Why do so many believe in God?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
There may be a biological reason, and it may not be an exclusively human phenomenon.


Animals (not just people) likely have spiritual experiences, according to a prominent neurologist who has analyzed the processes of spiritual sensation for over three decades.

Research suggests that spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain — areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own.

The trick, of course, lies in proving animals' experiences.

"Since only humans are capable of language that can communicate the richness of spiritual experience, it is unlikely we will ever know with certainty what an animal subjectively experiences," Kevin Nelson, a professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, told Discovery News.

"Despite this limitation, it is still reasonable to conclude that since the most primitive areas of our brain happen to be the spiritual, then we can expect that animals are also capable of spiritual experiences," added Nelson, author of the book "The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain," which will be published in January 2011.

The finding is an extension of his research on humans, which has been published in many peer-reviewed journals. A Neurology journal study, for example, determined that out-of-body experiences in humans are likely caused by the brain's arousal system, which regulates different states of consciousness.

"In humans, we know that if we disrupt the (brain) region where vision, sense of motion, orientation in the Earth's gravitational field, and knowing the position of our body all come together, then out-of-body experiences can be caused literally by the flip of a switch," he said. "There is absolutely no reason to believe it is any different for a dog, cat, or primate’s brain."

Other mammals also probably have near-death experiences comparable to those reported by certain humans, he believes. Such people often say they saw a light and felt as though they were moving down a tunnel.

The tunnel phenomenon "is caused by the eye's susceptibility to the low blood flow that occurs with fainting or cardiac arrest," he said. "As blood flow diminishes, vision fails peripherally first. There is no reason to believe that other animals are any different from us."

Nelson added, "What they make of the tunnel is another matter."

The light aspect of near-death experiences can be explained by how the visual system defines REM (rapid eye movement) consciousness, he believes.

"In fact," he said, "the link between REM and the physiological crises causing near-death experience are most strongly linked in animals, like cats and rats, which we can study in the laboratory."

Mystical experiences — moments that inspire a sense of mystery and wonderment — arise within the limbic system, he said. When specific parts of this system are removed from animal brains, mind-altering drugs like LSD have no effect.

Since other animals, such as non-human primates, horses, cats and dogs, also possess similar brain structures, it is possible that they too experience mystical moments, and may even have a sense of spiritual oneness, according to Nelson.

Marc Bekoff, a professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, also believes animals have spiritual experiences, which he defines as experiences that are nonmaterial, intangible, introspective and comparable to what humans have.

Both he and primatologist Jane Goodall have observed chimpanzees dancing with total abandon at waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains. Some of the chimps even appear to dance themselves into a trance-like state, as some humans do during religious and cultural rituals.

Goodall wondered, "Is it not possible that these (chimpanzee) performances are stimulated by feelings akin to wonder and awe? After a waterfall display the performer may sit on a rock, his eyes following the falling water. What is it, this water?"

"Perhaps numerous animals engage in these rituals, but we haven't been lucky enough to see them," Bekoff wrote in a Psychology Today report.

"For now, let's keep the door open to the idea that animals can be spiritual beings and let's consider the evidence for such a claim," he added.

"Meager as it is, available evidence says, 'Yes, animals can have spiritual experiences,' and we need to conduct further research and engage in interdisciplinary discussions before we say that animals cannot and do not experience spirituality."
I have never had what I would describe as a, "spiritual phenomenon". I suspect most atheists would state that they have not either. Perhaps it is just superstition then. Or at least the power of suggestion rather than something that is interpreted as "spiritual".
There is no GOD.
Tell it to the Hispanics of the world, they are obviously a very stupid race that evolution should wipe out because of their foolishness to believe in something better than mankind. Chilean's must top the list of idiocracy.
Tell it to the Hispanics of the world, they are obviously a very stupid race that evolution should wipe out because of their foolishness to believe in something better than mankind. Chilean's must top the list of idiocracy.

Wow, what an idiotic, strawman statement.
Lol. The bottom line is that belief in God is a way to weed out human beings that one doesn't want to associate with because they perhaps don't live by the same values. Would you suggest that your value system is correct beyond a doubt? If so, then you are an arrogant man, which is not a virtue. You also obviously haven't got the mental ability to understand "humor", pointed at someone who thinks they know something that they couldn't possibly know for sure.

