Florida bill to allow concealed carry with out license

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

As a republican and a Florida resident and a gun guy I'm against it . You should have a license and a background check to carry a gun and I would like to see more training required to do so.
I take guns serious and carrying one even more serious . I feel training and background checks are imperative .
Doesn't t he Second Amendment still say the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? What, exactly, does the phrase "shall not be infringed" mean now that it has been redefined? We all have a Constitutional right to carry.

Not that every yahoo going around armed a good thing, but we need to step up and rewrite the Second Amendment instead of just ignoring it.
Doesn't t he Second Amendment still say the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? What, exactly, does the phrase "shall not be infringed" mean now that it has been redefined? We all have a Constitutional right to carry.

Not that every yahoo going around armed a good thing, but we need to step up and rewrite the Second Amendment instead of just ignoring it.

....Or, that Spanky Trump's cultists put a lil' more effort into basic English /punctuation.
Doesn't t he Second Amendment still say the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? What, exactly, does the phrase "shall not be infringed" mean now that it has been redefined? We all have a Constitutional right to carry.

Not that every yahoo going around armed a good thing, but we need to step up and rewrite the Second Amendment instead of just ignoring it.
If any attempt to adjust it is made, every nut case would oppose it. They love their guns more than anything.

That's why there is so much senseless slaughter. Simply, there are too many guns.
If any attempt to adjust it is made, every nut case would oppose it. They love their guns more than anything.

That's why there is so much senseless slaughter. Simply, there are too many guns.
no not to many gun but to many criminals . If you would look . Tell me Boris show me one death where a gun loaded its self aimed and pull the trigger
no not to many gun but to many criminals . If you would look . Tell me Boris show me one death where a gun loaded its self aimed and pull the trigger
Don't be so ridiculous.
You know quite well millions own guns they never use for designed purpose. Idiots like you have target practice in case your attacked in the wine shop. It boosts your ego to Rambo levels.
You don't need a gun and never will. You're d and feeble and an easy target for a bashing. Grow up.
Don't be so ridiculous.
You know quite well millions own guns they never use for designed purpose. Idiots like you have target practice in case your attacked in the wine shop. It boosts your ego to Rambo levels.
You don't need a gun and never will. You're d and feeble and an easy target for a bashing. Grow up.
really millions of guns never used for what they were designed for tell us all about them boris