Donkeys have some hard decisions to make

Consumer confidence soaring, Dow setting records, world leaders beating a path to his door and he's not even been sworn in.
Hrc ? Too early to say. Remember it's not his decision.
Wall ? Too early to say.
11 shown the door ? Never was that. Criminals about 2m. Well see who else.
ACA ? It's going away. Some aspects may survive.
the Dow is a lot higher than it was 8 years ago, and that's for sure.
World leaders beating a path to his door? What world leaders? The UK???
No, prosecuting Clinton is not his decision. Neither is building a wall. Lots of things he said he'd do aren't within the scope of the presidency.
Originally, he did say he'd deport all of the illegals. He's backed off on that now.
They have consistant list ground and had many of their pols retire in the process. Doing more of the same and expecting a different outcome is a losing proposition.

I have often said that about voting for the Repugnant ones. The one thing you have done differently this time is you have thrown out any pretensre of seeking a moral, or virtuous, government.

I remember when this guy used to be the darling of the right, and the Tea Party:
Consumer confidence soaring, Dow setting records, world leaders beating a path to his door and he's not even been sworn in.
Hrc ? Too early to say. Remember it's not his decision.
Wall ? Too early to say.
11 shown the door ? Never was that. Criminals about 2m. Well see who else.
ACA ? It's going away. Some aspects may survive.

What kind of drugs are you on today? Seems like you have missed most of the news for the past week.

Name one world leader "beating a path" to his door? Putin? PLO? ISIS? David Duke?
Consumer confidence soaring, Dow setting records, world leaders beating a path to his door and he's not even been sworn in.
Hrc ? Too early to say. Remember it's not his decision.
Wall ? Too early to say.
11 shown the door ? Never was that. Criminals about 2m. Well see who else.
ACA ? It's going away. Some aspects may survive.

I don't think the Republicans had the slightest interest in doing anything that would really help heartland America. (until NOW) They wanted the most laissez-faire free trade agreements with a minimum of protections. They did not want to spend money on building infrastructure or early childhood education, healthcare or even childhood health. Despite heartland America being the source for most of our volunteer military, Republicans resist programs to help returning veterans. SO, In walks Donald trump.

Right now there is no “alternative Left.” I wish there were. I wish there were some form of sanity still there, but now it is entirely filled with socialist rot. There are no more blue collar Democrats. They have been hounded out of the mob of the Free Stuff Brigade. It is now a cult of plunder and of envy and redistribution, of hate and class warfare. It is a belief in violent statist extraction over a society that once regarded the free market of voluntary exchange morally virtuous. So In walks Trump...

He has and will continue to shake things up imo.. He filled a serious void
I don't think the Republicans had the slightest interest in doing anything that would really help heartland America. (until NOW) They wanted the most laissez-faire free trade agreements with a minimum of protections. They did not want to spend money on building infrastructure or early childhood education, healthcare or even childhood health. Despite heartland America being the source for most of our volunteer military, Republicans resist programs to help returning veterans. SO, In walks Donald trump.

Right now there is no “alternative Left.” I wish there were. I wish there were some form of sanity still there, but now it is entirely filled with socialist rot. There are no more blue collar Democrats. They have been hounded out of the mob of the Free Stuff Brigade. It is now a cult of plunder and of envy and redistribution, of hate and class warfare. It is a belief in violent statist extraction over a society that once regarded the free market of voluntary exchange morally virtuous. So In walks Trump...

He has and will continue to shake things up imo.. He filled a serious void
I don't think they have any particular interest in the "heartland" now. I think they're more like:

The Republicans were pretty happy with the status quo. That's why they lost and lost badly.
Trump wants people working and the economy growing and trade deals that are free trade for all parties.
The rest of what Grumpy mentions is liberal crap. Infrastructure is already funded and as New Orleans showed the money gets stolen for vote buying crap.
Fix the economy and re build strong foreign policy and the rest takes care of itself.
Trump wants people working and the economy growing and trade deals that are free trade for all parties.

If that were even close to true he would have brought back the jobs hem, and his daughter, sent out of country long ago. And his idea of a fair trade deal is to go bankrupt, and then renegotiate the deal. Unfortunately for the Trumpkins we no longer live in an isolated world, and Trumps ideas would only result in retaliatory actions by other countries:

The rest of what Grumpy mentions is liberal crap. Infrastructure is already funded and as New Orleans showed the money gets stolen for vote buying crap.

That was under Bush. Infrastructure is no where near being funded for even when the money allocated is misspent:

Fix the economy and re build strong foreign policy and the rest takes care of itself.

