AIG-Employees; Quit'cher Damned Whining!!

Yeah....I know.....the Government is (merely) occupying 80% AIG-ownership, right?


Stock and ownership are not the same thing. If you need help, check for the meaning of ownership, and then check wiki for an explaintion of stocks.
So you want the employees to leave the company, and cause the company to implode, taking with it the billions of dollars the government retardedly gave them?

Why didn't we just not bail the out to begin with, and save the billions of tax dollars?
Yeah....this Wild West, anything-goes, unfettered-capitalism is some fun, huh???

Maybe you should reserve your questions for those folks who (continally) insisted (during The BUSH Years) that The Marketplace should be Allowed To Regulate Itself. They always seemed to have the answers everyone wanted to hear.

Stock and ownership are not the same thing. If you need help, check for the meaning of ownership, and then check wiki for an explaintion of stocks., stockholders'-votes (on various-issues) are merely for show, huh?

Shaman, You are so liberal you stink.

So you condone giving the school more money? so you condone givign AIG more money too?
So you want the employees to leave the company, and cause the company to implode.....
If these clowns need to be bribed to do-their-job, maybe we need to import some folks who'd be more-than-happy to do the same job, for the same salary

Business is Business.​

"The AIG chief executive noted that he believed the retention bonuses at the financial products unit were necessary, so that competition would not take AIG's best minds away."
Shaman, You are so liberal you stink.

So you condone giving the school more money? so you condone givign AIG more money too?

Chestnut, I think your assessment of Sham-man is way off. After putting him on my ignore list, then having my curiosity get the better of me and read his tripe, then put him back on the list, etc., I've come to an ultimate conclusion with a possible alternative.

Sham-man is actually a Conservative in truth, going to extremes to make all Liberals look like total imbeciles. Either that, or he's actually Joe Biden (another towering pile of idiocy) incognito.... or maybe P-BO himself or Michelle...

As he's so fond of putting it:

If these clowns need to be bribed to do-their-job, maybe we need to import some folks who'd be more-than-happy to do the same job, for the same salary

Business is Business.​

Don't be stupid. If corporations could import people that could do just as good a job, for a fraction of the pay, or without all the bonuses, they would have done it a long time ago.

Further, if those imported people came here, and realized that at any other company they could get a massive bonus every year, they, like any other employee in America, would go to another company.

Put yourself in that position. If you worked some place, and realized that at any other similar job, you'd be getting a pay bonus every year, wouldn't you be posting your Resume? Of course you would. Anyone brighter than Forest Gump would.

I can tell you I would. If I knew that the company down the street, or around the corner was offering pay bonuses, I would have my resume there, by the end of the day.
If I knew that the company down the street, or around the corner was offering pay bonuses, I would have my resume there, by the end of the day.
....Especially if you knew they were surviving on government-subsidies, huh?

....Especially if you knew they were surviving on government-subsidies, huh?


Wouldn't matter at all. It's called free market. Are you saying you would NOT go to another company, to do the exact same job, when that company offered pay bonuses, and yours did not? That would make you a minority, and not very bright.
Wouldn't matter at all. It's called free market., when Asian-companies do it, it's considered socialism....but, when WE do it, it's called free market, huh?

Ya' really think you're ready for High School, huh?

:rolleyes:, when Asian-companies do it, it's considered socialism....but, when WE do it, it's called free market, huh?

Ya' really think you're ready for High School, huh?


When has anyone called a company offering bonuses, socialism?
I say let Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and Tim Geithner pay back the 160 million. They are good for it.