Bachmann creates firestorm for joking hurricane is God’s message


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Hurricane Irene and the recent East coast earthquake were directed at America's politicians, according to a statement from Michele Bachmann.

The Minnesota congresswoman and presidential candidate told an audience gathered at a Shriner's temple in Sarasota, Fla., Sunday that God was trying to communicate a message about fiscal responsibility via the two recent natural disasters. From the St. Petersburg Times:

I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending.

Shes Right! Cause GOD is angry cause of Gay Marriages that liberals allow. Your penis is not for sticking it into another mans ass. its for going to number 2 and sex with females not males. Its not for using it on animals nether.
... Michele Bachmann.... told an audience gathered at a Shriner's temple in Sarasota, Fla., Sunday that God was trying to communicate a message about fiscal responsibility...
Shes Right! Cause GOD is angry cause of Gay Marriages that liberals allow.

You are disagreeing with her. Which is it? Is God mad at us for fiscal responsibility or gay marriages?

But, in any case, WOW, are you really the voice of God? Or does he just speak privately to you? If so what is his voice like? Tell me more!
It would not be very smart to joke about stuff that the opposition thinks your really believe. Or that if they do not think it they will say that you think it anyway.
Its True,,Even my Pastor said it in his sermon...

Homosexuality is a terrable sin to commit. But the AIDS disease is punishment from GOD.
Nope,,, Hes right. The Bible is never wrong.

I wonder what you would say if a man who lived 3000 years ago, with his limited knowledge of science, the world, and everything else, would suddenly appear in front of you and make a statement. . .

I bet you would have a hard time believing him!

But. . .you are taking the Bible literally as "the word of God!!!

Oh well! . . . If that makes you happy! :rolleyes:
The Bible is the word of GOD. If Jesus came to you and tell you youre wrong. Would you tell him youre not wrong?

God is within us, not in a book.

I know what is right or wrong, I don't need manmade dogmas, especially thousands of years old, interpreted and translated hundreds of times by mere human beings, with all the limitations it entails, to tell me what my conscience tells me directly.
The Bible is the word of GOD. If Jesus came to you and tell you youre wrong. Would you tell him youre not wrong?
Which Bible is it that is the Official Word of God, Mr. Ox? King James Version?

when there are conflicts in the instructions in the Bible, which one do we use? The first one, the newest one, or the one we happen to like best?
This Bible is the word of GOD

But this is the Word of SATAN