!0 arrested over 500 times in 2 years thanks liberal bail reform more soft on crime causes crime guess liberals just do not get it .

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes due to liberal policy's on bail 10 liberal criminals rack up 500 arrests in 2 years , just think how many crimes they actually committed but didn't get caught .
This is the result of liberal politicians and liberal judges .
What do you expect when we have liberals here endorsing the burning of churches a hate crime of terror .
I think you should read this before you pose fun at others. Hows your blood pressure comrade?

I do not respond to terrorist and sub humans who support hate crimes and think burning church are ok . These type of people are sub human only care for them selves . They are greedy and have no respect for their fellow human . They are scum and lower then dog shit. I would inn fact expect a dog shit to be held in higher regard then a thing that would think its ok to burn down CHURCH .
The only response such a ile foul excuse for a human will get from is what I have posted here .
I do not respond to terrorist and sub humans who support hate crimes and think burning church are ok . These type of people are sub human only care for them selves . They are greedy and have no respect for their fellow human . They are scum and lower then dog shit. I would inn fact expect a dog shit to be held in higher regard then a thing that would think its ok to burn down CHURCH .
The only response such a ile foul excuse for a human will get from is what I have posted here .
Your frustration is building and every time you reply I get another swing at you.
You set the guidelines comrade, you suffer the consequences.
The liberal revolving door of the liberal justice system os clueless. 10 guys in 2 years locked up 500 times . just think how many crimes they committed and didn't get arrested for .
Thats what no bail causes . yet liberals think its a good thing let little Johnny get all the experience commiting crimes and kiss his little thieving butt.
This way he gets more experience meets and greets his fellow crook and out the next day or that same day.
Seriously old school democrats the ones i know would never approve of this.its just stupid .
I do not respond to terrorist and sub humans who support hate crimes and think burning church are ok . These type of people are sub human only care for them selves . They are greedy and have no respect for their fellow human . They are scum and lower then dog shit. I would inn fact expect a dog shit to be held in higher regard then a thing that would think its ok to burn down CHURCH .
The only response such a ile foul excuse for a human will get from is what I have posted here .

Tell us what you really think. ;)

terrorist and sub humans
I think you should read this before you pose fun at others. Hows your blood pressure comrade?

The common denominator is black folks. They are the most violent segment of our society and states and cities with the highest percentage of them have the highest violent crime rate.

The states in the deep south have the highest percentage of black folks.
I do not respond to terrorist and sub humans who support hate crimes and think burning church are ok . These type of people are sub human only care for them selves . They are greedy and have no respect for their fellow human . They are scum and lower then dog shit. I would inn fact expect a dog shit to be held in higher regard then a thing that would think its ok to burn down CHURCH .
The only response such a ile foul excuse for a human will get from is what I have posted here .

Tell us what you really think. ;)
I cnat but I can tell you it involves 4 leather strapa 4 stkes a bob wire fence and a small heap of hot coals .
The common denominator is black folks. They are the most violent segment of our society and states and cities with the highest percentage of them have the highest violent crime rate.

The states in the deep south have the highest percentage of black folks.
And of course it wouldn't have anything to do with racism and hatred towards them that makes them retaliate. The usa was built on slavery and all black ones. Remember that.
Now they want a piece of their pie, youre still yearning for the old days when the KKK did your dirty work.

Dont ever insult me again by denying the inequalities that exist between blacks and whites.
The common denominator is black folks. They are the most violent segment of our society and states and cities with the highest percentage of them have the highest violent crime rate.

The states in the deep south have the highest percentage of black folks.
Typically speaking black community's and community's that surround them have higher crime. I have friends and family who live in black communities in FL and NYC . baltimore and chicago.
And the simple fact is black communities have much greater crime rates .
This is common in any area where poverty is a problem .
But when you add in a larger amount of single parents lower desires for education then add in some culture issues that have become very a issue aka the thug and gang life culture that has exploded and the drug culture open air drug markets. Its resulted in a boom in crime.
The common denominator is black folks. They are the most violent segment of our society and states and cities with the highest percentage of them have the highest violent crime rate.

The states in the deep south have the highest percentage of black folks.
Typically speaking black community's and community's that surround them have higher crime. I have friends and family who live in black communities in FL and NYC . baltimore and chicago.
And the simple fact is black communities have much greater crime rates .
This is common in any area where poverty is a problem .
But when you add in a larger amount of single parents lower desires for education then add in some culture issues that have become very a issue aka the thug and gang life culture that has exploded and the drug culture open air drug markets. Its resulted in a boom in crime

Yes due to liberal policy's on bail 10 liberal criminals rack up 500 arrests in 2 years , just think how many crimes they actually committed but didn't get caught .
This is the result of liberal politicians and liberal judges .
What do you expect when we have liberals here endorsing the burning of churches a hate crime of terror .
more results for soft on crime democrats