With friends like these...

Yes, The cutbacks in pensions and wages have been severe. In some cases the pension was exsessive cutting in at 55. However some of the cures proposed by other countries are harsh.

It is strange the cutbacks in the the Country that started the Global Financial recession the USA were not so hash. Perhaps they had less to cut back or these measures might not be a cure at all.

this was a problem long before the recession. Germany and France had to start dialing back a number of years back during their pullback from socialism. the rest of europe should have as well but refused and are now the problem children that will shatter the eurozone.
this was a problem long before the recession. Germany and France had to start dialing back a number of years back during their pullback from socialism. the rest of europe should have as well but refused and are now the problem children that will shatter the eurozone.
With the present economic crisis in Both Capitalist and Socialist countries, any government will be defeated. It is not true that France has abandon socialism just the party in power5 when the recession hit. Some Socialist parties will lose but so will some conservative parties
With the present economic crisis in Both Capitalist and Socialist countries, any government will be defeated. It is not true that France has abandon socialism just the party in power5 when the recession hit. Some Socialist parties will lose but so will some conservative parties
The Socialist party is favourite to defeat the Conservative President in France.
Well, the Chinese do provide a lot of jobs for longshoremen, sending all of that cra.. I mean manufactured goods for them to unload. At least someone gets to have a job out of outsourcing everyone else's job to China.
This is a good business strategy to give this kind of award to competitor.Once western power gave this kind of award.Now china start same thing.