Cop killers

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
The left has fomented hatred and division in America over lies about racism and cop killings. Some claim that while there is no debate that southern democrats were the majority among white slave owners, KKK members, and segregationist racists in America until a few decades ago, the left has flipped and now conservatives and Christians are the racists. What a despicable lie. The left lies about cop killings, creating a nation of criminals who foolishly imagine they are justified in their hate crimes against cops and whites.

More than 3 dozen cops each year are brutally murdered by barbaric black criminals while only a handful of innocent blacks are unjustly killed by cops. Blacks who fight cops, refuse to obey orders, threaten cops or others, and so forth, are not innocent victims.
You hear all kinds of things on national media but you rarely hear of BLM marchers protesting black murders of innocent cops, which is dozens of times more frequent than cop murders of innocent blacks.
I'm prepared to challenge you on this. Can you show your evidence of "blacks" killing cops.
The link below says the opposite but no doubt you have done your research.
Let's see it you racist pig.

hes very much right . The demo rats tend to hate cops blm hated them and the press seems to hate them . Like you see you man up and try the job out for a bit
And not one republican hates the cops??
What a ridiculous statement.
I hate the taxman but I wouldn't shoot him.
Grow up.
I'm prepared to challenge you on this. Can you show your evidence of "blacks" killing cops.
The link below says the opposite but no doubt you have done your research.
Let's see it you racist pig.

I understand why records of racial divisions among cop killers are rarely kept or reported because the leftists do not like what those records would show. Your source records blacks killed by cops of all races but is weak on the backgrounds of those killings. For example, how many blacks were killed by cops while committing violent crimes? That detail is omitted. How many blacks were killed for creating a dangerous situation by resisting arrest? That detail is ommitted. How many blacks were killed because they refused to obey the demands of the cops to give assurance they were not posing a danger to cops? Those details are not mentioned.

However, black thugs have murdered hundreds of innocent cops who did not succeed in using deadly force to prevent their own murders. Here is a report from 2014: I have highlighted key points and edited for space

Who Kills Police Officers?

June 27, 2015

127 law enforcement officers lost their lives in the line of duty in 2014. These men and women paid the ultimate sacrifice in the process of protecting and serving others.

The recent national tumult about police officers killing suspects got a medical doctor and professor with an interest in murder, thinking about the flip side of the equation--suspects who kill cops. What are the traits and trends of offenders who gun down LEOs, beyond what we already know from the FBI's annual stats?

The 3 main causes of law enforcement deaths in 2014 were:

Intentional Homicide – 42 deaths (33%)

Accidental Vehicle Related (car/motorcycle/pursuit) - 35 deaths (28%)

Illness/Medical Conditions – 23 deaths (18%)

The Men Who Kill Law Enforcement Officers

Michael Stone, MD published a new article this year examining the cases in which law enforcement officers were killed intentionally, as opposed to accidentally or from a work-related illness, over the past two years. Dr. Stone is not only a physician at Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, but is also a professor at the Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons. Stone identified 66 cases in which officers were deliberately slain during the years 2013 and 2014. This article will specifically address the 39 cases in 2014 in which the suspect intentionally killed law enforcement officers, resulting in 42 LODD (three cases resulted in the murder of 2 officers at the same time: Rich/Johnson, Soldo/Beck, Davis /Oliver). Compared to the 27 cases in 2013, there was a 44% increase in the number of cases in which officers were killed in 2014. Ponder that for a moment…the intentional homicide of officers was 1½ times what it was the previous year; whereas the overall rate of LODD deaths only increased 11%.

*** Either frank psychosis or severe paranoid personality

Additionally, at least seven of K-9 LODD were intentionally killed (35% of all K-9 deaths)

Stone’s Analysis of These Cases

Approximately half the men who had killed one or more policemen were then killed by other officers, or else committed suicide with their own weapons.

The majority of those killing officers had criminal records; most commonly the slayings occurred when officers were trying to question their attacker about some suspicious activity or to make an arrest.

Half the killers were men actively involved in a crime, often of domestic violence, who then killed an officer as he responded to the emergency.

As to race, blacks were disproportionately represented in Stone's study; while comprising less than 13% of our population, blacks constituted 26% of cop killers in 2014.

The names of 273 fallen officers were engraved on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial this spring; this includes 117 officers who were killed in 2014, plus 156 recently discovered officers who died in previous years (as far back as 1840). There are a total of 20,538 officers honored on the Memorial.

Leftists lie by omission by refusing to acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of cop killings result in an investigation or jury admission that the cop was justified in the killing.
I understand why records of racial divisions among cop killers are rarely kept or reported because the leftists do not like what those records would show. Your source records blacks killed by cops of all races but is weak on the backgrounds of those killings. For example, how many blacks were killed by cops while committing violent crimes? That detail is omitted. How many blacks were killed for creating a dangerous situation by resisting arrest? That detail is ommitted. How many blacks were killed because they refused to obey the demands of the cops to give assurance they were not posing a danger to cops? Those details are not mentioned.

