Why is this straight Republican in favor of SSM?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Is it personal? Well, yes, yes it is.

Straight spouses advocate same-sex marriage

Wah Cheong, a lifelong Republican and the soon-to-be divorced father of two teenage boys, sometimes surprises his co-workers and neighbors in a relatively conservative community outside San Francisco when he says he supports same-sex marriage.

"Here is my situation," the 47-year-old chemical engineer tells them when the hot-button topic comes up. "If gays and lesbians were more accepted, I wouldn't have married a closeted lesbian."

Silence usually follows. Then, a spark of understanding.

He seems to be saying make it legal so we can make the relationships main stream, after all his wife would not be a closet homosexual if homosexuality were more accepted.

But I thought people wanted it legal on a civil rights issue.

So what is it? To make it more main stream, get people comfortable with it or is it about rights?
He seems to be saying make it legal so we can make the relationships main stream, after all his wife would not be a closet homosexual if homosexuality were more accepted.

But I thought people wanted it legal on a civil rights issue.

So what is it? To make it more main stream, get people comfortable with it or is it about rights?

It's about both. What about the rights of this man, and others, who have married someone who was simply denying being gay because it isn't accepted? What about women who discover that they are married to gay men?

Sounds to me like it's about heterosexual rights as well.
It's about both. What about the rights of this man, and others, who have married someone who was simply denying being gay because it isn't accepted? What about women who discover that they are married to gay men?

Sounds to me like it's about heterosexual rights as well.

The rights of that man?

Now that man has a right to expect us all to accept everyones life style so he doesnt marry the wrong person?

I am sorry but that is THE most stupid excuse for homosexual marriage I have heard yet.

NO BODY has a right to expect others to accept thier life style NO MATTER what their lifestyle is.

Just be who you are and if people dont like it they can stick it.
He seems to be saying make it legal so we can make the relationships main stream, after all his wife would not be a closet homosexual if homosexuality were more accepted.

But I thought people wanted it legal on a civil rights issue.

So what is it? To make it more main stream, get people comfortable with it or is it about rights?

I can count quite a few reasons why.

and mainstream means nothing, interracial was not mainstream...and just about evry arguement against gays, is just a rehash of teh same said about blacks and whites before.
I can count quite a few reasons why.

and mainstream means nothing, interracial was not mainstream...and just about evry arguement against gays, is just a rehash of teh same said about blacks and whites before.

I have been told its about rights

Even when asked if its about making it mainstream I have been told no

but now I see it is yes

either way is fine with me, its just this is not the argument I have heard in the past.
He seems to be saying make it legal so we can make the relationships main stream, after all his wife would not be a closet homosexual if homosexuality were more accepted.

But I thought people wanted it legal on a civil rights issue.

So what is it? To make it more main stream, get people comfortable with it or is it about rights?

False dichotomy

the person quoted speaks only for the person quoted
I have been told its about rights

Even when asked if its about making it mainstream I have been told no

but now I see it is yes

either way is fine with me, its just this is not the argument I have heard in the past.

its about legal rights
its about ending the hate and violence against them
its against acceptance and not being judged as evil for who they love
Its about not being forced to have to hide who they are even from loved ones
its about not making it so that kids end up killing them self rather then admit to being gay, because they scared of the judgement of family and others.

Its about many things
its about legal rights
its about ending the hate and violence against them
its against acceptance and not being judged as evil for who they love
Its about not being forced to have to hide who they are even from loved ones
its about not making it so that kids end up killing them self rather then admit to being gay, because they scared of the judgement of family and others.

Its about many things

I am perfectly ok with those first two you named

but I think its wrong to try and make people give up their own religious ideas because someone else doesnt like it.

people who believe in the scriptures have every right to say this isnt right

now not thinking its right doesnt mean they can be mean or hurtful or hateful but they have a right to beleive it is morally wrong.

if there is a push to force people to accept lifestyles against what they believe then I say that is wickedly wrong.

I do not think it is morally right, but I dont think many things are morally right. It doesnt mean I have the right to be mean or hateful about it, but I reserve the right to think we as humans are way off track morally. Myself included!
I am perfectly ok with those first two you named

but I think its wrong to try and make people give up their own religious ideas because someone else doesnt like it.

people who believe in the scriptures have every right to say this isnt right

now not thinking its right doesnt mean they can be mean or hurtful or hateful but they have a right to beleive it is morally wrong.

if there is a push to force people to accept lifestyles against what they believe then I say that is wickedly wrong.

I do not think it is morally right, but I dont think many things are morally right. It doesnt mean I have the right to be mean or hateful about it, but I reserve the right to think we as humans are way off track morally. Myself included!

Here we have a conundrum.

Actually, you have a good point that no one should be forced to accept something that they think is morally wrong.

