Democrats cry about oil company profits

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
typical for the stupid and greedy but they are clueless . One poster clueless democrat was just crying about oil company profits in the shortages post . well here the real scoop on oil company profits that democrat don't tell you about

The truth is too much for thier whining crying cluess thick heads and Biden
Oil Companys are mainly public held company's and have a obligation to make profits for their investors

Here are who the investors are

Therea a good chance if you have a 401 k or 401 b or any of the funds you own oil . Is 5 percent to much of a profit for your investment return as democrats want to you think?
Now democrats love to spend money and boerrow money what are they not crying about this industry

  • Including results for what percentage of profit do credit card companies make.
    Do you want results only for what percentage of profit do credidit crd companys make?

  • 21%

    To simplify, we can safely assume that credit card companies are earning interest of 21% of the total outstanding balance. In other words, the amount spent on a credit card by the customers is fetching an interest of 21% to banks. From which line of credit, the bank can generate interest income of 21%.

  • Credit card company's made 176 billion yet you don't see the democrats here crying about that or joe crying and they don't sell a product like oil company's

  • And joe blamed gas station owned for the price well well lets look how much they earn.
  • People also ask

    How much profit are gas stations making per gallon?

    Gas retailers receive a fraction of the price listed on the sign–their net profit per gallon is around $0.03-$0.07–after factoring in costs like labor, utilities, insurance, and credit card transaction fees.Aug 9, 2022

  • And how much is the federal government getting from a gas

  • The federal gas tax is the same for every state — 18.4 cents — an 18.3% tax plus a 0.1 cent charge for leaking underground storage tank fees. Below is a chart that shows the gas tax for each state as of Jan. 1, 2022. Have a question about the news?

  • Well well they are making more then the oil company and the gas station owner combined about twice to 3 times as much yet you dont see democrats crying about that .

Seems, you don't mind other industries making record profits or higher percentage of profits why is that ? Is 5 percent profit to much for oil company's to make and .02 to .03 cents a gallon to much for the station owner but you keep your mouth shut about the feds making over 18 percent a gallon in taxes and credit card company's making 21 percent even hospitals make more money 8 to9 percent yet you have a issue with oil company's making 5 percent why is that burning birdie?

How much profit do companies usually make?

But in general, a healthy profit margin for a small business tends to range anywhere between 7% to 10%. Keep in mind, though, that certain businesses may see lower margins, such as retail or food-related companies. That's because they tend to have higher overhead costs. so oil companys make less profit on average themn most companys
Now lets look at the liberals crying point

For example, ExxonMobil pulled in nearly $20 billion in profit. Chevron took in more than $11 billion, Shell $9.5 billion, BP over eight billion. And, today, the world's largest oil company, Pretty good profit margin no doubt 20 billion but is it really

Berkshire Hathaway first who are they
People also ask

What exactly does Berkshire Hathaway do?

Key Takeaways. Berkshire Hathaway owns businesses in insurance, rail transportation, energy generation and distribution, manufacturing, and retailing. Insurance generates the most revenue, but manufacturing generates the most earnings before taxes.

Berkshire Hathaway revenue for the twelve months ending September 30, 2022 was $295.722B, a 10.07% increase year-over-year.

How much money does Berkshire Hathaway make a year?

Berkshire Hathaway Statistics in 2022

Berkshire Hathaway's total annual revenue in 2021 was $276.1 billion. The company's annual earnings in 2021 amounted to $89.7 billion. Stockholders' equity of Berkshire Hathaway was $514.9 billion in 2021
Well well one comapany made over 4 times the profit of exon in America yet you dont see democrats clling for them to lower prices because they make to much wonder why ?

View attachment 1941
There ARE no other industries that drive the entire World's economy.
You mean like these industries

Walmart gross profit for the twelve months ending October 31, 2022 was $146.292B, a 2.14% increase year-over-year. Walmart annual gross profit for 2022 was $143.754B, a 3.54% increase from 2021. Walmart annual gross profit for 2021 was $138.836B, a 7.33% increase from 2020.

Researchers writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) investigated the financial balances of pharma companies dealing in the business of developing, manufacturing, marketing and selling drugs.

Their calculations found that in the years between 2000 and 2018, 35 big drug companies received a combined revenue of $11.5 trillion, with a gross profit of $8.6 trillion. Or maybe this one

Is farming profitable in 2022?

Farm Sector Profits Forecast to Remain Above Average in 2022. Net farm income, a broad measure of profits, is forecast at $147.7 billion in calendar year 2022, an increase of $7.3 billion (5.2 percent) in 2022 relative to 2021. The 2021 value is an increase of $45.9 billion (48.5 percent) relative to 2020.

You see hes the poster I was talking about and he keeps digging his hole deeper because he knows not what he talks about

I can go on and on about American company's that make more profit by far then oil company's yet you don't see joe Biden attacking them or the fire bird whos going out right niow because I pissed on his flame and claims
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Now if the big mouth would do some research he would see the 3 larges oil ompanys are
  • #1 Saudi Arabian Oil Co. ( Saudi Aramco) (Tadawul: 2222)
  • #2 PetroChina Co. Ltd. ( PTR)
  • #3 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. ( SNP)
Joe casnt do jack shit about them charging what they want for oil so all he will do is tax AMEICAN produced oil more and screw America .
typical for the stupid and greedy but they are clueless . One poster clueless democrat was just crying about oil company profits in the shortages post . well here the real scoop on oil company profits that democrat don't tell you about

The truth is too much for thier whining crying cluess thick heads and Biden
Oil Companys are mainly public held company's and have a obligation to make profits for their investors

Here are who the investors are

Therea a good chance if you have a 401 k or 401 b or any of the funds you own oil . Is 5 percent to much of a profit for your investment return as democrats want to you think?

They don't care about Hollywood profits or Apple profits or Google profits though