A subsidiary of the nation’s second-largest teachers' union will join the Democratic Socialists of America to protest Israel’s retaliatory strikes

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
A subsidiary of the nation’s second-largest teachers' union will join the Democratic Socialists of America to protest Israel’s retaliatory strikes against Hamas terrorists.
Another fine example of how demo rats really are.

A subsidiary of the nation’s second-largest teachers' union will join the Democratic Socialists of America to protest Israel’s retaliatory strikes against Hamas terrorists.
Another fine example of how demo rats really are.

The commies come out of their seditious closets, like John Brennan taking over control of US intelligence to prevent interference with the communist takeover of the US government by unjustly removing President Trumpm
The commies come out of their seditious closets, like John Brennan taking over control of US intelligence to prevent interference with the communist takeover of the US government by unjustly removing President Trumpm
commies? lol
A subsidiary of the nation’s second-largest teachers' union will join the Democratic Socialists of America to protest Israel’s retaliatory strikes against Hamas terrorists.
Another fine example of how demo rats really are.

the protests are against isreal's strikes against innocent civilians. that of course doesnt make you pro hamas, it makes you pro life.
something "pro life republicans" dont seem to be.
no university was destroyed. lol.
watching right wing morons lie is hilarious.
although i think he might be a satirist on right wing stupidity, which isn't that hard a job.
Human rights were trampled by anti-civilization leftist anarchists and free speech rights were brutalized by leftist liars and violence-mongers.
the protests are against isreal's strikes against innocent civilians. that of course doesnt make you pro hamas, it makes you pro life.
something "pro life republicans" dont seem to be.
Saving a cop-murderer from the death penalty and saving child killers from retribution from Israeli forces are not 'pro-life.'
Hamas is not a Communist organization, neither are the several parties in Netanyahu's coalition.
Killing 33,000 mostly innocent Palestinians is simply an atrocity, which was provoked by a Hamas atrocity.
Zionists are Palestinians have been feuding since the 1930's.
Hamas is not a Communist organization, neither are the several parties in Netanyahu's coalition.
Killing 33,000 mostly innocent Palestinians is simply an atrocity, which was provoked by a Hamas atrocity.
Zionists are Palestinians have been feuding since the 1930's.
Wannabe foreign policy and military strategists stupidly claim military killings in response to Arab mass murder terrorism are unjustified, yet these wannabes have no rational clue how Israel should do differently to eliminate the threat.
Wannabe foreign policy and military strategists stupidly claim military killings in response to Arab mass murder terrorism are unjustified, yet these wannabes have no rational clue how Israel should do differently to eliminate the threat.
military killings of...women, children, and babies?
but no university was destroyed, as the post I replied to claim.
You are right. leftists did not burn the universities to the ground this time like they did so many government buildings and private businesses in the 2020 riots some Democrats praised as essential and heartwarming.
military killings of...women, children, and babies?
You do not prove Israeli soldiers are hunting down and killing innocent babies like you stupidly and dishonestly imply. You also do not address the problem of Hamas murderers shooting Israeli soldiers while hiding behind Palestinian children.