When has the right ever supported such a concept save for election time?
If Trump can get GDP to 4%,You will see start-ups like we haven't seen in years. More businesses start when GDP expands at 4% rather than 2%. Mr. Trump should also focus less on Silicon Valley, which already receives disproportionate attention from Washington. This part of the nation’s entrepreneurs—high-tech companies and the venture-capital investors who fund them—has shaped the narrative of entrepreneurship for too long. … The new president must also make it possible for local banks to get back in the business of financing startups. For 200 years, community lenders were the principal source of capital for startups. … Mr. Trump can also reverse regulatory sprawl and cut government-imposed requirements that add to every entrepreneurs’ costs and risks.

I heard about this in the not too distant past, someone (or some organization) proposed a form of entrepreneur’s tax exemption program. I don’t recall all the details. The general thrust was that if you start a business you can exempt 100% of your profits from income taxes in the first 2 years, 80% in the second 2 years, 60% in the third 2 years and so on reducing the exemption until you reach 10 years, where 100% of the profits were subject to income tax.

The ideas behind this approach were based on analysis addressing the question, “What are the biggest obstacles new firms face at their birth and can we create policies to help eliminate those problems?” I’m not even sure a program of this type would cost very much. Only 1 or 2 of every 10 small start ups will survive 5 years let alone 10. And I imagine most small businesses struggle for years to generate a profit.
If Trump can get GDP to 4%,You will see start-ups like we haven't seen in years. More businesses start when GDP expands at 4% rather than 2%. Mr. Trump should also focus less on Silicon Valley, which already receives disproportionate attention from Washington. This part of the nation’s entrepreneurs—high-tech companies and the venture-capital investors who fund them—has shaped the narrative of entrepreneurship for too long. … The new president must also make it possible for local banks to get back in the business of financing startups. For 200 years, community lenders were the principal source of capital for startups. … Mr. Trump can also reverse regulatory sprawl and cut government-imposed requirements that add to every entrepreneurs’ costs and risks.

I heard about this in the not too distant past, someone (or some organization) proposed a form of entrepreneur’s tax exemption program. I don’t recall all the details. The general thrust was that if you start a business you can exempt 100% of your profits from income taxes in the first 2 years, 80% in the second 2 years, 60% in the third 2 years and so on reducing the exemption until you reach 10 years, where 100% of the profits were subject to income tax.

The ideas behind this approach were based on analysis addressing the question, “What are the biggest obstacles new firms face at their birth and can we create policies to help eliminate those problems?” I’m not even sure a program of this type would cost very much. Only 1 or 2 of every 10 small start ups will survive 5 years let alone 10. And I imagine most small businesses struggle for years to generate a profit.

Sounds like another incentive scheme. Don't they get enough from depreciation, and other schemes? Did not Trump profit from his losses?

Jefferson proposed that only the wealthy should pay taxes thus leaving the lower income people top better their lives. And the Founders hated corporations thus they proposed strict limits on corporations which most States instituted, and yet these rules are not enforced, and the right wing says nothing. So, here is an idea. Why not just eliminate the corporate tax, eliminate the loopholes, and deductions, raise the tax on the wealthy thus encouraging them to hire more people, and create more jobs, and maybe higher wages, and see what happens? That's the way it used to be, and it worked.
As BO finds himself needing to turn his farewell foreign victory tour into a save face campaign it's a good time to reflect on his actual legacy.

He lost Congress in dramatic fashion.
Obama's approval rating is 57% and disapproval is 40% according to Gallup polls.

Congressional approval is around 14%. Disapproval is around 61%.

Why do you think Obama needs to save face. The anti-Obama Republican congress needs to save face.
Obama's approval rating is 57% and disapproval is 40% according to Gallup polls.

Congressional approval is around 14%. Disapproval is around 61%.

Why do you think Obama needs to save face. The anti-Obama Republican congress needs to save face.
My Congressman Represents me and my State, a whole lot of Congressmen have a higher approval rating from the people they represent.. Now no one likes to see nothing get done, BUT most Like their Reps.
It is too early to say what Trump will do. But if he brings in protection for certain industries and lower taxes he could stimulate th economy and pride employment in depress areas in the short term. More will be required in the long run but it is a start,
It is too early to say what Trump will do. But if he brings in protection for certain industries and lower taxes he could stimulate th economy and pride employment in depress areas in the short term. More will be required in the long run but it is a start,

When has lower taxes created more jobs, and when has protectionism helped the economy?

This was an argument made by Jefferson over 200 years ago:
Obama's approval rating is 57% and disapproval is 40% according to Gallup polls.

Congressional approval is around 14%. Disapproval is around 61%.

Why do you think Obama needs to save face. The anti-Obama Republican congress needs to save face.
Obama's approval rating became meaningless in November of 2012.
His "legacy" is going in the dumpster because America stopped worrying about being mEan to the bkack guy. They were free to just say no to all his crap and they did.
On the bright side, Jimmuh Carter can die a step away from greatest failure of a prez.