Gas prices are comming down


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Why? Because the war has ended in IRAQ. Now if Obama wants to push his poll approval ratings up and help his democrats he would allow oil drilling in ANWR and build 6 new refinerires in the US . This would make the price of oil drop futher maybe 40-60 cents a gallon. He simply must do it,OR the G.O.P will win in November and they can make things very tough for Obama.
Why? Because the war has ended in IRAQ. Now if Obama wants to push his poll approval ratings up and help his democrats he would allow oil drilling in ANWR and build 6 new refinerires in the US . This would make the price of oil drop futher maybe 40-60 cents a gallon. He simply must do it,OR the G.O.P will win in November and they can make things very tough for Obama.

I thought we stole all of Iraq's oil. WTF!!!
Well... First off W planned 911 so we could start a war, then we stole the oil then gave it to Halliburton but stayed to keep killing Iraq babies because Saddam said he would kill W's daddy!

Yeah...that really sucks...

Now quite hogging the doobie AND PASS IT TO ME???
And Thats true!

Thats the reason why he invaded IRAQ has nothing to do with WMDs

Oh yes of course its all true. Thank God no other country is as horrible as us. Just think if the son of the Japanese Prime Minister wanted to get us back for when our president threw up on his dad!

They might have attacked us for our oil and raped ANWR!
Why? Because the war has ended in IRAQ. Now if Obama wants to push his poll approval ratings up and help his democrats he would allow oil drilling in ANWR and build 6 new refinerires in the US . This would make the price of oil drop futher maybe 40-60 cents a gallon. He simply must do it,OR the G.O.P will win in November and they can make things very tough for Obama.

Setting aside your laughable assertions about Iraq, do you honestly believe that Obama can:

1) Open up ANWR to drilling
2) Set up drilling in the area, issue permits, drill wells etc
3) Build 6 new refineries (to completion, and get online)

And on top of it all, do it all before November 2nd? I don't know what planet you live on, but it is apparently not Earth.
Setting aside your laughable assertions about Iraq, do you honestly believe that Obama can:

1) Open up ANWR to drilling
2) Set up drilling in the area, issue permits, drill wells etc
3) Build 6 new refineries (to completion, and get online)

And on top of it all, do it all before November 2nd? I don't know what planet you live on, but it is apparently not Earth.

you forget what side thinks his is the of course he can, if he wanted...with his secret Muslim powers! Poof a Refinery! ( how do you think they got so many in the middle east)?
No,, He can make a speech to impose a bill to require US start drilling ANWR Along add a pipeline to 3 differant routes to the main 48 states. And require US build 6 new refineries

1 Nevada for west coast
1 in New Mexico for southwest
1 in Georgia south southeast
1 in Maryland for Northeast
1 in Wisconsin north
1 in Montana in plains

There you add more jobs and help improve the economy .
No,, He can make a speech to impose a bill to require US start drilling ANWR Along add a pipeline to 3 differant routes to the main 48 states. And require US build 6 new refineries

1 Nevada for west coast
1 in New Mexico for southwest
1 in Georgia south southeast
1 in Maryland for Northeast
1 in Wisconsin north
1 in Montana in plains

There you add more jobs and help improve the economy .

I do not think BO has any intention of building refineries or drilling anywhere. He does not want cheaper oil or the pollution generated by refineries and drilling. We only need to properly inflate our tires and all will be fine.
No,, He can make a speech to impose a bill to require US start drilling ANWR Along add a pipeline to 3 differant routes to the main 48 states.

This is almost too stupid to respond to. Nevertheless, "...making a speech...", does not "...impose a bill...". Also, "...a pipeline to 3 different routes to the main 48 states...", would require the consent and co-operation of the Canadian government, which may or may not be acomplished...most likely not, inasmuch as there would be no benefit for Canada.
Where do you come up with this stuff?
This is almost too stupid to respond to. Nevertheless, "...making a speech...", does not "...impose a bill...". Also, "...a pipeline to 3 different routes to the main 48 states...", would require the consent and co-operation of the Canadian government, which may or may not be acomplished...most likely not, inasmuch as there would be no benefit for Canada.
Where do you come up with this stuff?

Well Canada better comply or we can tell them we will abolish NAFTA all together. They need NAFTA or they have more economioc troubles. Look theyre losing Hockey and Baseball, They dont wanna risk not having the NFL not adding a team there.