British System vs America System


May 21, 2010
I was educated in the British and the Israeli system (more American like).

In a nutshell, the Brits allow you to study whatever you want in high school. while the Americans play the nanny and dictate that you study maths and a few high school subjects in your first year at uni..

American high school try to separate the goats from the sheep by targeting the 20% of the students and Brits target all the 100% (the target 80% well, at least).

American high school is build so that people study more maths and benefit Americas comparative advantage (which is high tech goods)..

What education is better? the one that is moderated by gov or the one that isnt?
My opinion is that America reckons in too much economics and too little liberal life style:o
which produces the higher % of Nobel Laureates over time ?
remember that these awads cover a wide array of disciplines.

answer ? not the Brits.
which produces the higher % of Nobel Laureates over time ?
remember that these awads cover a wide array of disciplines.

answer ? not the Brits.

dogtowner, but it isnt about nobel prizes.. if it is about wining something, that would be a good economy.
Brits allow people to study whatever they want, and by doing so people do what they like and more people become oriented in what they like..

if you only study maths at high school, you cast out many people who arent good at maths.. cause universities wont want to deal with people who arent good in maths.

America isnt interested in nobel prizes. (it is all to do with national pride..but who cares). American government wants to produce more mathematicians (you can even hear obama say so in a few of his interviews).. thats cause America has a comparative advantage in hi tech goods, and wants to roll out as many hi tech goods as it can while having a stronghold in that industry.
dogtowner, but it isnt about nobel prizes.. if it is about wining something, that would be a good economy.
Brits allow people to study whatever they want, and by doing so people do what they like and more people become oriented in what they like..

if you only study maths at high school, you cast out many people who arent good at maths.. cause universities wont want to deal with people who arent good in maths.

America isnt interested in nobel prizes. (it is all to do with national pride..but who cares). American government wants to produce more mathematicians (you can even hear obama say so in a few of his interviews).. thats cause America has a comparative advantage in hi tech goods, and wants to roll out as many hi tech goods as it can while having a stronghold in that industry.

Hate to brak it to you but you need those 'maths' in any pursuit you might wish. The ability to think logically which maths (in part) teach serves you regardless of what you decide to do with your life.

My niece's English educated husband who is abrite guy and hard working is having a terrible time here as he was deficient in all this and has to work that much harder to get up to speed as all those useless courses he took prepared hi for a very narrow line of work which is little needed in the economy.

Best to have a broad based education because most kids have no idea what they want to be when they grow up till well after college. Then you are prepared for a wide variety of jobs and those employers know that you have the basics learned for them to make use of.
Hate to brak it to you but you need those 'maths' in any pursuit you might wish. The ability to think logically which maths (in part) teach serves you regardless of what you decide to do with your life.

My niece's English educated husband who is abrite guy and hard working is having a terrible time here as he was deficient in all this and has to work that much harder to get up to speed as all those useless courses he took prepared hi for a very narrow line of work which is little needed in the economy.

Best to have a broad based education because most kids have no idea what they want to be when they grow up till well after college. Then you are prepared for a wide variety of jobs and those employers know that you have the basics learned for them to make use of.

flogging a dead horse is no solution.
i can read 4 history books of my choice and be more knowledgeable than you, no matter if you did History in high school.

you cant ram material down the students throats.. it wouldnt widen any of their knowledge bases.. trust me i have been in both systems:cool:
flogging a dead horse is no solution.
i can read 4 history books of my choice and be more knowledgeable than you, no matter if you did History in high school.

you cant ram material down the students throats.. it wouldnt widen any of their knowledge bases.. trust me i have been in both systems:cool:

And you have missed the point of both.

The Euro style is just an upgraded guild system while the American style is based on classical training. Fovusd on one thing and be employable at only that or teach a well rounded curriculum so that your horizons are broadest.

The next step past the euro system was the USSR / East German one where your apptitude was determined at a very young age and thats where you went, period.
And you have missed the point of both.

The Euro style is just an upgraded guild system while the American style is based on classical training. Fovusd on one thing and be employable at only that or teach a well rounded curriculum so that your horizons are broadest.

The next step past the euro system was the USSR / East German one where your apptitude was determined at a very young age and thats where you went, period.

the government isnt interested in you as an individual, which means it wont take care in broadening your horizons, but narrowing them, more likely

US system kills choice, period!
I don't know much about the UK school system, but I know a great deal about the American system. And, it sucks. The p-schools have destined generations of Americans to a life of poverty and government support. Illiteracy in many American cities is 50%. We now have large segments of our population unable to contribute to society due to ignorance.

Who is to blame for this catastrophe?

Illiteracy Statistics
In a study of 20 'high income' countries, the US ranked 12th on literacy tests. Illiteracy has become such a serious problem in our country that 44 million adults are now unable to read a simple story to their child. A few other shocking facts:

50 percent of adults cannot read a book written at an eighth grade level.
20 percent of Americans are functionally illiterate and read below a 5th grade level.
Nearly half of all Americans read so poorly that they cannot find a single piece of information when reading a short publication.
the government isnt interested in you as an individual, which means it wont take care in broadening your horizons, but narrowing them, more likely

US system kills choice, period!

Then why did my brit educated nephew (by marriage) have to rely on his wealthy father-in-law to get a job ? one thing he was educated to to do had no applications i anything else and he chose poorly when he did.
I don't know much about the UK school system, but I know a great deal about the American system. And, it sucks. The p-schools have destined generations of Americans to a life of poverty and government support. Illiteracy in many American cities is 50%. We now have large segments of our population unable to contribute to society due to ignorance.

Who is to blame for this catastrophe?

i wouldnt be surprised. American system concentrates less on the number of graduates and more on the people who can do maths and get to a good university
i wouldnt be surprised. American system concentrates less on the number of graduates and more on the people who can do maths and get to a good university

You may be right, but you missed my point. Someone who is illiterate does not attend college.

The American left controls the American public school system. And, has done so for decades. The terrible results have been known for some time. They have completely failed and yet, nothing is done to fix the problem.

Nearly every large American city has high rates of illiteracy. For example, Detroit is considered one of the worst p-school systems in the nation, but by no means is it much different then all the others. Illiteracy in Detroit is nearly 50%.

The estimated functional illiteracy rate in the city limits hovers near 50%.

Read more:,8599,1925681,00.html#ixzz1FRiGJ84g
ברוך הנמצא

Just to be clear... You have only attended Israeli and British schools yet you're complaining about US schools because you think Israeli schools are identical? Either that's the case or you have some first hand knowledge of the US public school system that you didn't mention. As for the rest, I agree with Gipper... Government funding + The American Left + Public Schools = An over-rated, over-priced, under-performing excuse for "education"

Here's a link some of you may might like to see...
The 10 Most Expensive But Useless Degrees In America

I'd like to know how many OWS clowns already have, or are in the process of obtaining, one, or more, of those degrees.
The cost of education in the US is probably higher than anything other than the cost of the US government. The costs associated with a college education have risen faster than everything else. You see monopolies controlled by liberals is very very expensive...

Take a look at this liberals and others complain about the high cost of American healthcare and believe socialize medicine is the answer. But they never complain about outrageous growth in costs of a college education. Wonder why.....

According to a report from the College Board published earlier this week, college costs are increasing so fast that they are now outpacing cost of living inflation by a significant margin.
However, seeing graphically just how much college cost has risen in comparison to the cost of living and even medical expenses is somewhat shocking.Matthew Phillips of Freakonomics just published a disturbing chart contrasting cost of living inflation, medical expenses, and college tuition.