The Bible.

The Bible is a strange compendium of folktales, sayings, parables, and in the case of Christianity, it is defective.
What the Bible should include is the Gospel according to Jesus. Jesus came from a culture that has a deep respect for the written word. Jesus is called Rabbi on several occasions, and there is that tale in which he wows some rabbis in Jerusalem. But he wrote NOTHING. At least Mohammad dictated the Koran.
The Bible is a strange compendium of folktales, sayings, parables, and in the case of Christianity, it is defective.
What the Bible should include is the Gospel according to Jesus. Jesus came from a culture that has a deep respect for the written word. Jesus is called Rabbi on several occasions, and there is that tale in which he wows some rabbis in Jerusalem. But he wrote NOTHING. At least Mohammad dictated the Koran.
There's no reason to believe Jesus existed. Even if he came from a virgin or was supposedly resurrected, it doesn't prove it's a god.
The curious thing is that the Bible says this.

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Because, you see, God did NOT actually LOSE his son, because Jesus did not do what all dead sacrifices must do, which is to STAY DEAD. Jesus resurrected himself and came back, didn't he?

So Jesus did not DIE for our sins, he merely had a really unpleasant weekend for our sins.

There seems to be rather a bit of controversy about whether Jesus existed before he was born to Mary. If he is God, then aren't both Jesus and the Holy Ghost eternal, like God the Father?

And if they are, then how is it that of the three parts of the Holy Trinity that are mentioned in the Old Testament only the Father is mentioned?

As we are supposedly made in his image, then how is it that in the most dramatic of his Biblical appearances, he chooses to take the form of flaming shrubbery?
The curious thing is that the Bible says this.

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Because, you see, God did NOT actually LOSE his son, because Jesus did not do what all dead sacrifices must do, which is to STAY DEAD. Jesus resurrected himself and came back, didn't he?

So Jesus did not DIE for our sins, he merely had a really unpleasant weekend for our sins.

There seems to be rather a bit of controversy about whether Jesus existed before he was born to Mary. If he is God, then aren't both Jesus and the Holy Ghost eternal, like God the Father?

And if they are, then how is it that of the three parts of the Holy Trinity that are mentioned in the Old Testament only the Father is mentioned?

As we are supposedly made in his image, then how is it that in the most dramatic of his Biblical appearances, he chooses to take the form of flaming shrubbery?
Jesus never existed.
Jesus never existed.
There were dozens of Jesuses (Jesi?) all over the Holy Land. It was a popular name.
Jesus as described in the Bible does not fit the description of a Messiah.
A Messiah was NOT defined as the actual son of God, as God has no actual children. A Messiah was supposed to be a rerun of King David. And the Messiah's name was not to be Jesus (or Yeshua) it was to be Emmanuel. READ THE EFFING BOOK!

That said, there is not any substantial proof that Jesus did exist. Just go to YouTube and you will find actual Biblical scholars who understand Greek and Hebrew that give a good summary of the facts about a historical Jesus.
There were dozens of Jesuses (Jesi?) all over the Holy Land. It was a popular name.
Jesus as described in the Bible does not fit the description of a Messiah.
A Messiah was NOT defined as the actual son of God, as God has no actual children. A Messiah was supposed to be a rerun of King David. And the Messiah's name was not to be Jesus (or Yeshua) it was to be Emmanuel. READ THE EFFING BOOK!

That said, there is not any substantial proof that Jesus did exist. Just go to YouTube and you will find actual Biblical scholars who understand Greek and Hebrew that give a good summary of the facts about a historical Jesus.
All the ridiculous unproven events like walking on water etc we know cannot possibly happen. Why should the Jesus story be taken any more seriously?
Even if he were from a virgin or supposedly resurrected, it doesn't prove he was a god.
All the ridiculous unproven events like walking on water etc we know cannot possibly happen. Why should the Jesus story be taken any more seriously?
Even if he were from a virgin or supposedly resurrected, it doesn't prove he was a god.
As I recall, David Copperfield disappeared an elephant and no one claimed he was divine.

If Jesus was actually divine, why did he praise John the Baptist and claim that John was superior to him?
Does God need to be baptised?
As I recall, David Copperfield disappeared an elephant and no one claimed he was divine.

If Jesus was actually divine, why did he praise John the Baptist and claim that John was superior to him?
Does God need to be baptised?
There is no god or ever was. There's no evidence of it. There's no reason to believe Jesus ever existed.
There surely was a Yeshua (Jesus), it was a popular name. But there is no evidence of a Jesus that did what the Bible claims he did that could be presented as evidence in any US court. We have at best third and forth hand accounts. And what is in the Bible omits a ton of information.
The Bible does not state the date on which Jesus was born OR the date on which he died. Pretty important data for anyone considered so important.
There surely was a Yeshua (Jesus), it was a popular name. But there is no evidence of a Jesus that did what the Bible claims he did that could be presented as evidence in any US court. We have at best third and forth hand accounts. And what is in the Bible omits a ton of information.
The Bible does not state the date on which Jesus was born OR the date on which he died. Pretty important data for anyone considered so important.
The believers can't even get the paternity right.