So busy with life, you know not who God is!


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
You're so busy with your life, you don't know who God is!

You, being number one in your life and in the lives of others, have no time to think but yourself. You are everything to yourself. You see yourself as a semi-god, rejoicing in your knowledge, feeling you have invented the universe. After all, how can the universe exist without you thinking about it? So, you must have created this universe in your own mind. The universe does not exist without you. Nothing can exist outside yourself except by you acknowledging its existence.

For, indeed, how can we be so sure that we exist and so does the universe should we not be here and conceive it as such? Difficult to say and imagine the world existing without our consciousness of it.

But is this not vainglorious attitude? An utterly narcissist beings we are. Everyone thinks of himself first, then the other come and then the whole world.

God would be the last thing to think about.

Self-glorification is part of our make up. Look at everyone beside you and you see what I mean!

This narcissist self-glorious attitude, embodied in each one of us is on permanent function. It does not die or seize to function. We see others in terms of ourselves and not in terms of others by themselves. We are the centre of the universe and God is not.

We do not see any need for God for we do not see God nor do think we depend on Him.

Thus, we recoil on our selves for we are first attraction and self-centered creatures.

We are first class egoists, first class chauvinists, first class narcissists and first class self-deifying. We behave as if the universe was created for us, for our service, for our pleasure, for the human race.

We look at nature, with its abundance of our needs, providing us with everything we want, means of our survival and means of our luxury.

We, being the centre of the universe, do not need God to be our center of the universe. He is there to provide us. He is there to give us life and nourishment. He is there to give us food and shelter. He is there to provide us with security. He is there to give us our partners and our progeny. He is there to care for us.

But how far can man go in his imagination. God is the provider, but man does not acknowledge this fact.

Man thinks it is natural, normal and banal for what God provides. Man thinks God is obliged to provide.

Well, let me tell you that we depend totally on God in our life and everything we need. It is a favor bestowed by the provider to the provided.

God is not obliged to give anything, yet, He does give everything, but man is ungrateful to the extent that he denies the provider and what he provides. He denies that God provides and considers life and its conditions are made by itself. He even ascribes our being, including the universe, as a product of chance, coincidence and hazard.

In reality, man did not contribute to bring about one single atom, or cell, or a wing of fly,

Man, out of his arrogant ingratitude disbelieves in God and see everything as provided by nature. But man forgets that nature itself is a provision of God. Nature does not mean anything. It is an empty term used to denote what God has made. Nature is not God but it is the handiwork of God.

But most humans are ungrateful beasts, until they see Hell Fire with the eyes of their own heads, and then, it is no more a joke!
So you claim to know who God is?
If humans are responsible for their own actions, then so is God.
You're so busy with your life, you don't know who God is!

You, being number one in your life and in the lives of others, have no time to think but yourself. You are everything to yourself. You see yourself as a semi-god, rejoicing in your knowledge, feeling you have invented the universe. After all, how can the universe exist without you thinking about it? So, you must have created this universe in your own mind. The universe does not exist without you. Nothing can exist outside yourself except by you acknowledging its existence.

For, indeed, how can we be so sure that we exist and so does the universe should we not be here and conceive it as such? Difficult to say and imagine the world existing without our consciousness of it.

But is this not vainglorious attitude? An utterly narcissist beings we are. Everyone thinks of himself first, then the other come and then the whole world.

God would be the last thing to think about.

Self-glorification is part of our make up. Look at everyone beside you and you see what I mean!

This narcissist self-glorious attitude, embodied in each one of us is on permanent function. It does not die or seize to function. We see others in terms of ourselves and not in terms of others by themselves. We are the centre of the universe and God is not.

We do not see any need for God for we do not see God nor do think we depend on Him.

Thus, we recoil on our selves for we are first attraction and self-centered creatures.

We are first class egoists, first class chauvinists, first class narcissists and first class self-deifying. We behave as if the universe was created for us, for our service, for our pleasure, for the human race.

We look at nature, with its abundance of our needs, providing us with everything we want, means of our survival and means of our luxury.

We, being the centre of the universe, do not need God to be our center of the universe. He is there to provide us. He is there to give us life and nourishment. He is there to give us food and shelter. He is there to provide us with security. He is there to give us our partners and our progeny. He is there to care for us.

But how far can man go in his imagination. God is the provider, but man does not acknowledge this fact.

Man thinks it is natural, normal and banal for what God provides. Man thinks God is obliged to provide.

Well, let me tell you that we depend totally on God in our life and everything we need. It is a favor bestowed by the provider to the provided.

God is not obliged to give anything, yet, He does give everything, but man is ungrateful to the extent that he denies the provider and what he provides. He denies that God provides and considers life and its conditions are made by itself. He even ascribes our being, including the universe, as a product of chance, coincidence and hazard.

