Unbderstanding the leftwing - Principle 1


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
No amount of taxes is ever enough, leftwing government greed is literally without an upper bound.
Corrollary: "Civility" is called for when obozo is sinking in the polls.
Instilling fear in senior citizens, minorities, children, and homosexuals is the central theme of the left wing, especially during an election year.
Divide and conquer. Make a point of creating categories and put people in them to insure distrust and give the pols the opportunity to pander to each individually. That whole melting pot thing works for no one and so much for MLKing's dream.
Principle #1: If you have something that I want, I have an "inalienable right to happiness" which means I should have the same, even if I didn't want to do anything to get it.
This is a really humorist thread!
Thanks for the good laugh.

Either that, or your little club is particularly skilled at projection!
Many (most) of your cute comments come straight out of the Republican and/or Fox News "Republican for Dummies" best seller book!

Funny! ;):D
This is a really humorist thread!
Thanks for the good laugh.

Either that, or your little club is particularly skilled at projection!
Many (most) of your cute comments come straight out of the Republican and/or Fox News "Republican for Dummies" best seller book!

Funny! ;):D

Insult reported.
Ah golly gee, there are pet phrases for both sides, and yes, it's fun to pull them out when prompted. ;)

Maybe the projection going on here is assuming that other people get their ideology from a news personality, and not from other sources that expound on stories, not to mention life experiences.
This is a really humorist thread!
Thanks for the good laugh.

Either that, or your little club is particularly skilled at projection!
Many (most) of your cute comments come straight out of the Republican and/or Fox News "Republican for Dummies" best seller book!

Funny! ;):D

Laughing at the truth is another trait of the leftists.

Hypocrisy is another.

Thanks for reminding me of those two traits, Openmind. See, even YOU are contributing to this thread, whether you want to or not. Keep 'em coming!
You're joking right? who are you speaking for?

Did the big bad woman scare you? Lol.

You miss the point. If the Post Police insist that I treat idiots with kid gloves, then they aren't getting away with anything either.....assuming the mods are neutral, itself a big "if".