Share of the defense budget given to Ukraine as military aid

Latvian civilians in large numbers helped the SS kill all the jews in Latvia.

Comrade Stalin
Beware of foreign entanglements even when helping the peoples of foreign nations fight for their freedom.

If our assistance to Ukraine might jeopardize our own peace and security, great consideration must be given to the far reaching implications and obligations our assistance might also include.

And emotionally charged Democrats, having shown, primarily, a short sighted ability to detect problems, should not be entrusted as lookouts in keeping us from being endangered by foreign entanglements.
There is no subject more subject to lies and distortions than the numbers of people allegedly killed by Stalin

Before the revolution in 1917, no-one in the egregious capitalist media gave a monkey's toss about the russian peasant,
only fried from slavery 50 years earlier.

During this time, Russia was a dictatorship, where the life of the average former serfs was nasty, brutish and short with
death from hunger a frequent occurence.

The British ruling class revealed it's true colours when they denied asylum to the Tsar. offered by the Soviet Government and denied by the
english king. Contrary to popular myth, the English ( actually german ) royal family rules england through a lickspittle network of civil servants and military officials.

The Soviet attempts to alleviate this problem were met with stiff resistance from the US and european powers. The West even
invaded Soviet Russia to try and kill the revolution.

Luckily for the world, the brave soldiers of the red army were made of sterner stuff and the allied powers well rebuffed.

When the Soviet Union ceased to be, the Kremlin archives were opened and guess what

"British historian Michael Ellman argues that mass deaths from famines should be placed in a different category than the repression victims, mentioning that throughout Russian history famines and droughts have been a common occurrence, including the Russian famine of 1921–22, which occurred before Stalin came to power. He also states that famines were widespread throughout the world in the 19th and 20th centuries in countries such as China, India, Ireland, and Russia.[15] Ellman compared the behaviour of the Stalinist regime vis-à-vis the Holodomor to that of the British government (towards Ireland and India) and the G8 in contemporary times. According to Ellman, the G8 "are guilty of mass manslaughter or mass deaths from criminal negligence because of their not taking obvious measures to reduce mass deaths" and Stalin's "behaviour was no worse than that of many rulers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries​

There is no subject more subject to lies and distortions than the numbers of people allegedly killed by Stalin

Before the revolution in 1917, no-one in the egregious capitalist media gave a monkey's toss about the russian peasant,
only fried from slavery 50 years earlier.

During this time, Russia was a dictatorship, where the life of the average former serfs was nasty, brutish and short with
death from hunger a frequent occurence.

The British ruling class revealed it's true colours when they denied asylum to the Tsar. offered by the Soviet Government and denied by the
english king. Contrary to popular myth, the English ( actually german ) royal family rules england through a lickspittle network of civil servants and military officials.

The Soviet attempts to alleviate this problem were met with stiff resistance from the US and european powers. The West even
invaded Soviet Russia to try and kill the revolution.

Luckily for the world, the brave soldiers of the red army were made of sterner stuff and the allied powers well rebuffed.

When the Soviet Union ceased to be, the Kremlin archives were opened and guess what

"British historian Michael Ellman argues that mass deaths from famines should be placed in a different category than the repression victims, mentioning that throughout Russian history famines and droughts have been a common occurrence, including the Russian famine of 1921–22, which occurred before Stalin came to power. He also states that famines were widespread throughout the world in the 19th and 20th centuries in countries such as China, India, Ireland, and Russia.[15] Ellman compared the behaviour of the Stalinist regime vis-à-vis the Holodomor to that of the British government (towards Ireland and India) and the G8 in contemporary times. According to Ellman, the G8 "are guilty of mass manslaughter or mass deaths from criminal negligence because of their not taking obvious measures to reduce mass deaths" and Stalin's "behaviour was no worse than that of many rulers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries​

Paul McCartney Freedom Lyrics (3:25)