Do you really think that anyone of faith cares whether someone else believes in God? What a fool.

Faith in God, and religion are not the same thing. Religion is something made up by people, like you, who seem to think that they have the definite answer.
Lol. The bottom line is that belief in God is a way to weed out human beings that one doesn't want to associate with because they perhaps don't live by the same values. Would you suggest that your value system is correct beyond a doubt? If so, then you are an arrogant man, which is not a virtue. You also obviously haven't got the mental ability to understand "humor", pointed at someone who thinks they know something that they couldn't possibly know for sure.

Do you really think that anyone of faith cares whether someone else believes in God? What a fool.

Faith in God, and religion are not the same thing. Religion is something made up by people, like you, who seem to think that they have the definite answer.

Obviously many Christians DO care whether or not people believe in god or they wouldn't put so much energy into converting people to their faith (whether or not they actually want to be converted).

Religion is something "I" made up? Now that IS humourous. :D
Obviously many Christians DO care whether or not people believe in god or they wouldn't put so much energy into converting people to their faith (whether or not they actually want to be converted).

Religion is something "I" made up? Now that IS humourous.

Man, who's grasping at straws now? LOL.........

Apparently you can't even read, much less grasp a concept. Did I say YOU made up religion or was it perhaps, "people LIKE you", the emphasis being put on "people"?

Also: Those who try to get you to "convert" are simply following the "words" that imperfect people "like you", but NOT YOU, who wrote the Bible, instructed them to do as a way to show obedience to God. I opine that those "religious" people are trying to do what they consider something to "save their OWN souls" and really don't give a rat's ass whether you come along for the ride or not.

Nobody cares what you believe, unless you try to kill them because of it. Then they care that you're a scumbag murderer, not what you believe.
Man, who's grasping at straws now? LOL.........

Apparently you can't even read, much less grasp a concept. Did I say YOU made up religion or was it perhaps, "people LIKE you", the emphasis being put on "people"?

Also: Those who try to get you to "convert" are simply following the "words" that imperfect people "like you", but NOT YOU, who wrote the Bible, instructed them to do as a way to show obedience to God. I opine that those "religious" people are trying to do what they consider something to "save their OWN souls" and really don't give a rat's ass whether you come along for the ride or not.

Nobody cares what you believe, unless you try to kill them because of it. Then they care that you're a scumbag murderer, not what you believe.

Well, since I am not a Christian nor do I believe in God, people LIKE me could not have anything to do with your claims, can they? Unless you are suggesting that atheists wrote the bible. I hope that is not what you are suggesting.
Not at all. I'm merely suggesting that you're an imperfect human being who has no answers on this subject, knows that no one else does either, but still persists in trying to trip someone up into saying something that you can go "aha" I'm smarter than them. Poor insecure little man.

And why would you even care who I suggest wrote the Bible? Lol.

You should get another book. It's called a "dictionary". It is a collection of data that CAN help you come to a definitive understanding of words, and possibly preclude you from assumptions that no one who is actually smarter than a 5th grader would ever come to.

....Unless you actually did see the word "aethist" in my post, then sorry, can't help you.
Not at all. I'm merely suggesting that you're an imperfect human being who has no answers on this subject, knows that no one else does either, but still persists in trying to trip someone up into saying something that you can go "aha" I'm smarter than them. Poor insecure little man.

And why would you even care who I suggest wrote the Bible? Lol.

You should get another book. It's called a "dictionary". It is a collection of data that CAN help you come to a definitive understanding of words, and possibly preclude you from assumptions that no one who is actually smarter than a 5th grader would ever come to.

....Unless you actually did see the word "aethist" in my post, then sorry, can't help you.

So you are saying that only perfect human beings can have anything resembling an answer as to why so many believe in God? Oh my. I guess that leaves all humans out of the equation, then, doesn't it? :eek:
So you are saying that only perfect human beings can have anything resembling an answer as to why so many believe in God? Oh my. I guess that leaves all humans out of the equation, then, doesn't it?

Originally Posted by bododie
Not at all. I'm merely suggesting that you're an imperfect human being who has no answers on this subject, knows that no one else does either,

Again: Learn to read.
Actually, I do suggest that man didn't make the substance that you are using to come up with your ridiculous statements. :p