In reality, man did not contribute to bring about one single atom, or cell, or a wing of fly,

Man, out of his arrogant ingratitude disbelieves in God and see everything as provided by nature. But man forgets that nature itself is a provision of God. Nature does not mean anything. It is an empty term used to denote what God has made. Nature is not God but it is the handiwork of God.

But most humans are ungrateful beasts, until they see Hell Fire with the eyes of their own heads, and then, it is no more a joke!
Stop it. You've never interacted with any stupid god.
USA is full of delusional godbotherers who believe there's a god. When challenged they threaten atheists to hell which doesn't exist either.
The Book of Revelation does not say God will judge people. It says that every person who has ever lived will be resurrected and judged by JESUS, not God.

Of course, somewhere there was the notion that when you die, your soul gets electroluxed up to Heaven and then St. Peter stands at the Gate of Heaven and he decides who gets in.

Lots of people believe this, including those who made Looney Tunes. but this is obviously heresy.

Let us see once more how Mark Francis cannot honestly debate his own beliefs.
The Book of Revelation does not say God will judge people. It says that every person who has ever lived will be resurrected and judged by JESUS, not God.

Of course, somewhere there was the notion that when you die, your soul gets electroluxed up to Heaven and then St. Peter stands at the Gate of Heaven and he decides who gets in.

Lots of people believe this, including those who made Looney Tunes. but this is obviously heresy.

Let us see once more how Mark Francis cannot honestly debate his own beliefs.
There is no 'St. Peter' at some mythical gate deciding who enters heaven or not.
All of Mark Francis' evidence is in the Bible. How does Mark know that his evidence is true? Because the Bible told him so. Circular reasoning is quite common among sillier people.

Does St. Peter hold the keys to Heaven? The Holy Mother Church says he does.Do I believe that? I have no clue: St Peter is two thousand years dead and I cannot see or converse with the dead.
All of Mark Francis' evidence is in the Bible. How does Mark know that his evidence is true? Because the Bible told him so. Circular reasoning is quite common among sillier people.

Does St. Peter hold the keys to Heaven? The Holy Mother Church says he does.Do I believe that? I have no clue: St Peter is two thousand years dead and I cannot see or converse with the dead.
That's the problem with over half of Americans. They really believe there's a god and all the bullshyt that goes with it.
Imagine how great it would be if we all pulled together and left the brain dead godbothering hatreds and division behind.

Since Trump they have now divided into religious republicans and atheist democrats. While ever religion survives it will be the same. Trump was the cause of it all.

Mark really does believe because of his assessment of USA in relation to god, it can be heaped on democrats for the blame. He never stops bellowing about the godless democrats and how god will reunite the country yet not a sceric of evidence to prove it.
Every single newsworthy item he spins as a Democrat plot or Marxism. He lies but charges forward after he dusts himself off. Never mind his god when he's lying about democrats. There's no sin there.

There is no doubt he has recently morphed into a more bitter persona. Might be paranoid about his god being ignored or the upcoming jailing of Trump. He certainly follows the same predictable path of hate towards the left regardless of who is at fault.
Do you refute that Peter is a saint? According to the Holy Mother Church, he holds the Keys to the Kingdom. Hence the symbols on the Pope's coat of arms.View attachment 11790
All Christians are referred to as saints, not just those misguided Christians mistakenly exalt above the rest.

Romans 1:7
To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
All Christians are referred to as saints, not just those misguided Christians mistakenly exalt above the rest.
What about the Latter Day Saints? Are they Saints, too?
It is pretty clear, regardless of your silly quote, that NO ONE claims that the entire Christian population of Rome are or ever were, saints.

Note that in the above quote, the author of Romans failed to mention the Holy Ghost.
All Christians are referred to as saints, not just those misguided Christians mistakenly exalt above the rest.
What about the Latter Day Saints? Are they Saints, too?
It is pretty clear, regardless of your silly quote, that NO ONE claims that the entire Christian population of Rome are or ever were, saints.

Note that in the above quote, the author of Romans failed to mention the Holy Ghost.
Hey I can not Find the post but some ***** was talking out his a hole about the bible and there being no mention of the goly ghost in it .made a fool out of himself by making claims that are lies .

Figured you or lug nut 1 would know who the ***** was,
All Christians are referred to as saints, not just those misguided Christians mistakenly exalt above the rest.
What about the Latter Day Saints? Are they Saints, too?
It is pretty clear, regardless of your silly quote, that NO ONE claims that the entire Christian population of Rome are or ever were, saints.

Note that in the above quote, the author of Romans failed to mention the Holy Ghost.
No mention of the Holy Ghost in one Bible passage? What can that possibly mean? Not to worry, though, because I found another passage that did mention the Holy Ghost.

John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.