off in the States and is rapidly escalating over here.

In my opinion native Brits lack basic common courtesy. British society and schooling is the home of institutional racism. Native Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. The Prime Minister David Cameron says that there's "too many white faces in Britain" & he wants more "Muslims in government & the British Army".

David Cameron says....

'The truth is if we are going to build that strong inclusive and vibrant society we need...... many more Muslim men and women at the top of British businesses , many more Muslim soldiers in the highest levels of command and of course more Muslims in our parliament so there is not just one Muslim in the cabinet and one in the shadow cabinet but British Muslims all across government in positions of leadership and authority."

Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. The problem of extremism we are experiencing is not "mass immigration", immigration has been happening since the dawn of mankind. The problem we are experiencing is a direct result of lack of respect and tolerance substituted by ignorance. The problem we are experiencing is the direct result of poor consciousness and awareness of selective "information" being conveyed to us through various mainstream media sources. There's a new mainstream anti-Muslim racism that is built on fears for the survival of Western values. That's the product of a nervous society in which social betterment is becoming increasingly difficult and in which there is a sense of omnipresent competition and struggle. The emotions generated by this are often not directed at a system, but at those who are different, at foreigners. This is also launched from the political arena and absorbed at grassroots level.
Without Immigrants and Muslims your society and economy would bleed to death. The native Brits and the West must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. You have failed to respect and tolerate Black community, who speaks your language, share your culture and faith. English, Irish, Welsh and Scott hate each other, sharing the same culture, faith and language. It is difficult for you to accept, respect and tolerate Muslims with different culture, languages and FAITH. You have no choice but to accept them for your own survival. The number of Muslims is on the increase because of immigration, high birth rate and conversion. By the end of this century, nearly 50% of British/American population would be Muslim.
No, it doesnt

No, muslims must learn to integrate into the society they chose.

If we look at the reverse situation, British people in places such as Dubai do adapt to the Muslim customs, you don't hear them telling Muslims there to 'respect or tolerate' their customs. If the Brits can do it in Muslim countries, then why can't Muslims adapt to British customs if they choose to live there?

It's a simple premise, if you visit someones house you abide by their rules, and if they visit yours, you expect them to abide by yours. You can't have one rule for yourself and another rule for others.
If we look at the reverse situation, British people in places such as Dubai do adapt to the Muslim customs, you don't hear them telling Muslims there to 'respect or tolerate' their customs. If the Brits can do it in Muslim countries, then why can't Muslims adapt to British customs if they choose to live there?

It's a simple premise, if you visit someones house you abide by their rules, and if they visit yours, you expect them to abide by yours. You can't have one rule for yourself and another rule for others.

Muslim community has been victim of Islamophobia for the last 50 years. Since 9/11 and 7/7 it has been a victim of terrorism. Thousands of Muslim youths are being searched in streets by the police and a lot of them are behind bar without any trial. Now Muslim youths are victim of sexual grooming. What do you expect from them?

What do you expect from a Muslim youths who were the product of British schooling? Those Muslim youths who are involved in Terrorist activities are the product of British schooling which makes them mis-fit for their own community. They do not know where the belong. They are victim of Identity Crises. Muslim migrants are living in a society which is institutionally racist. Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. Children should be taught about living religions so that they could learn to respect and tolerate those who are in their schools or who live near their own homes. British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. This is one of the main reason why Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools. I set up the first Muslim school in 1981 in Stratford, London in 1981 and now there are 188 Muslim schools and only 12 are state funded. I would like to see each and every Muslim child in a state funded Muslim school. I hope my dream would come true one day.
Muslim youths are angry, frustrated and extremist because the state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers have robbed them of their cultural
roots and their literature and poetry. They have been in a wrong place and a wrong time during their developmental periods. They have been mis-educated and de-educated by the British educational system.

Many young British Muslims – who comprise over 50 percent of the Muslim population in the United Kingdom – feel confronted by a world that objectifies and stereotypes them as anti-social or troublemakers who do not contribute to a productive society. In recent years, these youth have felt the need to rise up in response to these misjudgements and make their voices heard through engagement with others.
They do not belong to British society because it is a home of institutional racism. They do not belong to the Muslim community because the state schools have destroyed their native languages by making them anglicised. They are not well versed in standard English, therefore, majority of them leave schools with low grades. They do not know where they belong. They are unable to sit down with their parents and elders to have a fruitful conversations and discussions on any of their social and emotional problems. Young Muslims, like other youth, struggle with issues like low self-esteem, particularly given negative media attention surrounding their identity and faith community.

Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Muslim children must develop their cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities before they are exposed to wider world, otherwise, they would be lost in western jungle. There will never be an end to extremism and terrorism as long as Muslim children keep on attending British schooling with non-Muslim teachers.

Culture and race is always a factor in a child’s life. To deny the importance of race and culture is not only insulting to Muslim children, it also risks causing unnecessary confusion and distress. Cultural Identity is particularly significant for a child. Little attention is paid to the child’ cultural background. There is a social and economic pressure on bilingual Muslim children that they must speak English, adopt British values and ditch their religious beliefs, to assimilate into this country rather than maintain their cultural traditions and historical ties. Speaking English does not promote integration into British society and broadens opportunities. The result of such a policy is that British schooling is guilty of producing Muslim youths who are angry, frustrated and extremist. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. The number of Muslim youths is on the increase in prisons. Anti-social behaviour and drug addiction is on the increase. They find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Thanks to British schooling.

Living together requires quite simply, an acceptance of the others, of the way in which (the other) is dressed.

