1996 White house host linked 1996 Terror attack that Bill Clinton knew about it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Iraqi’s U.S. visit stirs ‘grave concern’

A top House Republican has expressed “grave concern” to President Obama about a visit to the White House by an Iraqi official who led a militia that was financed and armed by Iran.

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a letter late Tuesday to Mr. Obama that she had “grave concern” about the White House’s decision to host Hadi Farhan al-Amiri, Iraq’s transportation minister, during a visit Monday.
The Washington Times first reported Tuesday that Mr. al-Amiri, who was part of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s delegation to the White House, is a former commander of the Badr Corps, which was the armed wing of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI). The council, which also received support from Iran, has since changed its name to Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.
The Badr Corps was made up of thousands of former Iraqi officers and soldiers who had defected and Iraqi refugees who fled Saddam Hussein’s regime. It received military and financial support from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which the FBI has linked to a 1996 terrorist bombing that killed 19 U.S. servicemen in Saudi Arabia.


This is bad news to the Democratic party. Bill Clinton knew who was really behind this and failed to do anything about it. Just like he failed to get Bin Laden when he had the chance. You see Bill Clinton and other democrats are just too soft on Terrorist wont even to fight back against them. Bill Clinton was soley responsible for 9-11 attcks. Just like the first WTC attack in 1993 what Bill Clinton do about it? NOTHING! US Embassy Bombing in 1996 what Bill Clinton do about it? NOTHING! The U.S.S Cole attack in 2000 what Bill Clinton do about it? NOTHING! You see George W Bush who was the only one gone after Saddam. He was the only one who went after Al Queda and other islamic extremists. Reagan went after Gadhafi. So what democrat went after an evil leader since besides Obama before Harry Truman? You see todays democrats are nothing like democrats during WWII. Can you imagine if we had the far left during WWII? Hitler would had won the war and possibly would had conquer europe and in Northern Africa. Can you imagine the Nazis might be in control today if the left interfered with FDR?
Iraqi’s U.S. visit stirs ‘grave concern’

A top House Republican has expressed “grave concern” to President Obama about a visit to the White House by an Iraqi official who led a militia that was financed and armed by Iran.

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a letter late Tuesday to Mr. Obama that she had “grave concern” about the White House’s decision to host Hadi Farhan al-Amiri, Iraq’s transportation minister, during a visit Monday.
The Washington Times first reported Tuesday that Mr. al-Amiri, who was part of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s delegation to the White House, is a former commander of the Badr Corps, which was the armed wing of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI). The council, which also received support from Iran, has since changed its name to Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.
The Badr Corps was made up of thousands of former Iraqi officers and soldiers who had defected and Iraqi refugees who fled Saddam Hussein’s regime. It received military and financial support from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which the FBI has linked to a 1996 terrorist bombing that killed 19 U.S. servicemen in Saudi Arabia.


This is bad news to the Democratic party. Bill Clinton knew who was really behind this and failed to do anything about it. Just like he failed to get Bin Laden when he had the chance. You see Bill Clinton and other democrats are just too soft on Terrorist wont even to fight back against them. Bill Clinton was soley responsible for 9-11 attcks. Just like the first WTC attack in 1993 what Bill Clinton do about it? NOTHING! US Embassy Bombing in 1996 what Bill Clinton do about it? NOTHING! The U.S.S Cole attack in 2000 what Bill Clinton do about it? NOTHING! You see George W Bush who was the only one gone after Saddam. He was the only one who went after Al Queda and other islamic extremists. Reagan went after Gadhafi. So what democrat went after an evil leader since besides Obama before Harry Truman? You see todays democrats are nothing like democrats during WWII. Can you imagine if we had the far left during WWII? Hitler would had won the war and possibly would had conquer europe and in Northern Africa. Can you imagine the Nazis might be in control today if the left interfered with FDR?

Steve, last I checked, FDR was the left. Recent example is the drone in Iran that Obama has decided to ask nicely for the return of (as if that would work).
What JFK was the President right now? And he demand IRAN give back the Drone? And if they refuse this is what would happen nexti
Steve, last I checked, FDR was the left. Recent example is the drone in Iran that Obama has decided to ask nicely for the return of (as if that would work).
as appose to going to war over it?

Sorry this was just one of those bash Obama but have nothing to say what could have been done better....

How again did Bush get our Plane back From China?
Bush should have boycotted the 08 games.Just like Jimmy Carter boycotted the Moscow games cause they invaded Afgainstan. Suppose US never went to China play those summer games. China wouldnt make any money cause you need the American athleles to sellout arenas and stadiums.American athleles is like Babe Ruth on the Yankees.If Babe Ruth never played baseball the sport would had died long time ago. The fans didnt pack the stadium to see the Yankees,,They paid to see Babe Ruth. Just like summer games fans wanna see USA vs the World. Without us you wouldnt sellout an event. Just like Boxing avg only 2,000 fans in Moscow games planty of empty seats all over the Arena.