Three Fox News Staffers Targeted By Justice Department


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Fox News reports that three Fox staffers, two reporters and one producer, were targeted by Barack Obama's Justice Department. Fox doesn't have all the details yet on a reporter William La Jeunesse and producer Mike Levine, but their emails showed up in a IG report regarding Fast and Furious. Either their emails were leaked by the Justice Department officials they were sent to, or the email accounts of both were subpoenaed and invaded by government investigators.

The IG report does say that subpoenas were issued to obtain emails. Whose email was targeted is not yet known.

The third staffer is reporter James Rosen. The Washington Post's story behind that is downright chilling. What we have here is a case of the Obama Administration criminalizing reporting.
In June of 2009, James Rosen of Fox News reported that North Korea might respond to an increase in United Nations sanctions with even more nuclear tests. Rosen added that the CIA had learned this information from their sources within North Korea.

According to the Washington Post, upon hearing learning of Rosen's report, the White House launched what many believe is an unprecedented leak probe that went so far as to criminalize standard news-gathering.

Because the Justice Department believes the source of the leak to Rosen was Jin-Woo Kim, a government adviser, he is facing federal charges that could land him a 10-year prison sentence.

Doesn t this sound just like NIXONs Watergate? Nixon ordered DOJ Targeting the NEW YORK TIMES reporters. When Tea Party boots democrats out in midterms. the Obama is gonna the Denver boot! Kick his ass right out of office.
What a pig pile, these scandals are just getting worse.

I wonder how many more are out there just waiting to surface.
of course there are.more most will already have been reported as they happened as some of these have. im surprises they have not been miningvold reporting for this. especially attacks on infriendly businesses.
^ I remind friends here that our outrage is NOT shared by the majority of the brainless, self-centered, American electorate who put our criminal, anti-Constitutional President in his office.

Latest polls show that "51 percent of Americans approve of the way Obama is handling his job as president compared to 44 percent that disapprove. The results of the latest poll are nearly unchanged compared to a poll conducted a month ago that found Obama with a 50 percent to 45 percent approval rating."

The give-me-something-for-nothing crowd now controls the reigns of government. Majorities elect Presidents. Presidents appoint Supreme Court Justices whose job it is to protect our Constitution's original intent. The present minority can't depend on the media to report the truth and to take a principled stance against the left. The present minority can't depend on our schools to teach our children that these leftist crimes are wrong. Most of our schools and colleges actively support these leftist crimes. When the majority of voters APPROVE of destroying the Constitutional rights of the minority, what option does the minority realistically have?
^Majorities elect Presidents. Presidents appoint Supreme Court Justices whose job it is to protect our Constitution's original intent. The present minority can't depend on the media to report the truth and to take a principled stance against the left. The present minority can't depend on our schools to teach our children that these leftist crimes are wrong. Most of our schools and colleges actively support these leftist crimes. When the majority of voters APPROVE of destroying the Constitutional rights of the minority, what option does the minority realistically have?

I've heard all my life about the "silent majority" and that most Americans are basically to the right of center. There is no point in pointing fingers or getting upset, when the radical left's apparent take over of all our institutions didn't happen overnight. We've had plenty of warning, going back to Wilson's presidency. We can complain all we want (and I complain all the time), but the time of sitting on our duffs and not being proactive is long past. If we lose this country, we have no one to blame but ourselves for allowing it to happen.