But, on the other hand, it is also correct that no one should have to be judged as evil for who they love.

No one should be forced to have to hide who they are from loved ones.

And, certainly, no one should kill themselves rather then admit to being gay.

How can such a problem be solved, while protecting the liberty of the moralist not to accept what he sees as immoral, while at the same time protecting the right of the homosexual to be what god made him to be?

How about allowing churches to decide who they will and won't marry? That way, if one church believes that being gay is evil, the gays can simply go to another one and be married. That way, no one's liberty is compromised.

Live and let live.
Here we have a conundrum.

Actually, you have a good point that no one should be forced to accept something that they think is morally wrong.

But, on the other hand, it is also correct that no one should have to be judged as evil for who they love.

No one should be forced to have to hide who they are from loved ones.

And, certainly, no one should kill themselves rather then admit to being gay.

How can such a problem be solved, while protecting the liberty of the moralist not to accept what he sees as immoral, while at the same time protecting the right of the homosexual to be what god made him to be?

How about allowing churches to decide who they will and won't marry? That way, if one church believes that being gay is evil, the gays can simply go to another one and be married. That way, no one's liberty is compromised.

Live and let live.

I am ok with live and let live as long as it means people who do not approve of certian things also can live and its not just about letting live.

I dont agree with picking on people or targeting people but I also do not want the book Heather has two mommies read to my kinder or the Two princes read to my first grader as a way to mainstream homosexual marriage and normalize it. For some people they do not want it to be considered normal. More the exception rather than the rule. If the book is read I dont care, just give me advance warning and let my kid go do something else during that time.

I do though think some education needs to be taught in certian cases. If there is a child in school who has two mothers, it would be important to have the class talk about it to some degree. Mostly about not taunting the child or making fun exc.

if there are no kids in a case like that in your class the school should just zip it. IMO

I think the argument you are making is bad. If its the people who do not agree with homosexual relationships or marriage that has to change so the homosexuals who married can feel comfortable then you are putting those who disagree with it in the closet. Just changing who goes in the closet is not a helpful solution.

If we end up in a country where I can not believe what I feel is right morally and spiritually then I will be forced to believe and feel these things in secret. How has that solved anything?
I am ok with live and let live as long as it means people who do not approve of certian things also can live and its not just about letting live.

I dont agree with picking on people or targeting people but I also do not want the book Heather has two mommies read to my kinder or the Two princes read to my first grader as a way to mainstream homosexual marriage and normalize it. For some people they do not want it to be considered normal. More the exception rather than the rule. If the book is read I dont care, just give me advance warning and let my kid go do something else during that time.

I do though think some education needs to be taught in certian cases. If there is a child in school who has two mothers, it would be important to have the class talk about it to some degree. Mostly about not taunting the child or making fun exc.

if there are no kids in a case like that in your class the school should just zip it. IMO

I think the argument you are making is bad. If its the people who do not agree with homosexual relationships or marriage that has to change so the homosexuals who married can feel comfortable then you are putting those who disagree with it in the closet. Just changing who goes in the closet is not a helpful solution.

If we end up in a country where I can not believe what I feel is right morally and spiritually then I will be forced to believe and feel these things in secret. How has that solved anything?

So, the conundrum is not solved yet.

How can gay people be free to be what god made them to be, not be ashamed of what they are, and yet religious people be free to view homosexuality as a sin? It seems to be an unresolvable conflict, but there must be some way.

I agree that there shouldn't be indoctrination on the subject in school, just as there shouldn't be religious indoctrination in public schools. Let the parents teach their value systems, and the school stick to reading, writing, and math. Other than not allowing students to taunt other students, the subject needs to be left alone.

So, the conundrum is not solved yet.

How can gay people be free to be what god made them to be, not be ashamed of what they are, and yet religious people be free to view homosexuality as a sin? It seems to be an unresolvable conflict, but there must be some way.

I agree that there shouldn't be indoctrination on the subject in school, just as there shouldn't be religious indoctrination in public schools. Let the parents teach their value systems, and the school stick to reading, writing, and math. Other than not allowing students to taunt other students, the subject needs to be left alone.

Well I think more than just homosexuality is a sin. Actually I dont even think its one of the big sins.

Adultry is not just said "dont do it" its an actual commandment. There was only ten of those made. I would think that makes adultry a much worse thing to worry about than homosexuality

I think people who believe its a sin should be allowed to feel that way with out being called haters or mean or what ever. But they should also mind their own business and not spread hate about what ever it is they consider a sin.

I think people who are for homosexual marriage should just be that and be proud of being for it and accept that everyone is on board with the idea.

The only group here being told to learn to tolerate is the group who believes its a sin. The group who is for homosexual marriage is not being asked to tolerate that not all can get on board to the idea.

I find that unfairl