The Alaska and Sarah Divorce


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
I find this frankly amusing. Ole Sarah has decided to return home for the holidays and finally wrap up her book tour. She has two events scheduled for Alaska, both of them closed to the general public, being held on military bases near Fairbanks and Anchorage.

Oh what a change it has been, just over two years ago I saw Sarah in my home village and she attended our local fishtival with only a single State Trooper for protection. She could often times be seen out shopping without for her triumphant return home she wont even do a real public book signing.

There are plenty of book stores that I am sure would love to host her, but Sarah wants to insulate herself from the same people she quit on. The Anchorage Daily News went sofar as to disable the comments section on the story because of the uproar.

Nothing like embarassing herself on the campaign trail, then to quit to write her book. She wont stand to face those she dragged through the mud for her own self promotion.
Conservatives, you need to look long and hard at the Janus figure we call Sarah.
I find this frankly amusing. Ole Sarah has decided to return home for the holidays and finally wrap up her book tour. She has two events scheduled for Alaska, both of them closed to the general public, being held on military bases near Fairbanks and Anchorage.

Oh what a change it has been, just over two years ago I saw Sarah in my home village and she attended our local fishtival with only a single State Trooper for protection. She could often times be seen out shopping without for her triumphant return home she wont even do a real public book signing.

There are plenty of book stores that I am sure would love to host her, but Sarah wants to insulate herself from the same people she quit on. The Anchorage Daily News went sofar as to disable the comments section on the story because of the uproar.

Nothing like embarassing herself on the campaign trail, then to quit to write her book. She wont stand to face those she dragged through the mud for her own self promotion.
....More-often referred-to as Creditors.

I find this frankly amusing. Ole Sarah has decided to return home for the holidays and finally wrap up her book tour. She has two events scheduled for Alaska, both of them closed to the general public, being held on military bases near Fairbanks and Anchorage.

Oh what a change it has been, just over two years ago I saw Sarah in my home village and she attended our local fishtival with only a single State Trooper for protection. She could often times be seen out shopping without for her triumphant return home she wont even do a real public book signing.

There are plenty of book stores that I am sure would love to host her, but Sarah wants to insulate herself from the same people she quit on. The Anchorage Daily News went sofar as to disable the comments section on the story because of the uproar.

SARAH will do fine! Notice how she can put more than three words together WITHOUT using a PROMPTER!! NO STUTTERING either!! , No aahh , aahh , -
Just watching Mrs Palin speak compared to our misfit makes one wonder,why did we lower the bar so very low to allow Obama in? How about next election we demand PRINCIPLES from each Candidate! SOLID AMERICAN PRINCIPLES!
Imports just do not cut it! Ok for CARS but not for CZARS!!
.......she can put more than three words together WITHOUT using a PROMPTER!! NO STUTTERING either!! , No aahh , aahh......
......tragically when she tries to strung more than three words together she has a tendency to get confused with how she started her sentence and.... well, it all kindda goes wrong for her. A nice enough lady but alas one of little brain.
......tragically when she tries to strung more than three words together she has a tendency to get confused with how she started her sentence and.... well, it all kindda goes wrong for her.
Yeah.....we really need one o' them, in the Whitehouse...again!


Yeah Caribou Barbie is GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!

I don't know which part of her I like most. The part that's saved from witchcraft... the total lack of anything even remotely Federal government let alone word related... her bailing out on her elected job... or her cannibalizing her own Party.

She's a zealot tucked in ignorance wrapped in confusion and coated in vengeance.

I find this frankly amusing. Ole Sarah has decided to return home for the holidays and finally wrap up her book tour. She has two events scheduled for Alaska, both of them closed to the general public, being held on military bases near Fairbanks and Anchorage.

Oh what a change it has been, just over two years ago I saw Sarah in my home village and she attended our local fishtival with only a single State Trooper for protection. She could often times be seen out shopping without for her triumphant return home she wont even do a real public book signing.