Bilingual Muslim children have been in state schools for the last 50 years. They have been suffering from Paki-bashing. They have been unable to develop their confidence and self-esteem due to racism and bullying. This is one of the main reason why they have been unable to achieve good grades. They have been suffering from Identity Crises. They do not know where they belong. Muslim school with bilingual Muslim teachers is only the answer.

Education report by Birmingham Advisory Service recommends that school lessons should take into account cultural differences in order to improve pupils’ performance. It calls for teaching “the need for mutual respect and understanding”. Minority pupils are underachieving at school because the curriculum is racist. The study found lessons often failed to motivate or interest pupils because curriculum did not provide enough positive role models. The curriculum needs to be more balanced and less Eurocentric. Pupils grow up thinking there is no other playwright than Shakespeare. An ethnicity “Tsar” should be appointed to reform British schooling. Muslim schools performed best overall, although they constitute only a fraction of the country’s 7000 schools. Muslim schools do well because of their Islamic ethos and a focus on traditional discipline and teaching methods. They teach children what is right and what is wrong, because young children need structural guidance. Muslim school is responsible for the development of the whole child. Muslim schools give Muslim children “pride, identity and a sense of culture and languages.

There are hundreds of state schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be designated as Muslim community schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
Muslim community has been victim of Islamophobia for the last 50 years. Since 9/11 and 7/7 it has been a victim of terrorism. Thousands of Muslim youths are being searched in streets by the police and a lot of them are behind bar without any trial. Now Muslim youths are victim of sexual grooming. What do you expect from them?

What do you expect from a Muslim youths who were the product of British schooling? Those Muslim youths who are involved in Terrorist activities are the product of British schooling which makes them mis-fit for their own community. They do not know where the belong. They are victim of Identity Crises. Muslim migrants are living in a society which is institutionally racist. Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. Children should be taught about living religions so that they could learn to respect and tolerate those who are in their schools or who live near their own homes. British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. This is one of the main reason why Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools. I set up the first Muslim school in 1981 in Stratford, London in 1981 and now there are 188 Muslim schools and only 12 are state funded. I would like to see each and every Muslim child in a state funded Muslim school. I hope my dream would come true one day.
Muslim youths are angry, frustrated and extremist because the state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers have robbed them of their cultural
roots and their literature and poetry. They have been in a wrong place and a wrong time during their developmental periods. They have been mis-educated and de-educated by the British educational system.

Many young British Muslims – who comprise over 50 percent of the Muslim population in the United Kingdom – feel confronted by a world that objectifies and stereotypes them as anti-social or troublemakers who do not contribute to a productive society. In recent years, these youth have felt the need to rise up in response to these misjudgements and make their voices heard through engagement with others.
They do not belong to British society because it is a home of institutional racism. They do not belong to the Muslim community because the state schools have destroyed their native languages by making them anglicised. They are not well versed in standard English, therefore, majority of them leave schools with low grades. They do not know where they belong. They are unable to sit down with their parents and elders to have a fruitful conversations and discussions on any of their social and emotional problems. Young Muslims, like other youth, struggle with issues like low self-esteem, particularly given negative media attention surrounding their identity and faith community.

Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Muslim children must develop their cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities before they are exposed to wider world, otherwise, they would be lost in western jungle. There will never be an end to extremism and terrorism as long as Muslim children keep on attending British schooling with non-Muslim teachers.

Culture and race is always a factor in a child’s life. To deny the importance of race and culture is not only insulting to Muslim children, it also risks causing unnecessary confusion and distress. Cultural Identity is particularly significant for a child. Little attention is paid to the child’ cultural background. There is a social and economic pressure on bilingual Muslim children that they must speak English, adopt British values and ditch their religious beliefs, to assimilate into this country rather than maintain their cultural traditions and historical ties. Speaking English does not promote integration into British society and broadens opportunities. The result of such a policy is that British schooling is guilty of producing Muslim youths who are angry, frustrated and extremist. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. The number of Muslim youths is on the increase in prisons. Anti-social behaviour and drug addiction is on the increase. They find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Thanks to British schooling.

Living together requires quite simply, an acceptance of the others, of the way in which (the other) is dressed.

Bilingual Muslim children have been in state schools for the last 50 years. They have been suffering from Paki-bashing. They have been unable to develop their confidence and self-esteem due to racism and bullying. This is one of the main reason why they have been unable to achieve good grades. They have been suffering from Identity Crises. They do not know where they belong. Muslim school with bilingual Muslim teachers is only the answer.

Education report by Birmingham Advisory Service recommends that school lessons should take into account cultural differences in order to improve pupils’ performance. It calls for teaching “the need for mutual respect and understanding”. Minority pupils are underachieving at school because the curriculum is racist. The study found lessons often failed to motivate or interest pupils because curriculum did not provide enough positive role models. The curriculum needs to be more balanced and less Eurocentric. Pupils grow up thinking there is no other playwright than Shakespeare. An ethnicity “Tsar” should be appointed to reform British schooling. Muslim schools performed best overall, although they constitute only a fraction of the country’s 7000 schools. Muslim schools do well because of their Islamic ethos and a focus on traditional discipline and teaching methods. They teach children what is right and what is wrong, because young children need structural guidance. Muslim school is responsible for the development of the whole child. Muslim schools give Muslim children “pride, identity and a sense of culture and languages.

There are hundreds of state schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be designated as Muslim community schools with bilingual Muslim teachers as role models. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
And there us no room for muslim schools in the state system.
Shake or pay up. Or just go back where you came from.