However, black thugs have murdered hundreds of innocent cops who did not succeed in using deadly force to prevent their own murders. Here is a report from 2014: I have highlighted key points and edited for space

Who Kills Police Officers?

June 27, 2015

127 law enforcement officers lost their lives in the line of duty in 2014. These men and women paid the ultimate sacrifice in the process of protecting and serving others.

The recent national tumult about police officers killing suspects got a medical doctor and professor with an interest in murder, thinking about the flip side of the equation--suspects who kill cops. What are the traits and trends of offenders who gun down LEOs, beyond what we already know from the FBI's annual stats?

The 3 main causes of law enforcement deaths in 2014 were:

Intentional Homicide – 42 deaths (33%)

Accidental Vehicle Related (car/motorcycle/pursuit) - 35 deaths (28%)

Illness/Medical Conditions – 23 deaths (18%)

The Men Who Kill Law Enforcement Officers

Michael Stone, MD published a new article this year examining the cases in which law enforcement officers were killed intentionally, as opposed to accidentally or from a work-related illness, over the past two years. Dr. Stone is not only a physician at Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, but is also a professor at the Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons. Stone identified 66 cases in which officers were deliberately slain during the years 2013 and 2014. This article will specifically address the 39 cases in 2014 in which the suspect intentionally killed law enforcement officers, resulting in 42 LODD (three cases resulted in the murder of 2 officers at the same time: Rich/Johnson, Soldo/Beck, Davis /Oliver). Compared to the 27 cases in 2013, there was a 44% increase in the number of cases in which officers were killed in 2014. Ponder that for a moment…the intentional homicide of officers was 1½ times what it was the previous year; whereas the overall rate of LODD deaths only increased 11%.

*** Either frank psychosis or severe paranoid personality

Additionally, at least seven of K-9 LODD were intentionally killed (35% of all K-9 deaths)

Stone’s Analysis of These Cases

Approximately half the men who had killed one or more policemen were then killed by other officers, or else committed suicide with their own weapons.

The majority of those killing officers had criminal records; most commonly the slayings occurred when officers were trying to question their attacker about some suspicious activity or to make an arrest.

Half the killers were men actively involved in a crime, often of domestic violence, who then killed an officer as he responded to the emergency.

As to race, blacks were disproportionately represented in Stone's study; while comprising less than 13% of our population, blacks constituted 26% of cop killers in 2014.

The names of 273 fallen officers were engraved on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial this spring; this includes 117 officers who were killed in 2014, plus 156 recently discovered officers who died in previous years (as far back as 1840). There are a total of 20,538 officers honored on the Memorial.

Leftists lie by omission by refusing to acknowledge that the overwhelming majority of cop killings result in an investigation or jury admission that the cop was justified in the killing.
Boris really hates the facts . maybe he forgets all the cops a that were ambushed or the defund movement. Over Dose Boris would last a month in a busy zone .
He has no appreciation for them and what they have to see and deal with every day. It hardens a man not just when it comes to protecting yourself but emotionally . After you see certain things for so long it can make you pretty cold.
It's the truth I'm searching for nut case. The point here is he can't prove it.
You're a bit slow after those few eggs. Have a big fart. That will clear your head. 😭😭😭
How many cops were found in investigations to have criminally murdered unarmed blacks who were posing no danger to them? A dozen, maybe? How many leftists wrongly imagine cops have killed hundreds of innocent blacks for no reason? Millions? Why would anyone believe such a lie? Because that is what their leftist politicians and media outlets keep dishonestly telling them for criminal political purposes.

The real crime is cop killings, which the defund the police morons don't give a flip about.
How many cops were found in investigations to have criminally murdered unarmed blacks who were posing no danger to them? A dozen, maybe?
No big mouth. Show your evidence because I know you don't have it.
How many leftists wrongly imagine cops have killed hundreds of innocent blacks for no reason? Millions?
Leftists don't imagine such atrocities and at least not millions of them. The question is wrong.
Why would anyone believe such a lie?
Exactly. No one would believe it because it simply doesn't exist.
Because that is what their leftist politicians and media outlets keep dishonestly telling them for criminal political purposes.
Give some evidence to support that or shut up.
The real crime is cop killings, which the defund the police morons don't give a flip about.
So the others are not criminals. Got it.

You are getting desperate and your irratic and ridiculous and incorrectly formulated posts indicate.
You paranoid about getting over me but your not smart enough. People who believe in God are naturally mentally ill or they wouldn't believe that rubbish. You're a classic example.
So let the subject drop because you haven't landed a glove on me. You're breathtakingly ignorant in the subject you believe to be wise.