Where do you stand on legalize gambling?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Do you think your state should build horse race tracks and casinos? I think states should build Casinos to raise money for state. Its a good idea,, People will always go in casinos to take a chance at luck. Its better than raising income taxes.
Do you think your state should build horse race tracks and casinos? I think states should build Casinos to raise money for state. Its a good idea,, People will always go in casinos to take a chance at luck. Its better than raising income taxes.

we have a horse track and sattelite netting bars.

most states. seem content with lotteries (aka the Stupid Tax).

i say why not ?

it hurts the lower income hardest but at least theyre paying taxes.

shoot my niece went to college free thanks to low income Georgians buying lottery tickets.
I am fine with some, but there should be some close watching of it when it comes to casino's...as there is so much room for crime and rigging.

also I dare anyone to tell me how Texas Hold Um is Gambling...but if you play any sport for a cash prize after putting money into joining the Tournament. All it shows me if they think they are different, is that they have no idea how to play poker, and I should play them for money ( actuly I hate playing poker against people who don't know what they are doing...you can't read a tell on someone who does know know what they have)
We have horse racing, card clubs, Indian casinos, and the lottery. I don't care, as long as they don't also become trouble spots for communities and police.