There are plenty of book stores that I am sure would love to host her, but Sarah wants to insulate herself from the same people she quit on. The Anchorage Daily News went sofar as to disable the comments section on the story because of the uproar.

Nothing like embarassing herself on the campaign trail, then to quit to write her book. She wont stand to face those she dragged through the mud for her own self promotion.
Conservatives, you need to look long and hard at the Janus figure we call Sarah.

We have Bush and McCain to thank for our first African American president. maybe we'll have Palin to thank for having reelected him.

Wouldn't it be great if we could vote for the best person for pres, instead of the least bad?
We have Bush and McCain to thank for our first African American president. maybe we'll have Palin to thank for having reelected him.
I have long said that Bush is the number one person responsible for the raise of and subsequent election of Obama.

On the local note, the event is tomorrow, and I wish I could find transcripts of some of the things that Alaskan conservative talk radio is saying about her. It would give the national conservatives a whole new insight.
Wouldn't it be great if we could vote for the best person for pres, instead of the least bad?
Well this comes from the existance of two factors, the first being partisan politics. Before anyone screams about a third party, I would ask them to contemplate a system with no parties.
The other of course is the few hundred million it takes to realistically run a Presidential campaign.
SARAH will do fine! Notice how she can put more than three words together WITHOUT using a PROMPTER!! NO STUTTERING either!! , No aahh , aahh , -
Just watching Mrs Palin speak compared to our misfit makes one wonder,why did we lower the bar so very low to allow Obama in? How about next election we demand PRINCIPLES from each Candidate! SOLID AMERICAN PRINCIPLES!
Imports just do not cut it! Ok for CARS but not for CZARS!!
Are you on the same planet as the rest of us?
She's a zealot tucked in ignorance wrapped in confusion and coated in vengeance.
I'm thinkin'.....she's someone who's whole Life Plan was trading on her appearance. She's (quite) obviously never prepped for anything after her looks least, it's never included reading (much of anything). She seems more like some High School cheerleader, who can't get-over the idea Graduation was yeeeaaarrrs-ago....who's only option (presently) is appealing to the the local-bar...'cause neither o' them knows what-to-do (anymore), without a crowd cheerin' 'em on.

Her desperate, needy, spastic behavior (presently) appears all-too-much like she finally realizes her Glory Days are over....and, her job-skills are pretty-much limited to workin' a phone-sex-line or waitressing at the local topless-bar ('cause the under-age/active High-School-jocks find her kinda-hot).​
Wouldn't it be great if we could vote for the best person for pres, instead of the least bad?
....As if a majority of Americans are intelligent-enough to recognize a best-person, anyhow.

The last clown they picked was the local-rummy...someone you could rely-on being at the bar....after you've decided there's nothing better to do than to go have a drink.​
I have long said that Bush is the number one person responsible for the raise of and subsequent election of Obama.
"...the raise of..."??????


What's that...some kind o' Alaskan-terminology???

Are you suggesting Obama needed someone, like George Bush, to make Obama look intelligent??

Well this comes from the existance of two factors, the first being partisan politics. Before anyone screams about a third party, I would ask them to contemplate a system with no parties.
....And, end-up with the biggest loudmouth....a person with the perfect-skills to organize a lynch-mob.

We've already got one o' them.​
Well this comes from the existance of two factors, the first being partisan politics. Before anyone screams about a third party, I would ask them to contemplate a system with no parties.
The other of course is the few hundred million it takes to realistically run a Presidential campaign.

I've often had that same thought... about how good it would be if everyone just voted for whoever without any Party affiliation. That's why for years I was a registered Independent.

But in the end you always run up against important truly American factors like freedom of speech and freedom to assemble... plus you need the organizing that brings in the money to campaign sucessfully and get your message out. So there's no way the no Party system will ever happen.

The worst part to me is that so many are not involved... don't research anything a politics. They either don't vote or vote on some whim or on some singular thing they heard on the radio or on TV.

The best one can do is look at the overall positions (the planks) of each Party as well as their performance in office and say which is better which is worse, old guy/new guy. Then support that Party's candidate.