Five minutes of dead, ad-free air on Rush today

there is really no such organization that is "the right" so having a spokesman is impossible.

Rush speaks for Rush people can agree, disagree or be ambivalent. He was crass yet accurate on the slut count and making a tortured stretch on the prostitute part. He would have been wise to have ignored the whle thing. But being wise does not always translate into revenue for a media person. And he linda likes that revenue, can't blame him for that.

so you agree all woman who get birth control from there health care, are hookers...
It is interesting to read how many people actually think it's OK to call women sluts.

What do you call a man who sleeps around?

Who said its okay to call women sluts? If you are referring to posts made by others here, you are usual. No one stated it was okay, but many of us disagree with your partisan attack on Rush and your wrong headed leftist assessment of the issue.

Rush apologized. Most relevant people on the right admitted he was wrong for attacking the dumb lib law student.

But, what you miss due to your 'condition,' is the double standard in the media and the fact that most Americans do not want to pay for your birth control. You got duped by the lib media...AGAIN. Many on the left have said much worse about those on the right. But, you have no problem with that...but you do with what Rush said. Do you not see how absurd that is?
Hey THC and Pocketpool (and any other libs out there...why are there so few libs here???), what do you think of this from the Wash Times? Does it make sense or is it right wing propaganda?

The national debate on contraception is so disconnected from reality that it would be laughable if the consequences were not so tragic. The claim that Republicans are preventing women from access to birth control is risible. Condoms, the morning-after pill, oral contraceptives - they can be purchased almost anywhere (local grocery stores, pharmacies, giant retail outlets, public bathrooms). Planned Parenthood gives them away. Nine out of 10 health plans already cover contraception and sterilization procedures. Birth control is almost as ubiquitous as junk food. If a male law student wants to have safe sex, then he can purchase a condom. Why should contraception be different for women? If Ms. Fluke wants to have sex, then take the personal responsibility to pay for it. It’s called growing up. Georgetown has the right not to subsidize behavior it believes to be immoral and unethical.
At the core of her argument, Ms. Fluke claims that her desire for birth control trumps the religious freedom of a Christian institution. She is saying that having sex without getting pregnant is more important than the conscience rights of the Catholic Church. This is progressive tyranny, a form of liberal bigotry against Christians who abide by the teachings of their faith. The Church believes that contraception is wrong because it leads to sexual permissiveness, family breakdown and demographic collapse. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant; the Church has the right to determine its fundamental doctrine. Liberals, however, are seeking to coerce Christians into bowing at the altar of the secular state. This is a fundamental assault on democratic pluralism - the right of different religions to practice their beliefs unmolested by Big Brother or fascist feminists.
if rush did stand up, not was a mouthpiece for the Republican party...
Ed Shultz does what Rush does, just not very well. He has said some really nasty crap about republican women

Bill Maher does a political show and he expects to be taken seriously even in his jokes. Rush jokes on his show too and I would think he expects to be taken seriously also. Bill Maher is as much a mouth piece for the far left liberal types as Rush is for the really far right conservatives.

David Letterman's job is like Rush, Maher and Beck but like Maher... is not held to the standards they seem to need to put right leaning talk show hosts.

At least we have the one constant....liberals have very obvious double standards... that doesn’t seem to change.
Ed Shultz does what Rush does, just not very well. He has said some really nasty crap about republican women

Bill Maher does a political show and he expects to be taken seriously even in his jokes. Rush jokes on his show too and I would think he expects to be taken seriously also. Bill Maher is as much a mouth piece for the far left liberal types as Rush is for the really far right conservatives.

David Letterman's job is like Rush, Maher and Beck but like Maher... is not held to the standards they seem to need to put right leaning talk show hosts.

At least we have the one constant....liberals have very obvious double standards... that doesn’t seem to change.

Rush basically is the head of the GOP...Bill is not the head of the Dems..or even close..
Rush is not a Comedian
Rush attacked a "civilian" and in doing so basically called every woman who uses birth control a Slut and Whore...
You bring up Ed Shultz...He actually gave a real apology and pulled himself off the air for a short time what he said...Rush guessed it Liberals and tried to make it like he was the victim.

Bill...had his show canceled over something he said even though nothing he said was wrong.
Oh, for sure. Let's just do away with all political parties and stop free speech, and then only allow leftists to run everything.

no one said he was not free to say anything did they...people are also allowed to say he is a pill popping asshole and say that they don't want to advertise with people who attack womans rights and call woman sluts for wanting birthcontrol covered by health care. I am sure he does not care that Viagra is covered for him so he can have some with what ever wife he is on now 4 , 5 , 6?
Rush basically is the head of the GOP...Bill is not the head of the Dems..or even close.. .
That is just silly. Over half the republicans in power hate his guts! And he insults republicans every single day on his show. I will not disagree with you if you want to call him the head of the conservative wing of the party but he is in no way head or leader of the republicans in general. But I would also say that Bill Maher is like a leader too for the liberal end of the democrat party. He has nothing in common with the normal average every day democrat. His appeal is only to the really far left and usually the ones who don’t really like the USA very much.

Rush is not a Comedian.
I could say the same about Bill Maher. I don’t find him funny, I find him a bitter old dried up prune of a man who’s nuts have been clipped long ago. You just don’t like Rush’s jokes but his show is full of them and full of satire and really he is very funny. But I don’t expect you to find him funny because he is probably making fun of things you hold dear.

Rush attacked a "civilian" and in doing so basically called every woman who uses birth control a Slut and Whore... .
Not true at all. He was using the absurd to make fun of the absurd. That stupid woman tried to claim that it takes 3000.00 a year for birth control. Since pills are no more than 20 bucks a month (if not free) at planned parenthood she must have been talking about condoms. Since they are only 99 cents each she would have to have sex how many times a day to need 3000.00 in condoms? How many people have that much sex? Besides whores and sluts anyway?? Of course he didn’t think she is a whore or a slut. He was using the absurd idea that it would take a whore or a slut to need 3k in birth control. IT was not an attack on all women or all women needing birth control. It was an attack on one lying woman’s lie.

You bring up Ed Shultz...He actually gave a real apology and pulled himself off the air for a short time what he said...Rush guessed it Liberals and tried to make it like he was the victim. .
for which of his disgusting things said did he apologies for? Got a link? He is still doing it…So Id be interested.

Bill...had his show canceled over something he said even though nothing he said was wrong.
I remember when that happened and it was very stupid. He made a 911 joke and people got their panties in a twist. I actually liked that show politically incorrect better than his current show and it was wrong of them to cancel the show. It was not a month after that everyone was making 911 jokes

One thing I’ll say for Bill, he is not calling to crucify Rush, he defended Rush right to say what he did. He isn’t the problem. The problem is all the left leaning politicians and talking heads who over look when their people say gross mean and disgusting things about conservatives and then call for the head of anyone who dares say anything about a liberal.
no one said he was not free to say anything did they...people are also allowed to say he is a pill popping asshole and say that they don't want to advertise with people who attack womans rights and call woman sluts for wanting birthcontrol covered by health care. I am sure he does not care that Viagra is covered for him so he can have some with what ever wife he is on now 4 , 5 , 6?

She was not asking for birth control to be covered by health care, she was asking for birth control and abortion pills to be given free of charge. We already have birth control pills on our health care but we do have to pay a co pay and we can get free birth control pills from planned parenthood. What she wanted was the government to force a business to give products away for free to certain people.