Boris trys burning a church in florida

yes you are. you are obsessed with gays and trannies and enemas etc lol
I dont like people who endorse burning churches or any building for that matter arson for hate is a terrible crime of a bigot a how if that makes me creepy Mr. Eichmann then so be it . Your defending a man who is a fellow democrat and wants all churches burned tell me a lot about you
I dont like people who endorse burning churches or any building for that matter arson for hate is a terrible crime of a bigot a how if that makes me creepy Mr. Eichmann then so be it . Your defending a man who is a fellow democrat and wants all churches burned tell me a lot about you

you being creepy has nothing to do with churches, *****.

its your constant posting about gays and trannies, etc. how many pictures of that guy from the energy dept did you post? lol

i'm not defending anyone here, *****.

the fact that you are so stupid you think i am tells me a lot about you - it tells me you are a true and complete ***** :)