Top marine says having open gays in the military will harm morale


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007

The leftwingers like to practice their social engineering with the military, because there's no democracy there - people have to follow orders. (That's what they hope for with society at large - constitutional law and democracy replaced by an elite of leftwingers who just issue commands.)

Here we have an utterly experienced soldier versus the ideological ideas of the leftwing extremist group in power, presided over by obozo who has not the slighest military experience and is unqualified to make any decisions about them.

Who do you think is right?
There are already gays in the military. They just aren't allowed to say they are gay.

It isn't just SAYING anything, it's openly demonstrating by action they are gay. Eg, say, the night before combat, marines have to put up with two marines making out in the barracks. Then they have to take group showers.

The people who know, military commanders who can finally speak the truth because they are retiring, know this openly gay stuff is destructive of unit cohesion and morale. The leftwing is destroying the military, using it as a lab for their social ideas, when it's purpose is supposed to be defeating the enemy in wartime.

Hey look out osama, we've got pregnant "soldiers" hunting you down. :D
The Left Elite knows that once they have destroyed the military and made it a another controlled unit of the Left (like the media, academia, p-schools, Hollywood, Blacks, poor, unions, etc...), America is toast. This is but another step the radical Left wants accomplished in their effort to remake America into a socialist sh*thole.

Once patriotic American men and women refuse to enlist in the military because gays have infected it, America is done.

The Left knows the military votes overwhelmingly against them. They hate this. They know the military is an impediment to their take over of America. So, what better way than to infuse it with gays to destroy it from within?
The day after obozo got eleceted, I advised people to dissuade their male relatives from joining the military - they would be under the command of an utterly unqualified, incompetent, appeaser commander in chief.