Unweaving the "Basket of Deplorables"

The Sage of Main Street

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Reflections on Baby Boomerangs

Those upscale elitists whom the spoiled and pushy richgirl Hillary Rodham was appealing to have been crippled and hollowed out by ambitious conformity. Their inner emptiness creates in them a desperate need to make themselves feel whole by feeding on negative images of those who refused to play their Masters' game and climb the required ladder of thorns into Dilbert cubicles. Mentored into a typical but irrational psychology, they hope these negative images of outsiders will somehow reflect back on themselves and give them positive internal emotions and self-esteem based solely on degrading others.

They seek closure this way. They hope it will have a similar effect to the fact that a missed basketball shot, though being a negative for the shooter, becomes a positive for themselves and their team if they grab the rebound.
Hillary or the Democrats will not be returned. All you can pick is either Trump or Pence.
Hillary or the Democrats will not be returned. All you can pick is either Trump or Pence.
In College, You Live Like a Child. So You Wind Up With the Mind of a Child.

The pathetic bootlicking conformists with empty lives whom she tried to appeal to will not go away.