US lawmakers upset over “softer position” on Huawei


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. The US trade war truce with China which could ease sanctions on Huawei has prompted a backlash from lawmakers over national security concerns amid confusion over how the deal may impact the Chinese tech giant.....

"If President Trump has in fact bargained away the recent restrictions on #Huawei, then we will have to get those restrictions put back in place through legislation," Republican Senator Marco Rubio tweeted.

Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer echoed those remarks, tweeting that "Huawei is one of (the) few potent levers we have to make China play fair on trade."...

Republican Representative Jim Banks called the deal "extremely troubling" and said it would make it harder to negotiate with China.

"Why not keep #Huawei on our blacklist until China demonstrates a change in behaviour?" Banks tweeted....

2. Let us study the remarks of those US politicians one at a time.

(a) Chuck Schumer

Do you still remember the children's song "This Old Man"? It goes something like this:

"This old man, he played ONE,

He played knick knack on my thumb, or rather Trump...."

"This old man" Chuck Schumer (69) was viewed as unassuming, quiet and gentle, but recently he has joined a growing list of bipartisan white supremacists who try to be more Trump than Trump. The "extremely troubling" trend adds weight to my view that the US-Sino rivalry could last for several centuries if not forever.

Schumer should know very well that the US real goal is not to "make China play fair on trade" because, first of all, the US has never played fair on trade due to its self-restriction on high-tech exports to China. He should also know that the US real intention is not to use Huawei and other Chinese high-tech companies as "potent levers" in trade talks. What the US wants is to destroy the Chinese high-tech industry and drag China back to the last century.

(b) Marco Rubio

The Republican Latino senator has been very busy tabling quite a number of anti-China bills lately. However, one thing he fails to do, to the disappointment of American Latinos, is to table a bill to denounce Trump for racializing Latinos as mostly criminals and rapists. He has done nothing to defend or speak out for the rights and dignity of American Latinos.

(c) Jim Banks

If Mr Banks can put himself in the shoes of the Chinese, will he believe the US huge tariffs and worldwide crippling sanctions on Huawei and other Chinese high-tech companies can force China to submit to the US? Come on, Rip Van Winkle!

3. In actuality, the US has given nothing to China in the so-called "softer position" on Huawei. The Chinese company can get the insignificant low-tech components from other sources or manufacture them in China. Rather, it is the US companies that gain from the temporary truce as they cannot find any bigger buyer than Huawei for the common components.

Rather than being "NATO" ("No Action, Talk Only"), the three politicians should come out of their shells to run for presidency in 2020. The victor in the election will have the chance to be more Trump than Trump, "whiter" than Trump and more "supremacist" than Trump to make China bend to his wish. :)