UK PM Boris Johnson tells France to “get a grip” over submarine deal


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson dusted off his French on Wednesday to poke fun at France amid the ongoing feud between the two countries over a controversial submarine deal with Australia.

"What I want to say about that is I just think it's time for some of our dearest friends around the world to prenez un grip [get a grip] about all this and donnez-moi un break [give me a break]," Johnson said in front of the US Capitol the morning he met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Johnson's use of the word "grip" could possibly be misconstrued audibly as "grippe," the French word for the flu.

Johnson studied French while going to school in Brussels for two years as a kid.

Neither phrase he used has a direct equivalent in French, with a British TV anchor describing Johnson's quip as "peerless français.”....


2. After dusting off France like a housefly or cockroach in an economic waterloo, the bullheaded guy added insult to injury by poking fun at his dearest friend with his "dusty français”.

By "stealing" the submarine deal from Marianne, John Bull tries to raise the sun from the west over the ashes of the British Empire above which the sun was believed to be never set, as the saying used to go. John Bull's latest "economic theft" from Marianne is just a small addition to his countless crimes against humanity committed at the height of the British Empire.

Under the policies of British colonialism, people around the globe were subjected to mass famines, atrocious conditions in concentration camps, and brutal massacres at the hands of imperialist troops. The Brits also played an integral role in the transatlantic slave trade. There were approximately 25 major famines during the British rule in India, spreading all over the states and regions of India.

3. Even John Bull’s “rebellious son Sam” in the so-called New World was not spared from his fury. On August 24, 1814, during the War of 1812 between the United States and England, British troops descended on Washington, D.C. to set fire to much of the city, including the White House and the Capitol in retaliation for the American burning of the Canadian capital at York (Toronto) in Ontario, Canada, in June 1813.

4. Neither was John Bull’s half-sister Erin (Ireland) was spared from his atrocities. During the Irish Potato Famine from 1845 to 1852, Charles Edward Trevelyan was responsible for administering relief in Ireland. He was merely a civil servant but wielded much power as the assistant secretary of HM treasury. As a 21 year old, he worked with the British colonial government in India.

In 1840, Trevelyan began his duties as the assistant secretary of Her Majesty’s treasury and maintained the role until 1859 (two famines later). As a supporter of the Whig political party, Trevelyan saw Ireland as an international embarrassment. He forced the dying Irish into hard labour, building pointless roads so they could afford to buy grain, thus exacerbating the Irish Famine. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of starving Irish looked on helplessly as a quarter of a million sheep and close to half a million swine left the island to be exported to England. Trevelyan had to arrange for troops to be sent to Ireland so as to be on the ready for any food riots that broke out in the port cities.

Additional Reference:
Come on, Marianne!

Marianne has been the national personification of the French Republic since the French Revolution, as a personification of liberty, equality, fraternity and reason, as well as a portrayal of the Goddess of Liberty.Wikipedia