The Whole Story - Anderson Cooper - The Case Against Donald Trump



Canada Free Press
Bizpac Review
Apparently hunter has paid his taxes. Theres another lie down the drain.
The government-protected lying Biden family business ship is going down in flames. Any further attempt to justify the Biden family corruption at this point is worthless and ridiculous.
Also. No evidence about Joe was found. Isn't it strange when the GOP go for someone, their internal leaks gush open with the facts and the witch hunt is revealed.
So the quid-pro-quo Hunter/Joe/Burisma bribery deal was a hoax? How do you know that and can you prove it?
"Between 2015 and 2018, cannabis use in seniors over 65 jumped 75%, and this age group now represents the fastest growing group of cannabis users in the United States. In this episode of The Whole Story, Dr. Gupta travels from research facilities in Tel Aviv, Israel – often referred to as “the holy land of medical marijuana” – to a senior living community in West Palm Beach running an experimental cannabis treatment pilot program, as he learns more about how seniors are using the drug for pain relief, better sleep, less anxiety, weight gain and more. In California, he boards a “cannabus” providing transport to seniors who cannot otherwise access dispensaries, and visits one of the largest cannabis growing operations in the world, where plants are designed with seniors in mind."
The government-protected lying Biden family business ship is going down in flames. Any further attempt to justify the Biden family corruption at this point is worthless and ridiculous.

So the quid-pro-quo Hunter/Joe/Burisma bribery deal was a hoax? How do you know that and can you prove it?
Because it found no case. What part of that do you not understand?
I can prove no more than you can prove it did but the only difference is you're a proven liar.
Democrats never explained how dozens of boxes filled with pristine ballots for Biden found their way into the GA 2020 election.

GA judge orders 'strangely pristine' mail-in ballots, that look photocopied, to be guarded (

GA judge orders ‘strangely pristine’ mail-in ballots, that look photocopied, to be guarded

June 9, 2021
| Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | Print Article

Georgia is questioning the validity of a large number of mail-in ballots from last November that allegedly appear to be identical Xeroxed copies that are uncreased, and use identical paper and ink.

Fulton County poll manager Suzi Voyles has never seen anything like it during her 20 years of monitoring elections in Fulton County. “All of them were strangely pristine,” she noted. She noticed the discrepancy as she sorted through a large stack of mail-in ballots last November. As she went through the ballots she saw that a number of the ones cast for Joe Biden were strangely similar to each other right down to the ink and paper.

The votes were identical in nature with perfectly filled ovals. Each of the bubbles featured an identical white void inside them that was shaped like a tiny crescent. The darkened ovals appear to have been copied rather than filled in with a pen or pencil according to RealClearInvestigations.
We do t have to. That was included in the audit and found nothing wrong.
How could you possibly know what took place. You weren't there but so done told you and you hate Biden. Great evidence. A court would love you.
That link proves nothing but does offer unproven Democrat explanations for the mistakes made in Texas and other states.

We already pointed out that Judge Amero ordered the ballots to be sealed on 6-9-21, six months after investigators filmed multiple box trucks moving the ballots out of the warehouse for reasons unknown. He also ordered the ballots to be unsealed but restricted any close examinations of the ballots until he finally dismissed the case altogether on 3 technicalities with no close examinations of the ballots ever allowed.

Judge Amero is a card-carrying, Democrat donor with obvious ill will toward patriotic Americans demanding thorough and proper investigations.
And your plethora of evidence to prove them is where?!
We do t have to. That was included in the audit and found nothing wrong.
How could you possibly know what took place. You weren't there but so done told you and you hate Biden. Great evidence. A court would love you.
The judge never allowed the machines and mimeographed ballots to be thoroughly examined by unbiased forensics experts in spite of broken promises to the contrary.
The Biden family dealings are all over the web. You sound misinformed.
That could be right but oddly enough not one has been proven to be illegal that involved the POTUS.

How's Trump going now dickhead?
The latest indictment, if proven which it will be, us the one which will prohibit him from running again.

Admit it. The DOJ and Jack Smith have Planned it so well. They'll give him more time to bleed the suckers dry of their money which he was supposed to spend on campaigning, which he won't. He is under no obligation to return any if it and obliged by law to spend no less than 10 %. That target was reached 12 months ago so he will trouser the rest and split it amongst lawyers to have his prison suite renovated to his liking. Real Pablo Escobar characteristics.

Jack Smith is an American hero. The country should be beholden to him for having the guts to prosecute Trump, the only POTUS ever to orchestrate an insurrection and coup to install fascism.
Meanwhile the faithful morons still prosecute the lie he is completely innocent. USA is full of brain dead fools. A great country choked to near death by the installation of a moronic narcissistic phsycopath supported by those with intelligence similar to concrete.

So continue your personal crusade to de throne Joe. It's entertainment for all.